
# MoinMoin hr system text translation
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: MoinMoin 1.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-04 22:35+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-08-17 20:50+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Translation sponsored by Tenalt Ltd. (\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Language: Hrvatski\n"
"X-Language-in-English: Croatian\n"
"X-HasWikiMarkup: True\n"
"X-Direction: ltr\n"

msgid "Your changes are not saved!"
msgstr "Vaše izmjene nisu spremljene!"

msgid "You are not allowed to edit this page."
msgstr "Nije vam dopušteno mijenjati ovu stranicu."

msgid "Page is immutable!"
msgstr "Stranica je nepromijenjiva!"

msgid "Cannot edit old revisions!"
msgstr "Nije moguce mijenjati stare inačice!"

msgid "The lock you held timed out. Be prepared for editing conflicts!"
msgstr "Vaša rezervacija je istekla, mogući su konflikti!"

msgid "Page name is too long, try shorter name."
msgstr "Ime stranice je predugo, pokušajte s kraćim imenom."

#, python-format
msgid "Draft of \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Nacrt stranice \"%(pagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Edit \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Izmijeni stranicu \"%(pagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Preview of \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Pregled stranice \"%(pagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s has expired!"
msgstr "Vaša rezervacija stranice %(lock_page)s je istekla!"

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # minutes."
msgstr "Vaša rezervacija stranice %(lock_page)s ističe za # minuta."

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # seconds."
msgstr "Vaša rezervacija stranice %(lock_page)s ističe za # sekundi."

msgid "Someone else deleted this page while you were editing!"
msgstr "Drugi korisnik je izbrisao stranicu na kojoj ste vršili izmjene!"

msgid "Someone else changed this page while you were editing!"
msgstr "Drugi korisnik je spremio stranicu na kojoj ste vršili izmjene!"

msgid ""
"Someone else saved this page while you were editing!\n"
"Please review the page and save then. Do not save this page as it is!"
msgstr ""
"Drugi korisnik spremio je stranicu koju ste mijenjali!\n"
"Pregledajte stranicu i uskladite izmjene.\n"
"Ne spremajte stranicu nepromijenjenu!"

msgid "[Content loaded from draft]"
msgstr "[Sadržaj stranice učitan iz nacrta]"

#, python-format
msgid "[Content of new page loaded from %s]"
msgstr "[Sadržaj nove stranice je učitan iz %s]"

#, python-format
msgid "[Template %s not found]"
msgstr "[Predložak %s nije pronađen]"

#, python-format
msgid "[You may not read %s]"
msgstr "[Stranicu %s Vam nije dozvoljeno čitati]"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"'''<<BR>>Your draft based on revision %(draft_rev)d (saved "
"%(draft_timestamp_str)s) can be loaded instead of the current revision "
"%(page_rev)d by using the load draft button - in case you lost your last "
"edit somehow without saving it.''' A draft gets saved for you when you do a "
"preview, cancel an edit or unsuccessfully save."
msgstr ""
"'''<<BR>>Vaš nacrt, utemeljen na verziji %(draft_rev)d (saved "
"%(draft_timestamp_str)s) može biti učitan umjesto trenutne verzije "
"%(page_rev)d koristeći gumb za učitavanje nacrta - u slučaju da ste izgubili "
"nacrt bez spremanja.''' Nacrt se sprema u slučaju kad spremitepregled, "
"odustanete, odaberete uređivanje ili kad se dogodi neuspješno spremanje."

#, python-format
msgid "Describe %s here."
msgstr "Opišite %s ovdje."

msgid "Check Spelling"
msgstr "Provjeri pravopis"

msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Spremi izmjene"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Odustani"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"By hitting '''%(save_button_text)s''' you put your changes under the "
"If you don't want that, hit '''%(cancel_button_text)s''' to cancel your "
msgstr ""
"Pritiskom na '''%(save_button_text)s''' Vaše promjene se spremaju pod "
"Ukoliko van to ne odgovara, klikom na '''%(cancel_button_text)s''' "
"odustajete od svojih izmjena."

msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Pregled"

msgid "GUI Mode"
msgstr "Grafičko sučelje"

msgid "Load Draft"
msgstr "Učitaj nacrt"

msgid "Trivial change"
msgstr "Neznatna izmjena"

msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "Komentar:"

msgid "<No addition>"
msgstr "<Bez izmjena>"

#, python-format
msgid "Add to: %(category)s"
msgstr "Dodaj u kategoriju: %(category)s"

msgid "Remove trailing whitespace from each line"
msgstr "Odstrani dodatne praznine s kraja svakog reda"

msgid "Edit was cancelled."
msgstr "Izmjene odbačene."

msgid "You can't copy to an empty pagename."
msgstr "Ne možete promijeniti ime u prazno ime."

msgid "You are not allowed to copy this page!"
msgstr "Kopiranje ove stranice nije dopušteno!"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"'''A page with the name {{{'%s'}}} already exists.'''\n"
"Try a different name."
msgstr ""
"'''Stranica s imenom {{{'%s'}}} već postoji.'''\n"
"Probajte s drugim imenom."

#, python-format
msgid "Could not copy page because of file system error: %s."
msgstr ""
"Preimenovanje stranice nije uspijelo zbog pogreške datotečnog sustava: %s."

msgid "You are not allowed to rename this page!"
msgstr "Mijenjanje imena ove stranice nije dopušteno!"

msgid "You can't rename to an empty pagename."
msgstr "Ne možete ukloniti ime stranice."

#, python-format
msgid "Could not rename page because of file system error: %s."
msgstr ""
"Preimenovanje stranice nije uspijelo, zbog pogreške datotečnog sustava: %s."

msgid "You are not allowed to delete this page!"
msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljeno brisati ovu stranicu!"

msgid "Thank you for your changes. Your attention to detail is appreciated."
msgstr "Hvala za izmjene, cijenimo Vašu preciznost."

#, python-format
msgid "Page \"%s\" was successfully deleted!"
msgstr "Stranica \"%s\" je uspješno izbrisana!"

#, python-format
msgid "Page could not get locked. Unexpected error (errno=%d)."
msgstr "Stranicu nije bilo moguće zaključati. Neočekivana pogreška (errno=%d)."

msgid "Page could not get locked. Missing 'current' file?"
msgstr ""
"Stranicu nije bilo moguće zaključati. Možda datoteka 'current' ne postoji?"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to determine current page revision from the 'current' file. The page "
"%s is damaged and cannot be edited right now."
msgstr ""
"Nije moguće utvrditi trenutnu verziju stranice iz 'trenutne' stranice. "
"Stranica %s je oštećena i zato se ne može uređivati."

#, python-format
msgid "Cannot save page %s, no storage space left."
msgstr "Cannot save page %s, no storage space left."

#, python-format
msgid "An I/O error occurred while saving page %s (errno=%d)"
msgstr "Dogodila se pogreška prilikom spremanja stranice %s (errno=%d)"

msgid "You are not allowed to edit this page!"
msgstr "Nije vam dozvoljeno mijenjati ovu stranicu!"

msgid "You cannot save empty pages."
msgstr "Ne možete spremati prazne stranice!"

msgid "You already saved this page!"
msgstr "Ovu stranicu ste već spremili!"

msgid "You already edited this page! Please do not use the back button."
msgstr "Ovu stranicu ste već uredili! Ne koristite back dugme."

msgid "You did not change the page content, not saved!"
msgstr "Sadržaj stranice niste izmjenili, spremanje nije potrebno!"

msgid ""
"You can't change ACLs on this page since you have no admin rights on it!"
msgstr ""
"Listu za nadzor pristupa (ACL) nije moguće mijenjati bez administratorskih "

msgid "Notifications sent to:"
msgstr "Obavijesti poslane:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The lock of %(owner)s timed out %(mins_ago)d minute(s) ago, and you were "
"granted the lock for this page."
msgstr ""
"Korisniku %(owner)s je istekla rezervacija stranice prije %(mins_ago)d min., "
"stranica je sada dodjeljena Vama."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Other users will be ''blocked'' from editing this page until %(bumptime)s."
msgstr ""
"Drugim korisnicima će biti onemogućeno mjenjanje stranice do %(bumptime)s."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Other users will be ''warned'' until %(bumptime)s that you are editing this "
msgstr ""
"Do %(bumptime)s će ostali korisnici biti obaviješteni da mijenjate stranicu."

msgid "Use the Preview button to extend the locking period."
msgstr "Ako želite produžiti vrijeme rezervacije koristite Pregled."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This page is currently ''locked'' for editing by %(owner)s until "
"%(timestamp)s, i.e. for %(mins_valid)d minute(s)."
msgstr ""
"Ova stranica je zaključana. Trenutno ju uređuje %(owner)s. Rezervacija "
"vrijedi od %(timestamp)s, odnosno još %(mins_valid)d min."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This page was opened for editing or last previewed at %(timestamp)s by "
"'''You should ''refrain from editing'' this page for at least another "
"%(mins_valid)d minute(s),\n"
"to avoid editing conflicts.'''<<BR>>\n"
"To leave the editor, press the Cancel button."
msgstr ""
"Od %(timestamp)s na ovoj stranici radi %(owner)s (početak rada ili  zadnji "
"'''Molimo da slijedećih %(mins_valid)d min. ''ne mijenjate'' ovu stranicu, "
"kako bi izbjegli sukobe prilikom rada.'''<<BR>>\n"
"Klikom na \"Odustani\" možete izaći iz uređivača."

msgid "<unknown>"
msgstr "<nepoznato>"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] Your wiki account data"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] Podaci o vašem korisničkom računu"

msgid ""
"Somebody has requested to email you a password recovery token.\n"
"If you lost your password, please go to the password reset URL below or\n"
"go to the password recovery page again and enter your username and the\n"
"recovery token.\n"
msgstr ""
"Netko je na ovaj email zatražio šifru za promjenu lozinke.\n"
"Ako ste izgubili svoju lozinku, posjetite URL za reset logine ili\n"
"ili na stranici za zahtijevanje lozinke upišite svoje korisničko\n"
"ime i šifru koju ste dobili u ovoj poruci.\n"

# python-format
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Login Name: %s\n"
"Password recovery token: %s\n"
"Password reset URL: %s?action=recoverpass&name=%s&token=%s\n"
msgstr ""
"Korisničko ime: %s\n"
"Šifra za zahtjev lozinke: %s\n"
"URL za prijavu: %s/?action=recoverpass&name=%s&token=%s\n"

#, python-format
msgid "The package needs a newer version of MoinMoin (at least %s)."
msgstr "Ovom paketu je potrebna novija verzija MoinMoin (barem %s)"

msgid "The theme name is not set."
msgstr "Ime teme nije namješteno"

#, python-format
msgid "Theme files not installed! Write rights missing for %s."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Installation of '%(filename)s' failed."
msgstr "Namještanje datoteke '%(filename)s' nije uspjelo."

#, python-format
msgid "The file %s is not a MoinMoin package file."
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne sadrži MoinMoin paket."

#, python-format
msgid "The page %s does not exist."
msgstr "Stranica %s ne postoji!"

msgid "Invalid package file header."
msgstr "Pogrešno zaglavlje datoteke s paketom"

msgid "Package file format unsupported."
msgstr "Format datoteke s paketom nije podržan"

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown function %(func)s in line %(lineno)i."
msgstr "Nepoznata funkcija %(func)s u redu %(lineno)i."

#, python-format
msgid "The file %s was not found in the package."
msgstr "Datoteka %s nije pronađena u paketu."

msgid "The wiki is currently not reachable."
msgstr "Wiki trenutno nije dostupan"

msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Neispravno korisničko ime ili lozinka"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The remote wiki uses a different InterWiki name (%(remotename)s) internally "
"than you specified (%(localname)s)."
msgstr ""
"Drugi wiki koristi drugačije InterWiki ime (%(remotename)s)od onog koje ste "
"naveli (%(localname)s)."

msgid "Text mode"
msgstr "Tekstualni način"

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown action %(action_name)s."
msgstr "Nepoznata akcija %(action_name)s"

#, python-format
msgid "You are not allowed to do %(action_name)s on this page."
msgstr "Ne možete koristiti akciju %(action_name)s na ovoj stranici."

msgid "Login and try again."
msgstr "Prijavite se i pokušajte ponovno."

