Locked History Actions


# MoinMoin lv system text translation
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: MoinMoin 1.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-04 22:35+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-10 22:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Radomirs Cirskis <nad2000 AT AT AT AT gmail SPAM NO NO DOT "
"NO SPAM com>\n"
"Language-Team: Latvian <nad2000 AT AT AT AT gmail SPAM NO NO DOT NO SPAM "
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Language: Latviešu\n"
"X-Language-in-English: Latvian\n"
"X-HasWikiMarkup: True\n"
"X-Direction: ltr\n"

msgid "Your changes are not saved!"
msgstr "Jūs izmaiņas nav saglabātas!"

msgid "You are not allowed to edit this page."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību labot šo lapu."

msgid "Page is immutable!"
msgstr "Nemaināma lapa!"

msgid "Cannot edit old revisions!"
msgstr "Vecās versijas labot nedrīkst!"

msgid "The lock you held timed out. Be prepared for editing conflicts!"
msgstr ""
"Lapas slēgšanas laika kvota ir izsmelta. Iespējams labošanas konflikts!"

msgid "Page name is too long, try shorter name."
msgstr "Lapas nosaukums ir pārāks garš, pamēģiniet ko īsāku."

#, python-format
msgid "Draft of \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "\"%(pagename)s\" melnraksts"

#, python-format
msgid "Edit \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Labot \"%(pagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Preview of \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "\"%(pagename)s\" pirmskats"

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s has expired!"
msgstr "Jūsu labošanas slēgšanas kvota lapai %(lock_page)s beigusies!"

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # minutes."
msgstr ""
"Jūsu labošanas slēgšanas termiņš lapai %(lock_page)s izbeigsies pēc # "

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # seconds."
msgstr ""
"Jūsu labošanas slēgšanas termiņš lapai %(lock_page)s izbeigsies pēc # "

msgid "Someone else deleted this page while you were editing!"
msgstr "Kāds cits ir izdzēsis šo lapu, kamēr Jūs to labojāt!"

msgid "Someone else changed this page while you were editing!"
msgstr "Kāds cits ir izmainījis šo lapu, kamēr Jūs to labojāt!"

msgid ""
"Someone else saved this page while you were editing!\n"
"Please review the page and save then. Do not save this page as it is!"
msgstr ""
"Kāds cits ir saglabājis šo lapu, kamēr Jūs to labojāt!\n"
"Lūdzu, pārskatiet izmaiņas lapā un saglabājiet to. Nesaglabājiet to šajā "

msgid "[Content loaded from draft]"
msgstr "[Ielādēts melnraksta saturs]"

#, python-format
msgid "[Content of new page loaded from %s]"
msgstr "[Jaunās lapas saturs ielādēts no %s]"

#, python-format
msgid "[Template %s not found]"
msgstr "[Veidne %s nav atrasta]"

#, python-format
msgid "[You may not read %s]"
msgstr "[Jūs nedrīkstat lasīt %s]"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"'''<<BR>>Your draft based on revision %(draft_rev)d (saved "
"%(draft_timestamp_str)s) can be loaded instead of the current revision "
"%(page_rev)d by using the load draft button - in case you lost your last "
"edit somehow without saving it.''' A draft gets saved for you when you do a "
"preview, cancel an edit or unsuccessfully save."
msgstr ""
"'''<<BR>>Redakcijas %(draft_rev)d (saglabāta %(draft_timestamp_str)s) "
"labojumu melnrakstu var ielādēt pašreizējās redakcijas %(page_rev)d vietā ar "
"spiedpogu ielādēt melnrakstu, ja Jūs pazaudējāt pēdējos labojumus.''' "
"Melnraksti tiek saglabāti, aplūkojot pirmsskatu, pārtrauciet labošanu vai "
"labojumu saglabāšana ir nesekmīga."