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a boolean value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" mora biti da ili ne vrijednost, a ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a boolean value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti da ili ne vrijednost, a ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be an integer value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" mora biti broj, a ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be an integer value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti broj, a ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a floating point value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" mora biti decimalni broj, a ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a floating point value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti decimalni broj, a ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a complex value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" mora biti kompleksni broj, a ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a complex value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti kompleksni broj, a ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be one of \"%s\", not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" mora biti \"%s\", a ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be one of \"%s\", not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti \"%s\", a ne \"%s\""

msgid "Too many arguments"
msgstr "Previše argumenata"

msgid "Cannot have arguments without name following named arguments"
msgstr "Nemoguće je postaviti argumente bez imena iza njih"

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" is required"
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" je obavezan"

#, python-format
msgid "No argument named \"%s\""
msgstr "Nema argumenta s imenom \"%s\"!"

#, python-format
msgid "Expected \"=\" to follow \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Atributu \"%(token)s\" mora slijediti \"=\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected a value for key \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Atributu \"%(token)s\" mora biti navedena vrijednost"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid highlighting regular expression \"%(regex)s\": %(error)s"
msgstr "Nepravilno označavanje regular expressiona \"%(regex)s\": %(error)s"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Text matching regular expression \"%(regex)s\" is highlighted. "
msgstr ""

msgid "Switch to non-highlighted view"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The backed up content of this page is deprecated and will rank lower in "
"search results!"
msgstr ""
"Sadržaj zadnje sigurnosne kopije je zastario i neće biti uključen u "
"rezultatima pretrage!"

#, python-format
msgid "Revision %(rev)d as of %(date)s"
msgstr "Inačica %(rev)d od dana %(date)s"

#, python-format
msgid "Redirected from page \"%(page)s\""
msgstr "Preusmjereno sa stranice \"%(page)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "This page redirects to page \"%(page)s\""
msgstr "Ova stranica preusmjerava na \"%(page)s\""

msgid "Create New Page"
msgstr "Kreiraj novu stranicu"

msgid "You are not allowed to view this page."
msgstr "Nije vam dopušteno pregledavanje ove stranice."

msgid "No recipients, nothing to do"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Connection to mailserver '%(server)s' failed: %(reason)s"
msgstr ""
"Povezivanje na poslužitelj pošte '%(server)s' nije uspijelo: %(reason)s"

msgid "Mail not sent"
msgstr "Poruka nije poslana"

msgid "Mail sent OK"
msgstr "Poruka uspješno poslana"

msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"

msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"

msgid "To"
msgstr "Za"

msgid "Content"
msgstr "Sadržaj"

msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Privitci"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Sorry, can not save page because \"%(content)s\" is not allowed in this wiki."
msgstr ""
"Na žalost stranicu ne možete spremiti jer sadržaj \"%(content)s\" nije "
"dozvoljen u ovom wikiju."

msgid "Could not contact"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please log in first."
msgstr "Prvo se prijavite"

msgid "Failed to connect to database."
msgstr ""

msgid "Missing password. Please enter user name and password."
msgstr "Lozinka nije unešena. Upišite korisničko ime i lozinku"

#, python-format
msgid "LDAP server %(server)s failed."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Please choose an account name now.\n"
"If you choose an existing account name you will be asked for the\n"
"password and be able to associate the account with your OpenID."
msgstr ""

msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"

msgid "Choose this name"
msgstr "Odaberite ovo ime"

msgid "This is not a valid username, choose a different one."
msgstr "To nije važeće korisničko ime, obaberite drugo."

msgid ""
"The username you have chosen is already\n"
"taken. If it is your username, enter your password below to associate\n"
"the username with your OpenID. Otherwise, please choose a different\n"
"username and leave the password field blank."
msgstr ""

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Lozinka"

msgid "Associate this name"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "OpenID error: %s."
msgstr "OpenID pogreška: %s."

#, fuzzy
msgid "OpenID verification canceled."
msgstr "Operacija je prekinuta."

msgid "Verification canceled."
msgstr "Operacija je prekinuta."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "OpenID success. id: %s"
msgstr "OpenID pogreška: %s."

#, fuzzy
msgid "OpenID failure"
msgstr "OpenID pogreška"

msgid "OpenID failure."
msgstr "OpenID pogreška"

msgid "No OpenID found in session."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your account is now associated to your OpenID."
msgstr ""

msgid "The password you entered is not valid."
msgstr "Lozinka koju ste upisali je pogrešna"

msgid "OpenID error: unknown continuation stage"
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenID verification requires that you click this button:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Anonymous sessions need to be enabled for OpenID login."
msgstr ""

msgid "Failed to resolve OpenID."
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenID discovery failure, not a valid OpenID."
msgstr ""

msgid "No OpenID."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"If you do not have an account yet, you can still log in with your OpenID and "
"create one during login."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Missing user name. Please enter user name and password."
msgstr "Lozinka nije unešena. Upišite korisničko ime i lozinku"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you do not have an account, <a href=\"%(userprefslink)s\">you can create "
"one now</a>. "
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "<a href=\"%(sendmypasswordlink)s\">Forgot your password?</a>"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnParsers"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Syntax highlighting not supported for '%(syntax)s', see "
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Emphasis:: <<Verbatim(//)>>''italics''<<Verbatim(//)>>; "
"<<Verbatim(**)>>'''bold'''<<Verbatim(**)>>; <<Verbatim(**//)>>'''''bold "
"italics'''''<<Verbatim(//**)>>; <<Verbatim(//)>>''mixed "
"''<<Verbatim(**)>>'''''bold'''<<Verbatim(**)>> and "
" Horizontal Rule:: <<Verbatim(----)>>\n"
" Force Linebreak:: <<Verbatim(\\\\)>>\n"
" Headings:: = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===; ==== Title 4 ====; "
"===== Title 5 =====.\n"
" Lists:: * bullets; ** sub-bullets; # numbered items; ## numbered sub "
" Links:: <<Verbatim([[target]])>>; <<Verbatim([[target|linktext]])>>.\n"
" Tables:: |= header text | cell text | more cell text |;\n"
"(!) For more help, see HelpOnEditing or HelpOnCreoleSyntax.\n"
msgstr ""
" Naglašeno:: <<Verbatim('')>>''ukošeno''<<Verbatim('')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''')>>'''podebljano'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''podebljano ukošeno'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim('')>>''miješano "
"''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''podebljano'''<<Verbatim(''')>> "
"ukošeno''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> vodoravna crta.\n"
" Naslov:: <<Verbatim(=)>> Naslov 1 <<Verbatim(=)>>; <<Verbatim(==)>> Naslov "
"2 <<Verbatim(==)>>; <<Verbatim(===)>> Naslov 3 <<Verbatim(===)>>;  "
"<<Verbatim(====)>> Naslov 4 <<Verbatim(====)>>; <<Verbatim(=====)>> Naslov 5 "
" Popisi:: praznina i jedan znak : * ; 1., a., A., i., I. obrojčene stavke; 1."
"#n počni obrojčavanje s n; jedna praznina za uvlačenje.\n"
" Linkovi:: <<Verbatim(ZajednoPisaneRiječiVelikimSlovima)>>; <<Verbatim([\"u "
"uglatim zagrada i navodnicima\"])>>; URL; [URL]; [URL adresa].\n"
" Tablice:: || tekst u ćeliji |||| tekst u ćeliji preko dva stupca ||;    "
"praznine iza tablica ili naslova nisu dozvoljene.\n"
"(!) Više o tome: [\"Kako uređivati\"], [\"Sintaksa\"].\n"

msgid "XSLT option disabled, please look at HelpOnConfiguration."
msgstr "Mogućnost XSLT je isključena, više o tome u: HelpOnConfiguration."

msgid "XSLT processing is not available, please install 4suite 1.x."
msgstr "Obrada XSLT nije dostupna, namjestite ''4suite'' 1.x."

#, python-format
msgid "%(errortype)s processing error"
msgstr "Greška pri obradi \"%(errortype)s\""

msgid ""
"Rendering of reStructured text is not possible, please install Docutils."
msgstr "Prikaz reStructured teksta nije moguć, namjestite Docutils."

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Emphasis: *italic* **bold** ``monospace``\n"
"Headings: Heading 1  Heading 2  Heading 3\n"
"          =========  ---------  ~~~~~~~~~\n"
"Horizontal rule: ----\n"
"Links: TrailingUnderscore_ `multi word with backticks`_ external_\n"
".. _external:\n"
"Lists: * bullets; 1., a. numbered items.\n"
"(!) For more help, see the\n"
"reStructuredText Quick Reference]].\n"
msgstr ""
" Naglašeno: <i>*ukošeno*</i> <b>**podebljano**</b> ``tiskano``<br/>\n"
"Naslovi: Naslov 1  Naslov 2  Naslov 3\n"
"          =========  ---------  ~~~~~~~~~\n"
"Vodoravna crta: ---- \n"
"Linkovi: PodcrtanoNaKraju_ `više riječi sa kosim navodnicima`_ vanjske_ \n"
".. _vanjska:\n"
"Lista: * Neobrojčena; 1., a. Obrojčeno.\n"
"(!) Za više informacija, pogledajte \n"
"<a href=\"\">\n"
"reStructuredText Quick Reference\n"

msgid "**Maximum number of allowed includes exceeded**"
msgstr "**Dozvoljena granica ''include'' naredbi je prijeđena**"

# python-format
#, python-format
msgid "**You are not allowed to read the page: %s**"
msgstr "**Čitanje stranice %s nije dozvoljeno"

#, python-format
msgid "**Could not find the referenced page: %s**"
msgstr "**Stranica na koju se pozivamo ne postoji: %s**"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Emphasis:: <<Verbatim('')>>''italics''<<Verbatim('')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''')>>'''bold'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; <<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''bold "
"italics'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; <<Verbatim('')>>''mixed "
"''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''bold'''<<Verbatim(''')>> and "
"italics''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> horizontal rule.\n"
" Headings:: = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===; ==== Title 4 ====; "
"===== Title 5 =====.\n"
" Lists:: space and one of: * bullets; 1., a., A., i., I. numbered items; 1."
"#n start numbering at n; space alone indents.\n"
" Links:: <<Verbatim(JoinCapitalizedWords)>>; <<Verbatim([[target|"
" Tables:: || cell text |||| cell text spanning 2 columns ||;    no trailing "
"white space allowed after tables or titles.\n"
"(!) For more help, see HelpOnEditing or HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax.\n"
msgstr ""
" Naglašeno:: <<Verbatim('')>>''ukošeno''<<Verbatim('')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''')>>'''podebljano'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''podebljano ukošeno'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim('')>>''miješano "
"''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''podebljano'''<<Verbatim(''')>> "
"ukošeno''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> vodoravna crta.\n"
" Naslov:: <<Verbatim(=)>> Naslov 1 <<Verbatim(=)>>; <<Verbatim(==)>> Naslov "
"2 <<Verbatim(==)>>; <<Verbatim(===)>> Naslov 3 <<Verbatim(===)>>;  "
"<<Verbatim(====)>> Naslov 4 <<Verbatim(====)>>; <<Verbatim(=====)>> Naslov 5 "
" Popisi:: praznina i jedan znak : * ; 1., a., A., i., I. obrojčene stavke; 1."
"#n počni obrojčavanje s n; jedna praznina za uvlačenje.\n"
" Linkovi:: <<Verbatim(ZajednoPisaneRiječiVelikimSlovima)>>; <<Verbatim([\"u "
"uglatim zagrada i navodnicima\"])>>; URL; [URL]; [URL adresa].\n"
" Tablice:: || tekst u ćeliji |||| tekst u ćeliji preko dva stupca ||;    "
"praznine iza tablica ili naslova nisu dozvoljene.\n"
"(!) Više o tome: [\"Kako uređivati\"], [\"Sintaksa\"].\n"

#, python-format
msgid "Expected \"%(wanted)s\" after \"%(key)s\", got \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Za \"%(key)s\" očekujemo \"%(wanted)s\", a stoji \"%(token)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected an integer \"%(key)s\" before \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Pred \"%(token)s\" bi morao stajati cijeli broj \"%(key)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected an integer \"%(arg)s\" after \"%(key)s\""
msgstr "Iza \"%(key)s\" bi morao stajati cijeli broj \"%(arg)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected a color value \"%(arg)s\" after \"%(key)s\""
msgstr "Za \"%(key)s\" bi morala biti navedena vrijednost boje \"%(arg)s\""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Password is too short."
msgstr "Lozinka (ponovno)"

msgid "Password has not enough different characters."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Password is too easy (password contains name or name contains password)."
msgstr "Lozinka nije unešena. Upišite korisničko ime i lozinku"

msgid "Password is too easy (keyboard sequence)."
msgstr ""

msgid "Diffs"
msgstr "Razlike"

msgid "Info"
msgstr "Povijest"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Uredi"

msgid "UnSubscribe"
msgstr "Ukini pretplatu"

msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Pretplata"

msgid "Raw"
msgstr "Izvorno"

msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"

msgid "Print"
msgstr "Print"

msgid "View"
msgstr "Pogled"

msgid "Up"
msgstr "Gore"

msgid "Publish my email (not my wiki homepage) in author info"
msgstr ""
"Objavi moju adresu elektroničke pošte (ne osobne stranice) kao informacije o "

msgid "Open editor on double click"
msgstr "Pokreni uređivanje dvoklikom"

msgid "After login, jump to last visited page"
msgstr "Nakon prijave, idi na zadnju posjećenu stranicu"

msgid "Show comment sections"
msgstr "Prikaži dijelove komentara"

msgid "Show question mark for non-existing pagelinks"
msgstr "Nepostojeće linkove označi upitnikom"

msgid "Show page trail"
msgstr "Prikaži popis posjećenih stranica"

msgid "Show icon toolbar"
msgstr "Prikaži traku s ikonama"

msgid "Show top/bottom links in headings"
msgstr "U naslov uključi linkove na početak/kraj"

msgid "Show fancy diffs"
msgstr "Prikaži razlike rezličitim bojama"

msgid "Add spaces to displayed wiki names"
msgstr "Dodaj razmake u Wiki imena"

msgid "Remember login information"
msgstr "Zapamti podatke o prijavi"

msgid "Disable this account forever"
msgstr "Trajno ukini ovaj korinički račun"

msgid "(Use FirstnameLastname)"
msgstr "(Koristi oblik ImePrezime)"

msgid "Alias-Name"
msgstr "Pseudonim"

msgid "Email"
msgstr "Adresa elektroničke pošte"

msgid "Jabber ID"
msgstr ""

msgid "User CSS URL"
msgstr "URL korisnikova CSS stila"

msgid "(Leave it empty for disabling user CSS)"
msgstr "(ostavi prazno za isključenje CSS)"

msgid "Editor size"
msgstr "Veličina prostora za uređivanje"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] %(trivial)sUpdate of \"%(pagename)s\" by %(username)s"
msgstr ""
"[%(sitename)s] %(trivial)sPromjena na \"%(pagename)s\", promjenio: "

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on \"%(sitename)s\" for "
"change notification.\n"
"The \"%(pagename)s\" page has been changed by %(editor)s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Dragi korisniče,\n"
"Pretplatili ste se na obavijesti o izmjenama na wiki stranici ili kategoriji "
"na serveru \"%(sitename)s\".\n"
"Stranicu %(pagelink)s je izmijenio %(editor)s:\n"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(sitename)s\" for change "
"The page \"%(pagename)s\" has been deleted by %(editor)s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Dragi korisniče,\n"
"Pretplatili ste se na obavijesti o izmjenama na wiki stranici ili kategoriji "
"na serveru \"%(sitename)s\".\n"
"Stranicu %(pagelink)s je izmijenio %(editor)s:\n"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(sitename)s\" for change "
"The page \"%(pagename)s\" has been renamed from \"%(oldname)s\" by "
msgstr ""
"Dragi korisniče,\n"
"Pretplatili ste se na obavijesti o izmjenama na wiki stranici ili kategoriji "
"na serveru \"%(sitename)s\".\n"
"Stranicu %(pagelink)s je izmijenio %(editor)s:\n"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] New attachment added to page %(pagename)s"
msgstr "<<Verbatim(attachment:)>>%(filename)s na strani %(pagename)s"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(page_name)s\" for change "
"notification. An attachment has been added to that page by %(editor)s. "
"Following detailed information is available:\n"
"Attachment name: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Attachment size: %(attach_size)s\n"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] Removed attachment from page %(pagename)s"
msgstr "<<Verbatim(attachment:)>>%(filename)s na strani %(pagename)s"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(page_name)s\" for change "
"notification. An attachment has been removed from that page by %(editor)s. "
"Following detailed information is available:\n"
"Attachment name: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Attachment size: %(attach_size)s\n"
msgstr ""
"Dragi korisniče,\n"
"Pretplatili ste se na obavijesti o izmjenama na wiki stranici ili kategoriji "
"na serveru \"%(sitename)s\".\n"
"Stranicu %(pagelink)s je izmijenio %(editor)s:\n"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] New user account created"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] Podaci o vašem korisničkom računu"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Superuser, a new user has just been created on \"%(sitename)s\". "
"Details follow:\n"
"    User name: %(username)s\n"
"    Email address: %(useremail)s"
msgstr ""

msgid "anonymous"
msgstr ""

msgid "Line"
msgstr "Red"

msgid "No differences found!"
msgstr "Nema razlika!"

msgid "Deletions are marked like this."
msgstr "Obrisano je označeno ovako."

msgid "Additions are marked like this."
msgstr "Dodano je označeno ovako."

msgid "DeleteCache"
msgstr "Osvježi"

#, python-format
msgid "(cached %s)"
msgstr "(lokalno spremljeno %s)"

msgid "Or try one of these actions:"
msgstr "Ili pokušajte slijedeće:"

msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Odjava pretplate na obavijesti"

msgid "Home"
msgstr "Home"

msgid "[RSS]"
msgstr "[RSS]"

msgid "[DELETED]"
msgstr "[IZBRISANO]"

msgid "[UPDATED]"
msgstr "[AŽURIRANO]"

msgid "[RENAMED]"

msgid "[CONFLICT]"
msgstr "[SUKOB]"

msgid "[NEW]"
msgstr "[NOVO]"

msgid "[DIFF]"
msgstr "[RAZLIKE]"

msgid "[BOTTOM]"
msgstr "[DNO]"

msgid "[TOP]"
msgstr "[VRH]"

msgid "Click to do a full-text search for this title"
msgstr "Traženje ovog naslova u sadržaju stranica"

msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""

msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Odjava"

msgid "Login"
msgstr "Prijava"

msgid "Clear message"
msgstr "Ukloni obavijest"

#, python-format
msgid "last edited %(time)s by %(editor)s"
msgstr "zadnje izmjene %(time)s, %(editor)s"

#, python-format
msgid "last modified %(time)s"
msgstr "zadnje izmjene: %(time)s"

msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Traži:"

msgid "Text"
msgstr "po tekstu"

msgid "Titles"
msgstr "po naslovima"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Traži"

msgid "More Actions:"
msgstr "Druge akcije:"

msgid "------------------------"
msgstr "-----------------------"

msgid "Raw Text"
msgstr "Izvorni tekst"

msgid "Print View"
msgstr "Izgled za tisak"

msgid "Delete Cache"
msgstr "Osvježi"

msgid "Rename Page"
msgstr "Preimenuj stranicu"

msgid "Copy Page"
msgstr "Kopiraj stranicu"

msgid "Delete Page"
msgstr "Izbriši stranicu"

msgid "Like Pages"
msgstr "Slične stranice"

msgid "Local Site Map"
msgstr "Lokalna struktura stranica"

msgid "My Pages"
msgstr "Moje stranice"

msgid "Subscribe User"
msgstr "Pretplati se"

msgid "Remove Spam"
msgstr "Ukloni Spam"

msgid "Revert to this revision"
msgstr "Vrati na ovu inačicu"

msgid "Package Pages"
msgstr "Zapakiraj stranice"

msgid "Render as Docbook"
msgstr "Prikaži kao Docbook"

msgid "Sync Pages"
msgstr "Sinkroniziraj stranice"

msgid "Do"
msgstr "Izvedi!"

msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Napomena"

msgid "Edit (Text)"
msgstr "Izmijeni"

msgid "Edit (GUI)"
msgstr "Izmijeni (Grafički)"

msgid "Immutable Page"
msgstr "Nepromijenjiva stranica"

msgid "Remove Link"
msgstr "Odstrani link"

msgid "Add Link"
msgstr "Dodaj link"

#, python-format
msgid "Show %s days."
msgstr "Prikaži %s dana."

msgid "Wiki Markup"
msgstr "Označavanje wiki"

msgid "Wiki"
msgstr "Wiki"

msgid "Page"
msgstr "Stranica"

msgid "User"
msgstr "Korisnik"

msgid "[ATTACH]"
msgstr ""

msgid "Options --pages and --search are mutually exclusive!"
msgstr "Opcije --pages i --search su međusobno isključive!"

msgid "You must specify an output file!"
msgstr "Morate odrediti izlaznu datoteku!"

msgid "No pages specified using --pages or --search, assuming full package."
msgstr ""
"Nijedna stranica nije odabrana koristeći --pages ili --search, "
"pretpostavljeno je da je odabrano sve."

msgid "All attachments included into the package."
msgstr ""

msgid "Output file already exists! Cowardly refusing to continue!"
msgstr "Izlazna datoteka već postoji! Operacija neće biti nastavljena!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment link"
msgstr "Privitci"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Page link"
msgstr "Slične stranice \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Changed page"
msgstr "Zapakiraj stranice"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Page changed"
msgstr "Spremi izmjene"

msgid "Page has been modified"
msgstr ""

msgid "Page has been modified in a trivial fashion"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Page has been renamed"
msgstr "Broj pregleda i promjena"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Page has been deleted"
msgstr "Stranica \"%s\" je uspješno izbrisana!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Page has been copied"
msgstr "Broj pregleda i promjena"

#, fuzzy
msgid "A new attachment has been added"
msgstr "Novo ime privitka"

#, fuzzy
msgid "An attachment has been removed"
msgstr "Novo ime privitka"

msgid "A page has been reverted to a previous state"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "A user has subscribed to a page"
msgstr "Pretplaćeni ste na obavijesti o ovoj stanici."

msgid "A new account has been created"
msgstr ""

msgid "Trivial "
msgstr "Neznatna "

msgid "New page:\n"
msgstr "Nova stranica:\n"

msgid "No differences found!\n"
msgstr "Nema razlika!\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment link: %(attach)s\n"
"Page link: %(page)s\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "[all]"
msgstr "[svi]"

msgid "[not empty]"
msgstr "[nije prazno]"

msgid "[empty]"
msgstr "[prazno]"

msgid "filter"
msgstr "filter"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Results %(bs)s%(hitsFrom)d - %(hitsTo)d%(be)s of %(aboutHits)s %(bs)s%(hits)d"
"%(be)s results out of about %(pages)d pages."
msgstr ""
"Rezultati %(bs)s%(hitsFrom)d - %(hitsTo)d%(be)s od %(aboutHits)s %(bs)s"
"%(hits)d%(be)s rezultata od oko %(pages)d stranica."

msgid "seconds"
msgstr " sekundi"

msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Prethodna"

msgid "Next"
msgstr "Slijedeća"

msgid "rev"
msgstr "ver."

msgid "current"
msgstr "trenutna"

#, python-format
msgid "last modified: %s"
msgstr "zadnje izmjene: %s"

msgid "match"
msgstr "pogodak"

msgid "matches"
msgstr "pogodaka"

msgid "about"
msgstr "opis"

msgid "This page is already deleted or was never created!"
msgstr "Ova stranica je već izbrisana, ili nikad nije ni postojala!"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid filename \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Nepravilno ime datoteke \"%s\"!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Include all attachments?"
msgstr "[%d privitaka]"

msgid "Package pages"
msgstr "Zapakiraj stranice"

msgid "Package name"
msgstr "Ime paketa"

msgid "List of page names - separated by a comma"
msgstr "Popis imena stranica - odvojenih zarezom"

#, python-format
msgid "No pages like \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Nijedna stranica ne nalikuje \"%s\"!"

#, python-format
msgid "Rolled back changes to the page %s."
msgstr "Vraćene izmjene stranice %s"

msgid "Exception while calling rollback function:"
msgstr "Problem (exception) pri pozivu funkcije za vraćanje:"

msgid ""
"Please enter your password of your account at the remote wiki below. "
"<<BR>> /!\\ You should trust both wikis because the password could be read "
"by the particular administrators."
msgstr ""
"Upišite lozinku udaljenog wikija. <<BR>> /!\\ Možete slobodno upisati "
"lozinku jer ju možete vidjeti samo Vi."

msgid "Operation was canceled."
msgstr "Operacija je prekinuta."