#, python-format
msgid "Describe %s here."
msgstr "Aprakstiet %s šeit."

msgid "Check Spelling"
msgstr "Pārbaudīt pareizrakstību"

msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Saglabāt izmaiņas"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Atsaukt"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"By hitting '''%(save_button_text)s''' you put your changes under the "
"If you don't want that, hit '''%(cancel_button_text)s''' to cancel your "
msgstr ""
"Nospiežot '''%(save_button_text)s''', Jūs pakļaujat izmaiņas "
"Ja Jūs to nevēlaties, nospiediet '''%(cancel_button_text)s''', lai atsauktu "
"savas izmaiņas."

msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Pirmskats"

msgid "GUI Mode"
msgstr "Grafiskais režīms"

msgid "Load Draft"
msgstr "Ielādēt melnrakstu"

msgid "Trivial change"
msgstr "Maznozīmīgas izmaiņas"

msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "Komentārs:"

msgid "<No addition>"
msgstr "<Nekādas>"

#, python-format
msgid "Add to: %(category)s"
msgstr "Pievienot pie: %(category)s"

msgid "Remove trailing whitespace from each line"
msgstr "Dzēst tukšumus rindu beigās"

msgid "Edit was cancelled."
msgstr "Labošana atsaukta."

msgid "You can't copy to an empty pagename."
msgstr "Nevar kopēt lapā bez nosaukuma."

msgid "You are not allowed to copy this page!"
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību kopēt šo lapu!"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"'''A page with the name {{{'%s'}}} already exists.'''\n"
"Try a different name."
msgstr ""
"'''Lapa ar nosaukumu {{{'%s'}}} jau eksistē.'''\n"
"Pamēģiniet citu nosaukumu."

#, python-format
msgid "Could not copy page because of file system error: %s."
msgstr "Nevarēja nokopēt lapu failu sistēmas kļūdas dēļ: %s."

msgid "You are not allowed to rename this page!"
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību pārdēvēt šo lapu!"

msgid "You can't rename to an empty pagename."
msgstr "Lapas nosaukums nedrīkst būt tukšs."

#, python-format
msgid "Could not rename page because of file system error: %s."
msgstr "Sistēmas kļūdas: %s dēļ lapas nosaukums netika nomainīts."

msgid "You are not allowed to delete this page!"
msgstr "Jūs nav tiesību dzēst šo lapu!"

msgid "Thank you for your changes. Your attention to detail is appreciated."
msgstr "Paldies par veiktajām izmaiņām."

#, python-format
msgid "Page \"%s\" was successfully deleted!"
msgstr "Lapa \"%s\" veiksmīgi dzēsta!"

#, python-format
msgid "Page could not get locked. Unexpected error (errno=%d)."
msgstr "Nevar nobloķēt lapu. Neapstrādājama kļūda (errno=%d)."

msgid "Page could not get locked. Missing 'current' file?"
msgstr "Nevar nobloķēt lapu. Trūkst 'aktuālā' faila?"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to determine current page revision from the 'current' file. The page "
"%s is damaged and cannot be edited right now."
msgstr ""
"Neiespējams atšķirt pašreizējo lapas redakciju no 'pašreizējās' datnes. Lapa "
"%s ir bojāta un pašreiz to nevar labot."

#, python-format
msgid "Cannot save page %s, no storage space left."
msgstr "Nevar saglabāt lapu %s. Nav brīvas vietas."

#, python-format
msgid "An I/O error occurred while saving page %s (errno=%d)"
msgstr "Kļūda saglabājot lapu %s (kļūdas kods: %d)"

msgid "You are not allowed to edit this page!"
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību labot šo lapu!"

msgid "You cannot save empty pages."
msgstr "Tukšas lapas saglabāt nedrīkst."

msgid "You already saved this page!"
msgstr "Lapa jau ir saglabāta!"

msgid "You already edited this page! Please do not use the back button."
msgstr "Jūs jau izlabojāt šo lapu. Lūdzu, nelietojiet 'Atpakaļ' pogu!"

msgid "You did not change the page content, not saved!"
msgstr "Jūs neveicāt nekādas izmaiņas; lapa netiek saglabāta!"

msgid ""
"You can't change ACLs on this page since you have no admin rights on it!"
msgstr "Jūs nevarat mainīt pieejas tiesības, Jums nav adminstratora tiesību!"

msgid "Notifications sent to:"
msgstr "Notifikācija nosūtīta uz:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The lock of %(owner)s timed out %(mins_ago)d minute(s) ago, and you were "
"granted the lock for this page."
msgstr ""
"Prioritāte %(owner)s beidzās pirms %(mins_ago)d minūtēm, un Jums šai lapai "
"tika piešķirta lapas slēgšanas laika kvota."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Other users will be ''blocked'' from editing this page until %(bumptime)s."
msgstr ""
"Citiem lietotājiem tiks ''liegta pieeja'' šīs lapas labošanai līdz "