#, python-format
msgid "Please use the interactive user interface to use action %(actionname)s!"
msgstr "Koristite interaktivno korisničko sučelje za akciju %(actionname)s!"

msgid "The only supported directions are BOTH and DOWN."
msgstr "Jedini podržani smjerovi su OBA i DOLJE"

msgid ""
"Please set an interwikiname in your wikiconfig (see HelpOnConfiguration) to "
"be able to use this action."
msgstr ""
"Postavite interwiki ime u svojoj konfiguraciji (vidi PomoćPriKonfiguraciji), "
"kako biste mogli koristiti ovu mogućnost."

msgid ""
"Incorrect parameters. Please supply at least the ''remoteWiki'' parameter. "
"Refer to HelpOnSynchronisation for help."
msgstr ""
"Pogrešni parametri. Morate unijeti barem ''remoteWiki'' parametar. "
"Pogledajte PomoćPriSinhronizaciji za pomoć."

msgid "The ''remoteWiki'' is unknown."
msgstr "''remoteWiki'' je nepoznat."

#, fuzzy
msgid "A severe error occurred:"
msgstr "Dogodila se ozbiljna pogreška:"

msgid "Synchronisation finished. Look below for the status messages."
msgstr "Sinhronizacija je završena. Izviješće o statusu se nalazi ispod."

msgid "Synchronisation started -"
msgstr "Sinhronizacija započeta -"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Got a list of %s local and %s remote pages. This results in %s pages to "
msgstr ""
"Popis %s lokalnih i %s udaljenih stranica primljen. Ukupno %s različitih "

#, python-format
msgid "After filtering: %s pages"
msgstr "Poslije filtriranja: %s stranica"

#, python-format
msgid "Skipped page %s because of no write access to local page."
msgstr ""
"Stranica %s je preskočena zbog nemogućnosti pisanja na lokalnu stranicu"

#, python-format
msgid "Deleted page %s locally."
msgstr "Stranica %s je lokalno izbrisana."

#, python-format
msgid "Error while deleting page %s locally:"
msgstr "Pogreška pri brisanju lokalne stranice %s:"

#, python-format
msgid "Deleted page %s remotely."
msgstr "Udaljena stranica %s izbrisana."

#, python-format
msgid "Error while deleting page %s remotely:"
msgstr "Pogreška pri brisanju udaljene stranice %s:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s cannot be merged automatically but was changed in both wikis. "
"Please delete it in one of both wikis and try again."
msgstr ""
"%s ne može biti automatski spojeno, ali je mijenjano u oba wikija. Navedeni "
"objekt izbrišite u jednom od wikija."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s has different mime types in both wikis and cannot be merged. "
"Please delete it in one of both wikis or unify the mime type, and try again."
msgstr ""
"%s ima drukčiju oznaku tipa podataka u wikijima i ne može biti spojena. "
"Obrišite objekt iz jednog od wikija ili izmijenite tip podataka tako da bude "
"jednak i pokušajte ponovno"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s was renamed locally. This is not implemented yet. Therefore the "
"full synchronisation history is lost for this page."
msgstr ""
"%s je lokalno preimenovan. Sistem to u potpunosti ne podržava. Zbog toga je "
"povijest izmjena izgubljena."

#, python-format
msgid "Synchronising page %s with remote page %s ..."
msgstr "Sinhroniziranje stranice %s sa udaljenom stranicom %s ..."

#, python-format
msgid "The page %s was deleted remotely but changed locally."
msgstr ""
"Stranica %s je obrisana na udaljenom poslužitelju ali je izmijenjena lokalno."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The page %s could not be synced. The remote page was renamed. This is not "
"supported yet. You may want to delete one of the pages to get it synced."
msgstr ""
"Stranica %s se ne može sinhronizirati. Udaljena stranica je preimenovana. "
"Ovo još nije podržano. Pokušajte obrisati jednu od stranica ako ih želite "

#, python-format
msgid "Skipped page %s because of a locally or remotely unresolved conflict."
msgstr ""
"Stranica %s je preskočena zbog lokalno ili udaljeno neriješenog konflikta u "

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This is the first synchronisation between the local and the remote wiki for "
"the page %s."
msgstr "Ovo je prva sinhronizacija za stranicu %s."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The page %s could not be merged because you are not allowed to modify the "
"page in the remote wiki."
msgstr ""
"Stranica %s ne može biti spojena jer vam mijenjanje stranica na udaljenom "
"wikiju nije dozvoljeno"

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s successfully merged."
msgstr "Stranica \"%s\" je uspješno spojena."

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s contains conflicts that were introduced on the remote side."
msgstr "Stranica %s sadrži konflikte izazvane na udaljenom wikiju."

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s merged with conflicts."
msgstr "Stranica %s spojena s konfliktima."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment location"
msgstr "Privitci"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Page name"
msgstr "Ime paketa"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment name"
msgstr "Novo ime privitka"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Refresh attachment list"
msgstr "Privitci"

#, fuzzy
msgid "List of attachments"
msgstr "privitak"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Available attachments for page"
msgstr "Privitci na stranici \"%(pagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Exactly one page like \"%s\" found, redirecting to page."
msgstr "Samo jedna stranica podsjeća na \"%s\", preusmejereni ste tamo."

#, python-format
msgid "Pages like \"%s\""
msgstr "Slične stranice \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "%(matchcount)d %(matches)s for \"%(title)s\""
msgstr "%(matchcount)d %(matches)s za \"%(title)s\""

msgid "You must login to remove a quicklink."
msgstr "Morate se prijaviti za uklanjanje prečica."

msgid "Your quicklink to this page has been removed."
msgstr "Vaša prečica na ovu stranicu je uklonjena."

msgid "Your quicklink to this page could not be removed."
msgstr "Vaša prečica na ovu stranicu nije uklonjena."

msgid "You need to have a quicklink to this page to remove it."
msgstr "Ne možete ukloniti prečicu ako uopće nije postavljena."

msgid "Please choose:"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "You must login to use this action: %(action)s."
msgstr "Morate se prijaviti za korištenje pretplate na stranicu."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Only superuser is allowed to use this action."
msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljeno izvesti tu operaciju."

msgid "You are not allowed to subscribe to a page you can't read."
msgstr "Ne možete se pretplatiti za stranicu kojoj nemate pristupa."

#, fuzzy
msgid "This wiki is not enabled for mail/Jabber processing."
msgstr "Ovaj wiki nema mogućnosti pristupa elektroničkoj pošti."

msgid "You must log in to use subscriptions."
msgstr "Morate se prijaviti za korištenje pretplate na stranicu."

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Add your email address or Jabber ID in your user settings to use "
msgstr ""
"Morate upisati svoj u adresu elektroničke pošte u korisničkim postavkama ako "
"se želite pretplatiti na obavijesti."

msgid "You are already subscribed to this page."
msgstr "Već ste pretplaćeni na obavijesti o ovoj stanici."

msgid "You have been subscribed to this page."
msgstr "Pretplaćeni ste na obavijesti o ovoj stanici."

msgid "You could not get subscribed to this page."
msgstr "Na obavijesti o ovoj stanici se nije moguće prijaviti."

#, python-format
msgid "Upload of attachment '%(filename)s'."
msgstr "Podizanje privitka '%(filename)s'."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' deleted."
msgstr "Privitak '%(filename)s' izbrisan."

#, python-format
msgid "Drawing '%(filename)s' saved."
msgstr "Crtež '%(filename)s' je spremljen."

#, python-format
msgid "Revert to revision %(rev)d."
msgstr "Vrati u stanje inačice %(rev)d."

#, python-format
msgid "Renamed from '%(oldpagename)s'."
msgstr "Preimenovano iz \"%(oldpagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "[%d attachments]"
msgstr "[%d privitaka]"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"There are <a href=\"%(link)s\">%(count)s attachment(s)</a> stored for this "
msgstr "Ova stranica ima <a href=\"%(link)s\">%(count)s privitaka</a>."

msgid "Filename of attachment not specified!"
msgstr "Ime datoteke s privitkom mora biti navedeno!"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' does not exist!"
msgstr "Privitak '%(filename)s' ne postoji!"

msgid ""
"To refer to attachments on a page, use '''{{{attachment:filename}}}''', \n"
"as shown below in the list of files. \n"
"Do '''NOT''' use the URL of the {{{[get]}}} link, \n"
"since this is subject to change and can break easily."
msgstr ""
"Za uključivanje privitaka koristite oblik '''{{{attachment:filename}}}''', \n"
"kako je prikazano na popisu datoteka. \n"
"'''NE KORISTITE''' URL linkove {{{[get]}}}, \n"
"jer URL može bilo tko promijeniti i veza će biti prekinuta."

msgid "del"
msgstr "briši"

msgid "move"
msgstr "premjesti"

msgid "get"
msgstr "preuzmi"

msgid "edit"
msgstr "uredi"

msgid "view"
msgstr "prikaži"

msgid "unzip"
msgstr "raspakiraj ZIP"

msgid "install"
msgstr "instaliraj"

msgid "All files"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Files:"
msgstr "Priključene datoteke"

#, fuzzy
msgid "delete"
msgstr "Brisanje"

#, fuzzy
msgid "move to page"
msgstr "Broj stranica"

msgid "Do it."
msgstr "Izvrši."

#, python-format
msgid "No attachments stored for %(pagename)s"
msgstr "Stranica %(pagename)s nema privitaka."

msgid "You are not allowed to delete attachments on this page."
msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljeno odstraniti privitke s ove stranice."

msgid "You are not allowed to move attachments from this page."
msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljen premještati privitke s ove stranice."

msgid "You are not allowed to attach a file to this page."
msgstr "Ovoj stranici nije moguće dodavati privitke."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(pagename)s/%(filename)s' moved to '%(new_pagename)s/"
msgstr "Privitak '%(filename)s' je premješten na %(page)s."

msgid "New Attachment"
msgstr "Novi privitak"

msgid "File to upload"
msgstr "Ime datoteke koju podižete:"

msgid "Rename to"
msgstr "Preimenovati u:"

msgid "Overwrite existing attachment of same name"
msgstr "Prebriši privitak istog imena"

msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Podigni na poslužitelj"

msgid "Attached Files"
msgstr "Priključene datoteke"

#, python-format
msgid "Unsupported AttachFile sub-action: %s"
msgstr "Nepodržana operacija pri podizanju privitka: %s"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachments for \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Privitci na stranici \"%(pagename)s\""

msgid "TextCha: Wrong answer! Go back and try again..."
msgstr "TextCha: Pogrešan odgovor! Vratite se i pokušajte ponovno..."

msgid ""
"No file content. Delete non ASCII characters from the file name and try "
msgstr ""
"Prazan sadržaj. Odstranite ne-ASCII znakove iz imena datoteke in pokušajte "

#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not allowed to overwrite a file attachment of this page."
msgstr "Gledanje privitaka ove stranice Vam nije dozvoljeno."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(target)s' (remote name '%(filename)s') with %(bytes)d bytes "
msgstr ""
"Privitak '%(target)s' je spremljen pod imenom '%(filename)s', %(bytes)d "

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(target)s' (remote name '%(filename)s') already exists."
msgstr "Privitak '%(target)s' (ime '%(filename)s') već postoji na poslužitelj."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(new_pagename)s/%(new_filename)s' already exists."
msgstr "Privitak '%(filename)s' već postoji."

msgid "Nothing changed"
msgstr "Nema izmjena"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Page '%(new_pagename)s' does not exist or you don't have enough rights."
msgstr ""
"Stranica %(newpagename)s ne postoji ili nemate dovoljno prava za "

msgid "Move aborted!"
msgstr "Premještanje prekinuto!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Move aborted because new page name is empty."
msgstr "Premještanje prekinuto jer nije navedeno ime stranice"

#, python-format
msgid "Please use a valid filename for attachment '%(filename)s'."
msgstr "Nepravilno ime za privitak '%(filename)s'."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Move aborted because new attachment name is empty."
msgstr "Premještanje prekinuto jer nije navedeno ime privitka"

msgid "Move"
msgstr "Premještanje"

msgid "New page name"
msgstr "Novo ime stranice"

msgid "New attachment name"
msgstr "Novo ime privitka"

msgid "You are not allowed to get attachments from this page."
msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljen pristup privitcima na ovoj stranici."

msgid "You are not allowed to install files."
msgstr "Nemate ovlasti za namještanje datoteka."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' installed."
msgstr "Privitak '%(filename)s' instaliran."

msgid "You are not allowed to unzip attachments of this page."
msgstr "Raspakiranje privitaka na ovoj stranici nije dozvoljeno."