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Other users will be ''warned'' until %(bumptime)s that you are editing this "
msgstr ""
"Kamēr Jūs labosiet šo lapu, pārējie lietotāji tiks ''brīdināti'' līdz "

msgid "Use the Preview button to extend the locking period."
msgstr "Lai paildzinātu pieejas liegšanas periodu, nospiediet pirmskata pogu."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This page is currently ''locked'' for editing by %(owner)s until "
"%(timestamp)s, i.e. for %(mins_valid)d minute(s)."
msgstr ""
"Pašlaik %(owner)s ir ''liedzis pieeju'' labošanai līdz %(timestamp)s, t.i., "
"%(mins_valid)d minūtēm."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This page was opened for editing or last previewed at %(timestamp)s by "
"'''You should ''refrain from editing'' this page for at least another "
"%(mins_valid)d minute(s),\n"
"to avoid editing conflicts.'''<<BR>>\n"
"To leave the editor, press the Cancel button."
msgstr ""
"Šī lapa pēdējoreiz tika atvērta labošanai vai pirmskatīta %(timestamp)s "
"Lai neveidotos konflikts, '''Jums nevajadzētu'' labot'' šo lapu vēl vismaz "
"%(mins_valid)d minūtes.'''<<BR>>\n"
"Lai izietu no labošanas, nospiediet pogu Atcelt."

msgid "<unknown>"
msgstr "<nezināms>"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] Your wiki account data"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] Jūsu viki konta dati"

msgid ""
"Somebody has requested to email you a password recovery token.\n"
"If you lost your password, please go to the password reset URL below or\n"
"go to the password recovery page again and enter your username and the\n"
"recovery token.\n"
msgstr ""
"Kāds ir pieprasījis nosūtīt jums paroles atjaunošanas \"marķieri\".\n"
"Ja jūs aizmīrsāt savu paroli, lūdzu atveriet paroles atjaunošanas URL zemāk "
"dodieties uz paroles atjaunošanas lapu atkal un ievadiet savu lietotāja "
"vārdu un\n"
"atjaunošanas \"marķieri\".\n"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Login Name: %s\n"
"Password recovery token: %s\n"
"Password reset URL: %s?action=recoverpass&name=%s&token=%s\n"
msgstr ""
"Lietotāja vārds: %s\n"
"Parole atjaunošanas marķieris: %s\n"
"Paroles atstatīšanas URL: %s/?action=recoverpass&name=%s&token=%s\n"

#, python-format
msgid "The package needs a newer version of MoinMoin (at least %s)."
msgstr "Sainim nepieciešama jaunāka MoinMoin versija (vismaz %s)."

msgid "The theme name is not set."
msgstr "Tēmas nosaukums nav uzstādīts."

#, python-format
msgid "Theme files not installed! Write rights missing for %s."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Installation of '%(filename)s' failed."
msgstr "Nesekmīga faila '%(filename)s' instalēšana."

#, python-format
msgid "The file %s is not a MoinMoin package file."
msgstr "Datne %s nav MoinMoin saiņa datne."

#, python-format
msgid "The page %s does not exist."
msgstr "Lapa %s neeksistē!"

msgid "Invalid package file header."
msgstr "Nekorekta saiņa datnes galvene."

msgid "Package file format unsupported."
msgstr "Neatbalstīts saiņa datnes formāts."

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown function %(func)s in line %(lineno)i."
msgstr "Rindā %(lineno)i nedefinēta funkcija %(func)s."

#, python-format
msgid "The file %s was not found in the package."
msgstr "Datne %s sainī nav atrasta."

msgid "The wiki is currently not reachable."
msgstr "Pašlaik viki nav sasniedzams"

msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nepareizs lietotāja vārds vai vai parole"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The remote wiki uses a different InterWiki name (%(remotename)s) internally "
"than you specified (%(localname)s)."
msgstr ""
"Attālais viki izmanot atšķirīgu InterViki vārdus (%(remotename)s), kuru Jūs "
"specificējā (%(localname)s)."

msgid "Text mode"
msgstr "Teksta režīms"

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown action %(action_name)s."
msgstr "Nezināma darbība %(action_name)s."

#, python-format
msgid "You are not allowed to do %(action_name)s on this page."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību veikt darbību %(action_name)s šajā lapā."

msgid "Login and try again."
msgstr "Pieslēdzieties un mēģiniet vēlreiz."