#, python-format
msgid "The file %(filename)s is not a .zip file."
msgstr "Datoteka %(filename)s nije .zip arhiva."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because some files in the zip are "
"either not in the same directory or exceeded the single file size limit "
"(%(maxsize_file)d kB)."
msgstr ""
"Privitak '%(filename)s' je bilo nemoguće raspakirati iz jednog od razloga: "
"prevelike datoteke, privitak sadrži samo .zip datoteke, ime postoji ili "
"sadrži datoteke u podimenicima."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because it would have exceeded the "
"per page attachment storage size limit (%(size)d kB)."
msgstr ""
"Privitak '%(filename)s' nije bilo moguće raspakirati, jer bi stvorene "
"datoteke zauzele previše prostora (nedostaje %(space)d kB)."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because it would have exceeded the "
"per page attachment count limit (%(count)d)."
msgstr ""
"Privitak '%(filename)s' nije bilo moguće raspakirati, jer bi nastalo previše "
"datoteka (%(count)d datoteka previše)."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' partially unzipped (did not overwrite: "
msgstr "ZIP datoteka '%(filename)s' je razpakirana."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' unzipped."
msgstr "ZIP datoteka '%(filename)s' je razpakirana."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s'"
msgstr "Privitak '%(filename)s'"

msgid "Download"
msgstr "Download"

msgid "Package script:"
msgstr "Naredbena procedura paketa:"

msgid "File Name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"

msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Zadnja izmjena"

msgid "Size"
msgstr "Veličina"

msgid "Unknown file type, cannot display this attachment inline."
msgstr "Nepoznat tip privitka. Privitak nije moguće uključiti u stranicu."

msgid "You are not allowed to view attachments of this page."
msgstr "Gledanje privitaka ove stranice Vam nije dozvoljeno."

#, python-format
msgid "attachment:%(filename)s of %(pagename)s"
msgstr "attachment:%(filename)s na strani %(pagename)s"

msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Opće informacije"

#, python-format
msgid "Page size: %d"
msgstr "Veličina stranice: %d"

msgid "SHA digest of this page's content is:"
msgstr "Potpis sadržaja stranice SHA:"

msgid "The following users subscribed to this page:"
msgstr "Slijedeći korisnici su pretplaćeni na obavijesti o toj stranici:"

msgid "This page links to the following pages:"
msgstr "Ova stranica sadrži linkove na slijedeće stranicana:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Showing page edit history entries from '''%(start_offset)d''' to "
"'''%(end_offset)d''' out of '''%(total_count)d''' entries total."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Newer"
msgstr "Novo ime"

msgid "Older"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "%s items per page"
msgstr ""

msgid "Diff"
msgstr "Razlike"

msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Izmijenio"

msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Napomena"

msgid "Action"
msgstr "Akcija"

#, fuzzy
msgid "to previous"
msgstr "Prethodna"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "-"

msgid "Revision History"
msgstr "Pregled izmjena"

msgid "No log entries found."
msgstr "Nema dnevničkih zapisa."

#, python-format
msgid "Info for \"%s\""
msgstr "Info za \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Show \"%(title)s\""
msgstr "Prikaži \"%(title)s\""

msgid "General Page Infos"
msgstr "Opće informacije o stranici"

msgid "Page hits and edits"
msgstr "Broj pregleda i promjena"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Brisanje"

msgid "Delete all /subpages too?"
msgstr "Obriši i sve /podstranice?"

msgid "Optional reason for the deletion"
msgstr "Razlog za brisanje (neobvezno)"

msgid "Really delete this page?"
msgstr "Zaista želite obrisati ovu stranicu?"

msgid "Please first create a homepage before creating additional pages."
msgstr "Morate stvoriti domaću stranicu prije kreiranja dodatnih stranica"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"You can add some additional sub pages to your already existing homepage "
"You can choose how open to other readers or writers those pages shall be,\n"
"access is controlled by group membership of the corresponding group page.\n"
"Just enter the sub page's name and click on the button to create a new "
"Before creating access protected pages, make sure the corresponding group "
"exists and has the appropriate members in it. Use HomepageGroupsTemplate for "
"the group pages.\n"
"||'''Add a new personal page:'''||'''Related access control list "
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadWritePageTemplate,read-write page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadPageTemplate,read-only page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepagePrivatePageTemplate,private page,%(username)s)>>||"
"%(username)s only||\n"
msgstr ""
"Ovdje možete svojoj domaćoj stranici dodati dodatne podstranice\n"
"Možete odabrati kolika prava pristupa želite dati drugim korisnicima,\n"
"pristup je kontroliran članstvom u grupi određene stranice.\n"
"Upišite ime podstranice koju želite kreirati i klinkite gumb kako biste "
"kreirali novupodstranicu.\n"
"Prije stvaranja zaštićenih stranica, obavezno morate pripaziti da postoji "
"stranica grupe\n"
"I da ima pravilno definirane članove. Za predložak koristite: "
"HomepageGroupTemplate za stvaranje\n"
"stranica grupe.\n"
"||'''Dodaj novu osobnu stranicu:'''||'''Grupa za kontrolu pristupa :'''||\n"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadWritePageTemplate,read-write page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadPageTemplate,read-only page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepagePrivatePageTemplate,private page,%(username)s)>>||"
"%(username)s only||\n"

msgid "MyPages management"
msgstr "Uređivanje mojih stranica"

#, python-format
msgid "(including %(localwords)d %(pagelink)s)"
msgstr "(uključujući %(localwords)d %(pagelink)s)"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following %(badwords)d words could not be found in the dictionary of "
"%(totalwords)d words%(localwords)s and are highlighted below:"
msgstr ""
"Slijedećih %(badwords)d dolje označenih riječi nema u riječniku s "
"%(totalwords)d riječima %(localwords)s:"

msgid "Add checked words to dictionary"
msgstr "Dodaj označene riječi u riječnik"

msgid "No spelling errors found!"
msgstr "Nema očitih pogreški!"

msgid "You can't save spelling words."
msgstr "Nije moguće spremiti riječi za provjeru pravopisa."

msgid "You can't check spelling on a page you can't read."
msgstr "Na stranici koju ne možete čitati, ne možete ni provjeriti pravopis."

msgid "You are not allowed to use this action."
msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljeno izvesti tu operaciju."

#, fuzzy
msgid "If this account exists an email was sent."
msgstr "Ako račun s ovim korisničkim imenom postoji, email je poslan."

msgid ""
"This wiki is not enabled for mail processing.\n"
"Contact the owner of the wiki, who can enable email."
msgstr ""
"Ovaj Wiki nema podešen sustav za obradu elektroničke pošte.\n"
"Pokušajte upitati administratora postoji li mogućnost uključivanja takvog "

#, fuzzy
msgid "Please provide a valid email address or a username!"
msgstr "Molimo upišite važeću adresu elektroničke pošte!"

msgid "Username"
msgstr "Korisničko ime"

msgid "Mail me my account data"
msgstr "Pošalji podatke o korisničkom računu"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Recovery token"
msgstr "Vrati sve!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Lozinka"

#, fuzzy
msgid "New password (repeat)"
msgstr "Lozinka (ponovno)"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset my password"
msgstr "Lozinka"

msgid "Passwords don't match!"
msgstr "Lozinke se ne podudaraju!"

#, python-format
msgid "Password not acceptable: %s"
msgstr "Lozinka je neprihvatljiva: %s"

msgid "Your password has been changed, you can log in now."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your token is invalid!"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "Lozinka (ponovno)"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"== Password reset ==\n"
"Enter a new password below."
msgstr "Lozinka nije unešena. Upišite korisničko ime i lozinku"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Lost password"
msgstr "Lozinka"

msgid ""
"== Recovering a lost password ==\n"
"If you have forgotten your password, provide your email address or\n"
"username and click on '''Mail me my account data'''.\n"
"You will receive an email containing a recovery token that can be\n"
"used to change your password. The email will also contain further\n"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"=== Password reset ===\n"
"If you already have received the email with the recovery token, enter your\n"
"username, the recovery token and a new password (twice) below."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You need to manually go to your OpenID provider wiki\n"
"and log in before you can use your OpenID. MoinMoin will\n"
"never allow you to enter your password here.\n"
"Once you have logged in, simply reload this page."
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenID Trust verification"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "The site %s has asked for your identity."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you approve, the site represented by the trust root below will be\n"
"told that you control the identity URL %s. (If you are using a delegated\n"
"identity, the site will take care of reversing the\n"
"delegation on its own.)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Trust root"
msgstr ""

msgid "Identity URL"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Remember decision"
msgstr "Inačica PyStemmer"

msgid "Remember this trust decision and don't ask again"
msgstr ""

msgid "Approve"
msgstr ""

msgid "Don't approve"
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenID not served"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Unfortunately you have not created your homepage yet. Therefore,\n"
"we cannot serve an OpenID for you. Please create your homepage first\n"
"and then reload this page or click the button below to cancel this\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Subscribe users to the page %s"
msgstr "Pretplati korisnike na stranicu %s"

msgid "Enter user names (comma separated):"
msgstr "Upišite korisnička imena (odvojena zarezom):"

#, python-format
msgid "Subscribed for %s:"
msgstr "Pretplaćen na %s:"

msgid "Not a user:"
msgstr "Nije korisnik:"

msgid "You are not allowed to perform this action."
msgstr "Tu akciju vam nije dozvoljeno izvesti."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Print slide show"
msgstr "Prezentacija"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit slide show"
msgstr "Prezentacija"

msgid "Quit"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Quit slide show"
msgstr "Prezentacija"

msgid "Show first slide (up arrow)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show last slide (down arrow)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show previous slide (left arrow)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show next slide (right arrow)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Charts are not available!"
msgstr "Dijagrami nisu dostupni!"

msgid "You need to provide a chart type!"
msgstr "Potrebno je navesti tip diagrama!"

#, python-format
msgid "Bad chart type \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Pogrešan ili nepoznat tip diagrama \"%s\"!"

msgid "Load"
msgstr "Učitaj"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Pagename not specified!"
msgstr "Ime datoteke s privitkom mora biti navedeno!"

msgid "Upload page content"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page "
"name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is "
"empty, we derive the page name from the file name."
msgstr ""

msgid "File to load page content from"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "(!) Only pages changed since '''%s''' are being displayed!"
msgstr "(!) Samo stranice izmijenjene iza '''%s''' će biti prikazane!"

msgid ""
"/!\\ The modification date you entered was not recognized and is therefore "
"not considered for the search results!"
msgstr ""
"/!\\ Datum izmjene koji ste unijeli nije prepoznat. Prilikom pretrage ga "
"nećemo koristiti."

#, python-format
msgid "Please use a more selective search term instead of {{{\"%s\"}}}"
msgstr "Navedite precizniji izraz za pretraživanje od {{{\"%s\"}}}"

#, python-format
msgid "Title Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "Traži po naslovima: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Advanced Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "Napredno pretraživanje: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Full Text Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "Traži po tekstu: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your search query {{{\"%s\"}}} is invalid. Please refer to HelpOnSearching "
"for more information."
msgstr ""
"Vaš upit za pretragu {{{\"%s\"}}} nije važeći. Pogledajte "
"PomoćPriPretraživanju za više informacija"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your search query {{{\"%s\"}}} didn't return any results. Please change some "
"terms and refer to HelpOnSearching for more information.%s"
msgstr ""
"Vaš upit za pretragu {{{\"%s\"}}} nije urodio plodom. Izmijenite pojmove ili "
"pogledajte PomoćPriPretraživanju za više informacija.%s"

msgid "(!) Consider performing a"
msgstr "(!) Pokušajte"

msgid "full-text search with your search terms"
msgstr "pretraživanje unutar texta sa istim pojmovima"

msgid ""
"(!) You're performing a title search that might not include all related "
"results of your search query in this wiki. <<BR>>"
msgstr ""
"(!) Pokušavate pretraživati po naslovima koji možda neće sadržavati sve "
"vezane rezultate vašeg upita. <<BR>>"

msgid "Click here to perform a full-text search with your search terms!"
msgstr "Kliknite ovdje za pretragu unutar sadržaja stranice!"

msgid ""
"Cannot create a new page without a page name.  Please specify a page name."
msgstr "Nove stranice s praznim imenom ne možete stvoriti, navedite ime."

msgid "Your subscription to this page has been removed."
msgstr "Pretplata na ovu stranicu je uklonjena."

msgid "Can't remove regular expression subscription!"
msgstr "Pretplate s regularnim izrazom nije moguće brisati ovdje."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit the subscription regular expressions in your settings."
msgstr ""
"Regularni izraz za pretplatu na obavijesti je mogoče izmijeniti samo sa "
"stranice s korisničkim postavkama."

msgid "You need to be subscribed to unsubscribe."
msgstr "Ne možete odjaviti pretplatu sa stranica na koje niste pretplaćeni."

#, fuzzy
msgid "TextCha: Wrong answer! Try again below..."
msgstr "TextCha: Pogrešan odgovor! Vratite se i pokušajte ponovno..."

msgid ""
"Supplying a comment is mandatory. Write a comment below and try again..."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Create new drawing \"%(filename)s (opens in new window)\""
msgstr "Stvori crtež \"%(filename)s (otvara se u novom prozoru)\""

#, python-format
msgid "Edit drawing %(filename)s (opens in new window)"
msgstr "Izmijeni crtež %(filename)s (otvara se u novom prozoru)"

#, python-format
msgid "Clickable drawing: %(filename)s"
msgstr "Aktivni crtež: %(filename)s"

msgid "You are not allowed to save a drawing on this page."
msgstr "Na ovoj stranici nije dozvoljeno spremati crteže."

msgid "Empty target name given."
msgstr ""

msgid "Edit drawing"
msgstr "Izmijeni crtež"

#, python-format
msgid "Execute action %(actionname)s?"
msgstr "Izvrši akciju %(actionname)s"

#, python-format
msgid "Action %(actionname)s is excluded in this wiki!"
msgstr "Akcija %(actionname)s nije uključena na ovom wikiju!"

#, python-format
msgid "You are not allowed to use action %(actionname)s on this page!"
msgstr "Ne možete koristiti akciju %(actionname)s na ovoj stranici."

msgid "You are not allowed to create the supplementation page."
msgstr "Stvaranje zamjenske stranice nije dopušteno!"

msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Stranice"

msgid "Select Author"
msgstr "Izaberi autora"

msgid "Revert all!"
msgstr "Vrati sve!"

msgid "Copy all /subpages too?"
msgstr "Kopiraj i sve /podstranice?"

msgid "New name"
msgstr "Novo ime"

msgid "Optional reason for the copying"
msgstr "Razlog za kopiranje (neobvezno)"

msgid "Really copy this page?"
msgstr "Zaista želite kopirati ovu stranicu?"

msgid "You are now logged out."
msgstr "Uspješno ste se odjavili."

#, fuzzy
msgid "No page packages found."
msgstr "Ova stranica nema nadređene stranice!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "page package"
msgstr "Zapakiraj stranice"

msgid "Choose:"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Install language packs for '%s'"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Local Site Map for \"%s\""
msgstr "Struktura stranica na \"%s\""

msgid "No older revisions available!"
msgstr "Nema starijih inačica!"

#, python-format
msgid "Diff for \"%s\""
msgstr "Razlike za \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Differences between revisions %d and %d"
msgstr "Razlike među inačicama %d i %d"

#, python-format
msgid "(spanning %d versions)"
msgstr "(preko %d inačica)"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous change"
msgstr "Prethodna"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Next change"
msgstr "Nema izmjena"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Diff with oldest revision in left pane"
msgstr "Nema starijih inačica!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "No older revision available for diff"
msgstr "Nema starijih inačica!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Diff with older revision in left pane"
msgstr "Nema starijih inačica!"

msgid "Diff with newer revision in left pane"
msgstr ""

msgid "Can't change to revision newer than in right pane"
msgstr ""

msgid "Diff with older revision in right pane"
msgstr ""

msgid "Can't change to revision older than revision in left pane"
msgstr ""

msgid "Diff with newer revision in right pane"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "No newer revision available for diff"
msgstr "Nema starijih inačica!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Diff with newest revision in right pane"
msgstr "Nema starijih inačica!"

#, python-format
msgid "The page was saved %(count)d times, though!"
msgstr "Stranica je već %(count)d-puta spremljena!"

msgid "(ignoring whitespace)"
msgstr "(ignorirajući razmake)"

msgid "Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace"
msgstr "Ignosriraj razlike u broju prazina"

msgid "Empty user name. Please enter a user name."
msgstr "Korisničko ime je prazno. Upišite ga."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid user name {{{'%s'}}}.\n"
"Name may contain any Unicode alpha numeric character, with optional one\n"
"space between words. Group page name is not allowed."
msgstr ""
"Korisničko ime nije pravilno {{{'%s'}}}.\n"
"Ime može sadržavati bilo koji alfanumerični Unicode znak,\n"
"sa neobaveznim jednim razmakom među riječima. Imena grupa (...Grupa) nisu "

msgid "This user name already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "Korisničko ime je već u upotrebi."

msgid "Please specify a password!"
msgstr "Molimo upišite lozinu!"

msgid ""
"Please provide your email address. If you lose your login information, you "
"can get it by email."
msgstr ""
"Molimo upišite svoju adresu elektroničke pošte. Ako bude potrebno, na tu "
"adresu ćemo vam poslati podatke za prijavu."

msgid "This email already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "Ta adresa elektroničke pošte već je u upotrebi."

msgid "User account created! You can use this account to login now..."
msgstr "Korisničko ime je otvoreno, sada se možete prijaviti..."

msgid "Password repeat"
msgstr "Lozinka (ponovno)"

msgid "TextCha (required)"
msgstr "TextCha (obavezno)"

msgid "Create Profile"
msgstr "Stvori korisnika"

msgid "Create Account"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Full Link List for \"%s\""
msgstr "Cijeli popis linkova na \"%s\""

msgid "You must login to add a quicklink."
msgstr "Morate se prijaviti za dodavanje brzih linkova."

msgid "A quicklink to this page has been added for you."
msgstr "Vaša prečica na ovu stranicu je dodana."

msgid "A quicklink to this page could not be added for you."
msgstr "Prečica na ovu stranicu nije dodana."

msgid "You already have a quicklink to this page."
msgstr "Prečica na ovu stranicu već postoji."

msgid "Create redirect for renamed page(s)?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rename all /subpages too?"
msgstr "Preimenuj i sve /podstranice?"

msgid "Create redirect for renamed page?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Really rename this page?"
msgstr "Zaista želite preimenovati ovu stranicu?"

msgid "Optional reason for the renaming"
msgstr "Razlog za preimenovanje (neobvezno)"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Wiki Backup"
msgstr "Označavanje wiki"

msgid ""
"= Downloading a backup =\n"
"Please note:\n"
" * Store backups in a safe and secure place - they contain sensitive "
" * Make sure your wiki configuration backup_* values are correct and "
" * Make sure the backup file you get contains everything you need in case of "
" * Make sure it is downloaded without problems.\n"
"To get a backup, just click here:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Arhiviranje"

msgid "You are not allowed to do remote backup."
msgstr "Nije vam dozvoljeno raditi udaljeno arhiviranje."

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown backup subaction: %s."
msgstr "Nepoznata akcija arhiviranja: %s."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Vrati sve!"

msgid "You are not allowed to revert this page!"
msgstr "Ne može se vratiti prethodno stanje ove stranice!"

msgid ""
"You were viewing the current revision of this page when you called the "
"revert action. If you want to revert to an older revision, first view that "
"older revision and then call revert to this (older) revision again."
msgstr ""
"Pregledavate trenutnu verziju stranice nakon što ste zatražili vraćanje na "
"prethodnu inačicu. Ako želite vratiti stariju inačicu, pregledajte tu "
"stariju inačicu i onda pozovite vraćanje na ovu (stariju) inačicu ponovno."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Optional reason for reverting this page"
msgstr "Razlog za kopiranje (neobvezno)"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Really revert this page?"
msgstr "Zaista želite preimenovati ovu stranicu?"

msgid "OpenID"
msgstr "OpenID"

msgid "Member of Groups"
msgstr "Član Grupa"

msgid "Jabber"
msgstr "Jabber"

msgid "Disable user"
msgstr "Isključeno"

msgid "Enable user"
msgstr "Uključeno"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "isključeno"

msgid "Mail account data"
msgstr "Pošalji podatke o korisničkom računu"

msgid "RecentChanges"
msgstr "Zadnje izmjene"

msgid "WikiTipOfTheDay"
msgstr ""

msgid "TitleIndex"
msgstr "Kazalo naslova"

msgid "WordIndex"
msgstr "Kazalo riječi"

msgid "FindPage"
msgstr "Traženje"

msgid "MissingPage"
msgstr "Prazna stranica"

msgid "MissingHomePage"
msgstr "Prazna osobna stranica"

#, fuzzy
msgid "WikiHomePage"
msgstr "Prazna osobna stranica"

#, fuzzy
msgid "WikiName"
msgstr "Ime"

msgid "WikiWikiWeb"
msgstr ""

msgid "FrontPage"
msgstr "Početna"

msgid "WikiSandBox"
msgstr "Pješčanik"

#, fuzzy
msgid "InterWiki"
msgstr "Wiki"

msgid "AbandonedPages"
msgstr "Napuštene stranice"

#, fuzzy
msgid "OrphanedPages"
msgstr "Ostavljene stranice"

#, fuzzy
msgid "WantedPages"
msgstr "Tražene stranice"

msgid "EventStats"
msgstr ""

msgid "EventStats/HitCounts"
msgstr ""

msgid "EventStats/Languages"
msgstr ""

msgid "EventStats/UserAgents"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "PageSize"
msgstr "Veličine stranica"

#, fuzzy
msgid "PageHits"
msgstr "Posjete stranica"

#, fuzzy
msgid "RandomPage"
msgstr "Slučajna stranica"

#, fuzzy
msgid "XsltVersion"
msgstr "Inačica Pythona"

msgid "FortuneCookies"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiLicense"
msgstr "Wiki uvjeti"

#, fuzzy
msgid "CategoryCategory"
msgstr "bilo koja kategorija"

#, fuzzy
msgid "CategoryHomepage"
msgstr "Kategorije"

#, fuzzy
msgid "CategoryTemplate"
msgstr "Kategorije"

msgid "HomepageTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "HomepageReadWritePageTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "HomepageReadPageTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "HomepagePrivatePageTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "HomepageGroupsTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "SlideShowHandOutTemplate"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "SlideShowTemplate"
msgstr "Prezentacija"

msgid "SlideTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "SyncJobTemplate"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnConfiguration"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences"
msgstr "Korisničke postavke"

msgid "HelpOnPackageInstaller"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnUpdatingPython"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnAdministration"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

msgid "HelpOnAuthentication"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnMoinCommand"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

msgid "HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnNotification"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnRobots"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnSessions"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnUserHandling"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnXapian"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

msgid "HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnCreoleSyntax"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

msgid "HelpOnFormatting"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

#, fuzzy
msgid "MoinMoin"
msgstr "Inačica MoinMoina"

msgid "HelpContents"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

msgid "HelpForBeginners"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpForUsers"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpIndex"
msgstr "Kazalo naslova"

msgid "HelpOnAccessControlLists"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnActions"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

msgid "HelpOnActions/AttachFile"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnAdmonitions"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnAutoAdmin"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnCategories"
msgstr "Kategorije"

msgid "HelpOnDictionaries"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnDrawings"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

msgid "HelpOnEditLocks"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnEditing"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

msgid "HelpOnEditing/SubPages"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnGraphicalEditor"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnGroups"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

msgid "HelpOnHeadlines"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnImages"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnLanguages"
msgstr "Jezik"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnLinking"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

msgid "HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnLists"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnLogin"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

msgid "HelpOnMacros"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMacros/Include"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMacros/MailTo"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnNavigation"
msgstr "Navigacija"

msgid "HelpOnOpenIDProvider"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnPageCreation"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

msgid "HelpOnPageDeletion"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnProcessingInstructions"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnRules"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnSearching"
msgstr "Kako pretraživati"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnSlideShows"
msgstr "Prezentacija"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSmileys"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSpam"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnSpellCheck"
msgstr "Pravopisna provjera"

msgid "HelpOnSuperUser"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnSynchronisation"
msgstr "Sinhronizacija započeta -"

msgid "HelpOnTables"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnTemplates"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnThemes"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnUserPreferences"
msgstr "Korisničke postavke"

msgid "HelpOnVariables"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnXmlPages"
msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnComments"
msgstr "Kako sadržaj"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnSubscribing"
msgstr "Ukini pretplatu"

msgid "CamelCase"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/02 Finding information"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "WikiCourse/05 User preferences"
msgstr "Korisničke postavke"

msgid "WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/07 The text editor"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/12 Headlines"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/13 Lists"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/14 Text styles"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/15 Tables"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/17 External links"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "WikiCourse/18 Attachments"
msgstr "Novi privitak"

msgid "WikiCourse/19 Symbols"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/21 Macros"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/22 Parsers"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "WikiCourse/23 Actions"
msgstr "Druge akcije:"

msgid "WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/51 Applications"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourseHandOut"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sun"
msgstr "ned"

msgid "Mon"
msgstr "pon"

msgid "Tue"
msgstr "uto"

msgid "Wed"
msgstr "sri"

msgid "Thu"
msgstr "čet"

msgid "Fri"
msgstr "pet"

msgid "Sat"
msgstr "sub"

msgid "AttachFile"
msgstr "Privij datoteku"

msgid "DeletePage"
msgstr "Obriši stranicu"

msgid "LikePages"
msgstr "Slične stranice"

msgid "LocalSiteMap"
msgstr "Struktura stranica"

msgid "RenamePage"
msgstr "Preimenuj stranicu"

msgid "SpellCheck"
msgstr "Pravopisna provjera"

msgid "Discussion"
msgstr ""

msgid "User agent"
msgstr "vrsta čitača"

msgid "Others"
msgstr "ostalo"

msgid "Distribution of User-Agent Types"
msgstr "Raspoređeno po vrsti čitača"

msgid "Page Size Distribution"
msgstr "Raspoređenje po veličini stranice"

msgid "page size upper bound [bytes]"
msgstr "Gornja granica veličine stranice [znakova]"

msgid "# of pages of this size"
msgstr "Broj stranica u ovom razredu veličine"

msgid "Views/day"
msgstr "Čitanja/dan"

msgid "Edits/day"
msgstr "Izmjena/dan"