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a boolean value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam \"%s\" jābūt loģiskā vērtība, nevis \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a boolean value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam jābūt loģiskā vērtība, nevis \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be an integer value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam \"%s\" jābūt veselam skaitlim, nevis \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be an integer value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam jābūt veselam skaitlim, nevis \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a floating point value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam \"%s\" jābūt skaitlim ar peldošu punktu, nevis \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a floating point value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam jābūt skaitlim ar peldošu punktu, nevis \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a complex value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam \"%s\" jābūt kompleksam skaitlim, nevis \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a complex value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam jābūt kompleksam skaitlim, nevis \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be one of \"%s\", not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam \"%s\" jābūt vienam no \"%s\", nevis \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be one of \"%s\", not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argumentam jābūt vienam no \"%s\", nevis \"%s\""

msgid "Too many arguments"
msgstr "Parāk daudz argumentu"

msgid "Cannot have arguments without name following named arguments"
msgstr "Argumenti bez nosaukumiem nedrīkst sekot argumentiem ar nosaukumiem"

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" is required"
msgstr "Nepieciešams arguments \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "No argument named \"%s\""
msgstr "Nav tāda argumenta: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected \"=\" to follow \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Nepieciešama vienādības zīme \"=\" pēc \"%(token)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected a value for key \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Nepieciešama vērtība atslēgai \"%(token)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid highlighting regular expression \"%(regex)s\": %(error)s"
msgstr "Nepareiza izcelšanas regulārā izteiksme \"%(regex)s\": %(error)s"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Text matching regular expression \"%(regex)s\" is highlighted. "
msgstr ""

msgid "Switch to non-highlighted view"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The backed up content of this page is deprecated and will rank lower in "
"search results!"
msgstr ""
"Saglabātais lapas saturs ir novecojis un tam būs zemāks meklēšanas "
"kritērijiem atbilstības līmenis!"

#, python-format
msgid "Revision %(rev)d as of %(date)s"
msgstr "%(rev)d.versija %(date)s datumā"

#, python-format
msgid "Redirected from page \"%(page)s\""
msgstr "Pāradresēts no lapas \"%(page)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "This page redirects to page \"%(page)s\""
msgstr "Šī lapa pāradresē uz lapu \"%(page)s\""

msgid "Create New Page"
msgstr "Izveidot jaunu lapu"

msgid "You are not allowed to view this page."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību aplūkot šo lapu."

msgid "No recipients, nothing to do"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Connection to mailserver '%(server)s' failed: %(reason)s"
msgstr "Pievienoties e-pasta serverim '%(server)s' nedrīkst: %(reason)s"

msgid "Mail not sent"
msgstr "E-pasts nav nosūtīts"

msgid "Mail sent OK"
msgstr "E-pasts nosūtīts"

msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datums"

msgid "From"
msgstr "No:"

msgid "To"
msgstr "Kam:"

msgid "Content"
msgstr "Saturs"

msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Piesaistes"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Sorry, can not save page because \"%(content)s\" is not allowed in this wiki."
msgstr ""
"Piedodiet, Jūs nevarat saglabāt lapu, jo \"%(content)s\" šajā viki nav "

msgid "Could not contact botbouncer.com."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please log in first."
msgstr "Lūdzu, sākumā pieslēdzieties"

msgid "Failed to connect to database."
msgstr ""

msgid "Missing password. Please enter user name and password."
msgstr "Trūkst paroles. Lūdzu, ievadiet vārdu un paroli."

#, python-format
msgid "LDAP server %(server)s failed."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Please choose an account name now.\n"
"If you choose an existing account name you will be asked for the\n"
"password and be able to associate the account with your OpenID."
msgstr ""

msgid "Name"
msgstr "Vārds"

msgid "Choose this name"
msgstr ""

msgid "This is not a valid username, choose a different one."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The username you have chosen is already\n"
"taken. If it is your username, enter your password below to associate\n"
"the username with your OpenID. Otherwise, please choose a different\n"
"username and leave the password field blank."
msgstr ""

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parole"

msgid "Associate this name"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "OpenID error: %s."
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenID verification canceled."
msgstr "OpenID verificēšana tika atsaukta."

msgid "Verification canceled."
msgstr "Verificēšanās tika atsaukta."

#, python-format
msgid "OpenID success. id: %s"
msgstr "OpenID veiksmīgs. ID: %s"

msgid "OpenID failure"
msgstr "OpenID kļūda."

msgid "OpenID failure."
msgstr "OpenID kļūda."

msgid "No OpenID found in session."
msgstr "OpenID sesijā nav atrasts."

msgid "Your account is now associated to your OpenID."
msgstr "Jūsu konts ir asociēts ar Jūsu OpenID."

msgid "The password you entered is not valid."
msgstr "Parole, kuru Jus ievadījāt, nav derīga."

msgid "OpenID error: unknown continuation stage"
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenID verification requires that you click this button:"
msgstr "OpenID verificēšanai nepieciešams, lai Jūs nospiestu šo spiedpogu:"

msgid "Anonymous sessions need to be enabled for OpenID login."
msgstr "OpenID autentificēšanai jābūt iespējotām anonīmām sesijām."

msgid "Failed to resolve OpenID."
msgstr "Neveiksmīga OpenID noteikšana."

msgid "OpenID discovery failure, not a valid OpenID."
msgstr "Neveiksmīga OpenID noteikšana, nederīgs OpenID identifikators."

msgid "No OpenID."
msgstr "Nav OpenID."

msgid ""
"If you do not have an account yet, you can still log in with your OpenID and "
"create one during login."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Missing user name. Please enter user name and password."
msgstr "Trūkst paroles. Lūdzu, ievadiet vārdu un paroli."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you do not have an account, <a href=\"%(userprefslink)s\">you can create "
"one now</a>. "
msgstr ""
"Ja Jums nav konta, <a href=\"%(userprefslink)s\">tagad Jūs to varat "
"izveidot</a>. "

#, python-format
msgid "<a href=\"%(sendmypasswordlink)s\">Forgot your password?</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"%(sendmypasswordlink)s\">Neaceraties paroli?</a>"

msgid "HelpOnParsers"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Syntax highlighting not supported for '%(syntax)s', see "
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Emphasis:: <<Verbatim(//)>>''italics''<<Verbatim(//)>>; "
"<<Verbatim(**)>>'''bold'''<<Verbatim(**)>>; <<Verbatim(**//)>>'''''bold "
"italics'''''<<Verbatim(//**)>>; <<Verbatim(//)>>''mixed "
"''<<Verbatim(**)>>'''''bold'''<<Verbatim(**)>> and "
" Horizontal Rule:: <<Verbatim(----)>>\n"
" Force Linebreak:: <<Verbatim(\\\\)>>\n"
" Headings:: = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===; ==== Title 4 ====; "
"===== Title 5 =====.\n"
" Lists:: * bullets; ** sub-bullets; # numbered items; ## numbered sub "
" Links:: <<Verbatim([[target]])>>; <<Verbatim([[target|linktext]])>>.\n"
" Tables:: |= header text | cell text | more cell text |;\n"
"(!) For more help, see HelpOnEditing or HelpOnCreoleSyntax.\n"
msgstr ""
" Uzsvērt:: <<Verbatim('')>>''kursīvā''<<Verbatim('')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''')>>'''treknrakstā'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''treknā kursīvā'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim('')>>''jaukti "
"''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''treknrakstā'''<<Verbatim(''')>> un "
"kursīvā''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> horizontāla svītra.\n"
" Virsraksti:: <<Verbatim(=)>> 1. līmeņa virsraksts <<Verbatim(=)>>; "
"<<Verbatim(==)>> 2.līmeņa virsraksts <<Verbatim(==)>>; <<Verbatim(===)>> 3."
"līmeņa virsraksts <<Verbatim(===)>>;   <<Verbatim(====)>> 4.līmeņa "
"virsraksts <<Verbatim(====)>>; <<Verbatim(=====)>> 5.līmeņa virsraksts "
" Saraksti:: tukšums un kāds no: * atzīmes simboli; 1., a., A., i., I. "
"numurēti elementi; 1.#n sākot no n; viens tukšums  - atkāpes.\n"
" Saites:: <<Verbatim(SavienotiVārdiArLieliemBurtiem)>>; "
"<<Verbatim([[vietrādis|saites teksts]])>>.\n"
" Tabulas:: || šūnas teksts |||| 2 ailēs izvērsts šūnas teksts ||;      Pēc "
"tabulām un virsrakstiem nedrīkst sekot atstarpes.\n"
"(!) Izvērstākai pamācībai atveriet RediģēšanasPalīdzība vai "

msgid "XSLT option disabled, please look at HelpOnConfiguration."
msgstr "XSLT izslēgts; lūdzu, skatieties KonfigurēšanasPalīdzība."

msgid "XSLT processing is not available, please install 4suite 1.x."
msgstr "XSLT apstrāde neiespējama, lūdzu, instalējiet 4suite 1.x."