#, python-format
msgid "%(chart_title)s for %(filterpage)s"
msgstr "%(chart_title)s za %(filterpage)s"

msgid ""
msgstr ""

msgid "date"
msgstr "datum"

msgid "# of hits"
msgstr "broj čitanja"

msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jezik"

msgid "<Browser setting>"
msgstr "<Postavke preglednika>"

msgid "No orphaned pages in this wiki."
msgstr "Na ovom wikiju nema stranica bez linkova (siročadi)."

msgid "Include system pages"
msgstr "Uključi i sistemske stranice"

msgid "Exclude system pages"
msgstr "Bez sistemskih stranica"

msgid "No wanted pages in this wiki."
msgstr ""
"Na ovom wikiju nema traženih stranica (one na koje postoje likovi, a "
"stranice same ne postoje)."

msgid "Python Version"
msgstr "Inačica Pythona"

msgid "MoinMoin Version"
msgstr "Inačica MoinMoina"

#, python-format
msgid "Release %s [Revision %s]"
msgstr "Inačica %s [revizija: %s]"

msgid "4Suite Version"
msgstr "Inačica 4Suite"

msgid "Number of pages"
msgstr "Broj stranica"

msgid "Number of system pages"
msgstr "Broj sistemskih stranica"

msgid "Accumulated page sizes"
msgstr "Ukupna veličina stranica"

#, python-format
msgid "Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/pages/"
msgstr "Iskorištenost diska  %(data_dir)s/pages/"

#, python-format
msgid "Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/"
msgstr "Iskorištenost diska %(data_dir)s/"

msgid "Entries in edit log"
msgstr "Zapisa u dnevniku"

msgid "NONE"
msgstr "-"

msgid "Global extension macros"
msgstr "Globalni makroi za raširivanje"

msgid "Local extension macros"
msgstr "Lokalni makroi za raširivanje"

msgid "Global extension actions"
msgstr "Globalne akcije za raširivanje"

msgid "Local extension actions"
msgstr "Lokalne akcije za raširivanje"

msgid "Global parsers"
msgstr "Globalni obrađivači sintakse (parseri)"

msgid "Local extension parsers"
msgstr "Lokalni obrađivači sintakse (parseri)"

msgid "Xapian and/or Python Xapian bindings not installed"
msgstr "Xapian i/ili Python Xapian nije instaliran"

msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Isključeno"

msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Uključeno"

msgid "index unavailable"
msgstr "indeks nedostupan"

msgid "index available"
msgstr "indeks dostupan"

msgid "Xapian search"
msgstr "Xapian pretraživanje"

msgid "Stemming for Xapian"
msgstr "Izvlačenje korijena riječi za Xapian"

msgid "Active threads"
msgstr "Aktivne niti"

msgid "Search for items"
msgstr "Traži po naslovima"

msgid "containing all the following terms"
msgstr "sadrži sve navedene pojmove"

msgid "containing one or more of the following terms"
msgstr "sadrži jedan ili više navedenih pojmova"

msgid "not containing the following terms"
msgstr "ne sadrži navedene pojmove"

#, fuzzy
msgid "last modified since (e.g. 2 weeks before)"
msgstr "zadnje izmjene (npr. zadnje 2 godine)"

msgid "any category"
msgstr "bilo koja kategorija"

msgid "any language"
msgstr "bilo koji jezik"

msgid "any mimetype"
msgstr "bilo koji mime tip"

msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorije"

msgid "File Type"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"

msgid "Search only in titles"
msgstr "Traži po naslovima"

msgid "Case-sensitive search"
msgstr "Razlikuj mala i velika slova"

msgid "Exclude underlay"
msgstr "Ne "

msgid "No system items"
msgstr "Nema sistemskih dijelova"

msgid "Search in all page revisions"
msgstr "Pretraži sve verzije stranice"

msgid "Go get it!"
msgstr "Zatraži!"

#, python-format
msgid "No quotes on %(pagename)s."
msgstr "Na stranici %(pagename)s nema citata."

msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Sadržaj"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"

msgid "Default"
msgstr "standardna"

msgid "Description"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Lexer description"
msgstr "Inačica PyStemmer"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Lexer names"
msgstr "Korisničko ime"

#, fuzzy
msgid "File patterns"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Mimetypes"
msgstr "bilo koji mime tip"

#, python-format
msgid "Unsupported navigation scheme '%(scheme)s'!"
msgstr "Nepoznata ili nepodržana navigacijska shema '%(scheme)s'!"

msgid "No parent page found!"
msgstr "Ova stranica nema nadređene stranice!"

msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr "Prezentacija"

msgid "Start"
msgstr "Kreni"

#, python-format
msgid "Slide %(pos)d of %(size)d"
msgstr "Slika %(pos)d od %(size)d"

#, fuzzy
msgid "File attachment browser"
msgstr "Novo ime privitka"

msgid "User account browser"
msgstr ""

msgid "Search Titles"
msgstr "Traži po naslovima"

msgid "Display context of search results"
msgstr "Prikaži kontekst rezultata pretraživanja"

msgid "Case-sensitive searching"
msgstr "Razlikuj mala i velika slova pri pretraživanju"

msgid "Search Text"
msgstr "Traži po tekstu"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Unknown macro parameter: %s."
msgstr "Nepoznata akcija arhiviranja: %s."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"More than one needle with search_macro_parse_args config option enabled "
"('%(needle)s' found already, '%(arg)s' occurred)"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "<<%(macro_name)s: invalid macro name>>"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "<<%(macro_name)s: execution failed [%(error_msg)s] (see also the log)>>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Go To Page"
msgstr "Idi na stranicu"

msgid "Wiki configuration"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"This table shows all settings in this wiki that do not have default values. "
"Settings that the configuration system doesn't know about are shown in "
"''italic'', those may be due to third-party extensions needing configuration "
"or settings that were removed from Moin."
msgstr ""

msgid "Setting"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "%(mins)dm ago"
msgstr "pred %(mins)dm"

msgid "(no bookmark set)"
msgstr "(oznaka nije postavljena)"

#, python-format
msgid "(currently set to %s)"
msgstr "(trenutno namješteno na %s)"

msgid "Delete bookmark"
msgstr "Obriši oznaku"

msgid "Set bookmark"
msgstr "Postavi oznaku"

msgid "[Bookmark reached]"
msgstr "[Došli smo do oznake]"

msgid "Markup"
msgstr "Označavanje"

msgid "Display"
msgstr "Prikaz"

#, python-format
msgid "Upload new attachment \"%(filename)s\""
msgstr "Podigni novi privitak \"%(filename)s\" na server"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Required argument %(argument_name)s "
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Invalid %(argument_name)s="
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Current configuration does not allow embedding of the file %(file)s because "
"of its mimetype %(mimetype)s."
msgstr ""

msgid "Embedded"
msgstr "Uključeno"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid include arguments \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Nevažeći argumenti pri \"Include\": \"%s\"!"

#, python-format
msgid "Nothing found for \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Nema takvih oznaka \"%s\"!"

msgid "Switch user"
msgstr ""

msgid "No user selected"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can now change the settings of the selected user account; log out to get "
"back to your account."
msgstr ""

msgid "You are the only user."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"As a superuser, you can temporarily assume the identity of another user."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select User"
msgstr "Izaberi korisnika"

msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Postavke"

#, fuzzy
msgid "This jabber id already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "Ta adresa elektroničke pošte već je u upotrebi."

#, python-format
msgid "The theme '%(theme_name)s' could not be loaded!"
msgstr "Temu '%(theme_name)s' nije moguće uključiti!"

msgid "User preferences saved!"
msgstr "Korisničke postavke su spremljene!"

msgid "the one preferred"
msgstr "odabrani"

msgid "free choice"
msgstr "po vlastitom izboru"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "Spremi"

msgid "Preferred theme"
msgstr "Odabrana tema"

msgid "Editor Preference"
msgstr "Odabrani uređivač"

msgid "Editor shown on UI"
msgstr "Izbor uređivača"

msgid "Time zone"
msgstr "Vremenska zona"

msgid "Your time is"
msgstr "Vaše lokalno vrijeme je"

msgid "Server time is"
msgstr "Vrijeme na poslužitelju je"

msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Oblik datuma"

msgid "Preferred language"
msgstr "Odabrani jezik"

msgid "General options"
msgstr "Opće postavke"

msgid "Quick links"
msgstr "Prečice"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Lozinka"

msgid "Your password has been changed."
msgstr ""

msgid "To change your password, enter a new password twice."
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenID settings"
msgstr ""

msgid "Cannot remove all OpenIDs."
msgstr ""

msgid "The selected OpenIDs have been removed."
msgstr ""

msgid "No OpenID given."
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenID is already present."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "This OpenID is already used for another account."
msgstr "Ova stranica je već izbrisana, ili nikad nije ni postojala!"

msgid "OpenID added successfully."
msgstr ""

msgid "Current OpenIDs"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove selected"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add OpenID"
msgstr ""

msgid "Notification"
msgstr ""

msgid "Notification settings saved!"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "'''Email'''"
msgstr "Adresa elektroničke pošte"

msgid "'''Jabber'''"
msgstr ""

msgid "'''Event type'''"
msgstr ""

msgid "Select the events you want to be notified about."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Before you can be notified, you need to provide a way to contact you in the "
"general preferences."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Subscribed events"
msgstr "Pretplati se"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Subscribed wiki pages<<BR>>(one regex per line)"
msgstr "Pretplata na sljedeće stranice (jedan naziv u svakom redu)"

msgid "OpenID server"
msgstr ""

msgid "The selected websites have been removed."
msgstr ""

msgid "Trusted websites"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Inlined image: %(url)s"
msgstr "Uključena slika: %(url)s"

msgid "Toggle line numbers"
msgstr "Uključi/isključi obrojčavanje redova"

#~ msgid "Please use the interactive user interface to move attachments!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Koristite interaktivno korisničko sučelje za premještanje privitaka!"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Page Name"
#~ msgstr "Ime paketa"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "InstallDocs"
#~ msgstr "instaliraj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "HelpOnUpdating"
#~ msgstr "Kako oblikovati"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "you may need to login to edit this page"
#~ msgstr "Nije vam dopušteno mijenjati ovu stranicu."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Installing theme files is only supported for standalone type servers."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Instaliranje datoteka s temama je podržano samo za samostojeće "
#~ "poslužitelje"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "InterWikiMap"
#~ msgstr "Označavanje wiki"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "BadContent"
#~ msgstr "Sadržaj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "LocalBadContent"
#~ msgstr "Sadržaj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "EditedSystemPages"
#~ msgstr "Bez sistemskih stranica"

#~ msgid "Created the package %s containing the pages %s."
#~ msgstr "Stvoren paket %s koji sadrži stranice %s."

#~ msgid "You need to log in."
#~ msgstr "Morate se prijaviti."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Restored Backup: %(filename)s to target dir: %(targetdir)s.\n"
#~ "Files: %(filecount)d, Directories: %(dircount)d"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Povraćena arhiva: %(filename)s u ciljnu mapu: %(targetdir)s.\n"
#~ "Datoteka: %(filecount)d, mapa: %(dircount)d"

#~ msgid "Restoring backup: %(filename)s to target dir: %(targetdir)s failed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Povraćanje arhive: %(filename)s u ciljnu mapu: %(targetdir)s nije uspjelo."

#~ msgid "Wiki Backup / Restore"
#~ msgstr "Wiki Arhiviranje / Povratak"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Some hints:\n"
#~ " * To restore a backup:\n"
#~ "  * Restoring a backup will overwrite existing data, so be careful.\n"
#~ "  * Rename it to <siteid>.tar.<compression> (remove the --date--time--UTC "
#~ "stuff).\n"
#~ "  * Put the backup file into the backup_storage_dir (use scp, ftp, ...).\n"
#~ "  * Hit the <<GetText(Restore)>> button below.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ " * To make a backup, just hit the <<GetText(Backup)>> button and save the "
#~ "file\n"
#~ "   you get to a secure place.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please make sure your wiki configuration backup_* values are correct and "
#~ "complete.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Neki savjeti:\n"
#~ " * Za povratiti iz arhive:\n"
#~ "  * Povraćanje iz arhive će prebrisati postojeće podatke, zato budite "
#~ "pažljivi.\n"
#~ "  * Preimenujte u <idstranice>.tar.<kompresija> (uklonite --datum--"
#~ "vrijeme--UTC dio).\n"
#~ "  * Stavite datoteku sa arhivom u mapu sa arhivama (koristeći scp, "
#~ "ftp, ...).\n"
#~ "  * Pritisnite <<GetText(Restore)>> gumb ispod.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ " * Kako bi izveli arhiviranje pritisnite <<GetText(Backup)>> gumb i "
#~ "spremite datoteku\n"
#~ "   koju dobijete na sigurno.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Pripazite da su vrijednosti vaše konfiguracije backup_* točne i potpune.\n"
#~ "\n"

#~ msgid "Restore"
#~ msgstr "Vraćanje"

#~ msgid "Xapian Version"
#~ msgstr "Inačica Xapiana"

#~ msgid "PyStemmer not installed"
#~ msgstr "PyStemmer nije instaliran"

#~ msgid "PyStemmer Version"
#~ msgstr "Inačica PyStemmer"

#~ msgid "PyStemmer stems"
#~ msgstr "PyStemmer stem"

#~ msgid "New Page or New Attachment"
#~ msgstr "Nova stranica ili privitak"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You can upload a file to a new page or choose to upload a file as "
#~ "attachment for the current page"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Datoteku možete dodati na novu stranicu ili kao privitak postojeće "
#~ "stranice"

#~ msgid "New Name"
#~ msgstr "Novo ime"

#~ msgid "Attachment '%(target)s' already exists."
#~ msgstr "Privitak '%(target)s' već postoji."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "An upload will never overwrite an existing file. If there is a name\n"
#~ "conflict, you have to rename the file that you want to upload.\n"
#~ "Otherwise, if \"Rename to\" is left blank, the original filename will be "
#~ "used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Podizanje datoteke na poslužitelj nikad neće prebrisati postojeće "
#~ "datoteke.\n"
#~ "Ako privitak već postoji, treba preimenovati datoteku\n"
#~ "koju želite podići na poslužitelj.\n"
#~ "Ako je polje za preimenovanje prazno, koristiti će se nepromijenjeno ime "
#~ "datoteke."

#~ msgid "overwrite"
#~ msgstr "prebriši"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Somebody has requested to submit your account data to this email "
#~ "address.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "If you lost your password, please use the data below and just enter the\n"
#~ "password AS SHOWN into the wiki's password form field (use copy and "
#~ "paste\n"
#~ "for that).\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "After successfully logging in, it is of course a good idea to set a new "
#~ "and known password.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Netko je zatražio da se podaci o korisničkom računu pošalju\n"
#~ "u vaš sandučić elektronske pošte.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Ako ste izgubili svoju lozinku, možete koristiti priloženi niz znakova\n"
#~ "unesite ga TOČNO TAKO, KAKO JE PRIKAZAN u polje za lozinku pri prijavi\n"
#~ "(možete ga i kopirati sa ekrana - cut/paste).\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Po uspješnoj prijavi pametno je promijeniti lozinku.\n"

#~ msgid "Found no account matching the given email address '%(email)s'!"
#~ msgstr "Korisnik sa adresom '%(email)s' ne postoji!"

#~ msgid "File attachments are not allowed in this wiki!"
#~ msgstr "Ovaj wiki ne dozvoljava privitke!"

#~ msgid "SendMyPassword"
#~ msgstr "Lozinka"

#~ msgid "Use UserPreferences to change your settings or create an account."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Koristite %(userprefslink)s za podešavanje postavki ili za kreiranje "
#~ "korisničkog računa."

#~ msgid "Use UserPreferences to change settings of the selected user account"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Koristite %(userprefslink)s za promjenu postavki odabranog korisničkog "
#~ "računa"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This list does not work, unless you have entered a valid email address!"
#~ msgstr "Bez važeće adrese elektroničke pošte ovaj popis ne djeluje!"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "To create an account, see the %(userprefslink)s page. To recover a lost "
#~ "password, go to %(sendmypasswordlink)s."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kako bi kreirali korisnički račun, posjetite %(userprefslink)s stranicu. "
#~ "Kako bi zatražili izgubljenu lozinku, posjetite %(sendmypasswordlink)s "
#~ "stranicu"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "'''A page with the name {{{'%s'}}} already exists.'''\n"
#~ "Try a different name."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'''Stranica s imenom {{{'%s'}}} već postoji.'''\n"
#~ "Pokušajte s drugačijim imenom."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The comment on the change is:\n"
#~ "%(comment)s\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komentar o izmjeni je:\n"
#~ "%(comment)s\n"
#~ "\n"

#~ msgid "Status of sending notification mails:"
#~ msgstr "Stanje slanja obavijesti:"

#~ msgid "[%(lang)s] %(recipients)s: %(status)s"
#~ msgstr "[%(lang)s] %(recipients)s: %(status)s"

#~ msgid "Subscribe to trivial changes"
#~ msgstr "Pretplata i na neznatne promjene"

#~ msgid "(Only for password change or new account)"
#~ msgstr "(Samo kod promjene lozinke ili kreiranja korisničkog računa)"

#~ msgid "Check your argument %s"
#~ msgstr "Provjerite argument %s"

#~ msgid "ERROR in regex '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Pogreška u regularnom izrazu '%s'"

#~ msgid "Bad timestamp '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Navažeća vremenska oznaka '%s'"

#~ msgid "Not supported mimetype of file: %s"
#~ msgstr "Vrsta datotoeke nije poduprta: %s"

#~ msgid "Embedding of object by chosen formatter not possible"
#~ msgstr "Uključivanje objekta s izabranim formaterom nije moguće"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Not enough arguments given to EmbedObject macro! Try "
#~ "<<EmbedObject(attachment [,width=width] [,height=height] [,alt=alternate "
#~ "Text])>>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nedovoljan broj argumenata za EmbedObject makro! Pokušajte "
#~ "<<EmbedObject(privitak [,width=dužina] [,height=visina] [,alt=naslov "
#~ "privitka])>>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Not enough arguments given to EmbedObject macro! Try <<EmbedObject(url, "
#~ "url_mimetype [,width=width] [,height=height] [,alt=alternate Text])>>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nedovoljan broj argumenata za EmbedObject makro! Pokušajte "
#~ "<<EmbedObject(privitak [,width=dužina] [,height=visina] [,alt=naslov "
#~ "privitka])>>"

#~ msgid "Invalid MonthCalendar calparms \"%s\"!"
#~ msgstr "Nevažeći argumenti za [\"Mjesečni_kalendar\"]: \"%s\"!"

#~ msgid "Invalid MonthCalendar arguments \"%s\"!"
#~ msgstr "Nevažeći argumenti za [\"Mjesečni_kalendar\"]: \"%s\"!"

#~ msgid "Sorry, login failed."
#~ msgstr "Prijava nije uspjela."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The remote version of MoinMoin is too old, version 1.6 is required at "
#~ "least."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Verzija MoinMoina na drugom wikiju je prestara. Najmanja dopuštena "
#~ "verzija je 1.6."

#~ msgid "You don't have right to create the discussion page."
#~ msgstr "Nemate ovlasti za stvaranje stranice za raspravu."

#~ msgid "belonging to one of the following categories"
#~ msgstr "pripada jednoj od navedenih kategorija"

#~ msgid "Xapian stemming"
#~ msgstr "Xapian pretraživanje"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "~-If you submit this form, the submitted values will be displayed.\n"
#~ "To use this form on other pages, insert a\n"
#~ "<<BR>><<BR>>'''{{{    <<Form(\"%(pagename)s\")>>}}}'''<<BR>><<BR>>\n"
#~ "macro call.-~\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "~-Nakon potvrde unosa unesene će vrijednosti biti prikazane.\n"
#~ "Ukoliko želite koristiti ovaj obrazac na nekoj drugoj stranici potrebno "
#~ "je dodati sljedeći makro poziv \n"
#~ "<<BR>><<BR>>'''{{{    <<Form(\"%(pagename)s\")>>}}}'''<<BR>><<BR>>\n"
#~ ".-~\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Unknown user name: {{{\"%s\"}}}. Please enter user name and password."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nepoznato korisničko ime: {{{\"%s\"}}}. Upišite pravilno korisničko ime i "
#~ "lozinku."

#~ msgid "raw"
#~ msgstr "izvorno"

#~ msgid "print"
#~ msgstr "za tisak"

#~ msgid "## backup of page \"%(pagename)s\" submitted %(date)s"
#~ msgstr "## sigurnosna kopija stranice \"%(pagename)s\" od dana %(date)s"

#~ msgid "A backup of your changes is [%(backup_url)s here]."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sigurnosna kopija vaših podataka pohranjena je [%(backup_url)s ovdje]."

#~ msgid "Show chart \"%(title)s\""
#~ msgstr "Prikaži dijagram \"%(title)s\""

#~ msgid "set bookmark"
#~ msgstr "postavi oznaku"

#~ msgid "You are not allowed to do %s on this page."
#~ msgstr "Nije vam dozvoljeno na ovoj stranici \"%s\"."

#~ msgid "%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages."
#~ msgstr "%(hits)d pogodaka od približno %(pages)d pretraženih stranica."

#~ msgid "Required attribute \"%(attrname)s\" missing"
#~ msgstr "Obvezna postavka \"%(attrname)s\" nedostaje"

#~ msgid "Submitted form data:"
#~ msgstr "Poslani podaci:"

#~ msgid "Plain title index"
#~ msgstr "Tekstualni indeks naslova"

#~ msgid "XML title index"
#~ msgstr "XML index naslova"

#~ msgid "Installed processors (DEPRECATED -- use Parsers instead)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Namiješteni procesori (zastarjelo -- upotrijebite radije obrađivače "
#~ "sintakse)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sorry, someone else saved the page while you edited it.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please do the following: Use the back button of your browser, and "
#~ "cut&paste\n"
#~ "your changes from there. Then go forward to here, and click EditText "
#~ "again.\n"
#~ "Now re-add your changes to the current page contents.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "''Do not just replace\n"
#~ "the content editbox with your version of the page, because that would\n"
#~ "delete the changes of the other person, which is excessively rude!''\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Netko drugi je spremio stranicu dok ste Vi vršili promjene na njoj.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Da biste popravili situaciju, učinite sljedeće: s tipkom \"nazad\" u "
#~ "vašem pregledniku vratite se u uređivač i s \"cut/paste\" sačuvajte vaše "
#~ "prepravke.\n"
#~ "Zatim se s \"naprijed\" vratite nazad i ponovo izaberite \"Edit\".\n"
#~ "Sada ponovo unesite svoje prepravke u novu stranicu.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "''Nemojte samo ubaciti svoje promjene jer će to prebrisati sve promjene "
#~ "koje je izvršila druga osoba, a to je vrlo nepristojno!''\n"

#~ msgid "Jump to last visited page instead of frontpage"
#~ msgstr "Na ulasku prikaži zadnju posjećenu stranicu, a ne početnu"

#~ msgid "(Only when changing passwords)"
#~ msgstr "(samo ako mijenjate lozinku)"