#, python-format
msgid "%(errortype)s processing error"
msgstr "%(errortype)s apstrādes kļūda"

msgid ""
"Rendering of reStructured text is not possible, please install Docutils."
msgstr ""
"''reStructured'' teksta attēlošana nav iespējama. Lūdzu, instalējiet "

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Emphasis: *italic* **bold** ``monospace``\n"
"Headings: Heading 1  Heading 2  Heading 3\n"
"          =========  ---------  ~~~~~~~~~\n"
"Horizontal rule: ----\n"
"Links: TrailingUnderscore_ `multi word with backticks`_ external_\n"
".. _external: http://external-site.example.org/foo/\n"
"Lists: * bullets; 1., a. numbered items.\n"
"(!) For more help, see the\n"
"reStructuredText Quick Reference]].\n"
msgstr ""
"Uzsvērt: *kursīvā* **treknrakstā** ``mašīnraksts``\n"
"Virsraksti: Virsraksts 1  Virsraksts 2  Virsraksts 3\n"
"            ============  ------------  ~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
"Horizontāla līnija: ---- \n"
"Saites: SekojošaZemsvītra_ `vairāki vārdi ieverti atapostrofos`_ ārēja_ \n"
".. _ārēja: http://ārēja-saite.lv/jebkas/\n"
"Saraksti: * atzīmes; 1., a. numurēti elementi.\n"
"(!) Detalizētākai pamācībai apmeklējiet \n"
"reStructuredText Quick Reference]].\n"

msgid "**Maximum number of allowed includes exceeded**"
msgstr "**Pārsniegts maksimālais pieļaujamo iekļaušanu skaits**"

#, python-format
msgid "**You are not allowed to read the page: %s**"
msgstr "**Jums nav tiesību lasīt šo lapu: %s"

#, python-format
msgid "**Could not find the referenced page: %s**"
msgstr "**Nevaru atrast lapu pēc atsauces: %s**"

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Emphasis:: <<Verbatim('')>>''italics''<<Verbatim('')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''')>>'''bold'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; <<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''bold "
"italics'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; <<Verbatim('')>>''mixed "
"''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''bold'''<<Verbatim(''')>> and "
"italics''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> horizontal rule.\n"
" Headings:: = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===; ==== Title 4 ====; "
"===== Title 5 =====.\n"
" Lists:: space and one of: * bullets; 1., a., A., i., I. numbered items; 1."
"#n start numbering at n; space alone indents.\n"
" Links:: <<Verbatim(JoinCapitalizedWords)>>; <<Verbatim([[target|"
" Tables:: || cell text |||| cell text spanning 2 columns ||;    no trailing "
"white space allowed after tables or titles.\n"
"(!) For more help, see HelpOnEditing or HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax.\n"
msgstr ""
" Uzsvērt:: <<Verbatim('')>>''kursīvā''<<Verbatim('')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''')>>'''treknrakstā'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''treknā kursīvā'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim('')>>''jaukti "
"''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''treknrakstā'''<<Verbatim(''')>> un "
"kursīvā''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> horizontāla svītra.\n"
" Virsraksti:: <<Verbatim(=)>> 1. līmeņa virsraksts <<Verbatim(=)>>; "
"<<Verbatim(==)>> 2.līmeņa virsraksts <<Verbatim(==)>>; <<Verbatim(===)>> 3."
"līmeņa virsraksts <<Verbatim(===)>>;   <<Verbatim(====)>> 4.līmeņa "
"virsraksts <<Verbatim(====)>>; <<Verbatim(=====)>> 5.līmeņa virsraksts "
" Saraksti:: tukšums un kāds no: * atzīmes simboli; 1., a., A., i., I. "
"numurēti elementi; 1.#n sākot no n; viens tukšums  - atkāpes.\n"
" Saites:: <<Verbatim(SavienotiVārdiArLieliemBurtiem)>>; "
"<<Verbatim([[vietrādis|saites teksts]])>>.\n"
" Tabulas:: || šūnas teksts |||| 2 ailēs izvērsts šūnas teksts ||;      Pēc "
"tabulām un virsrakstiem nedrīkst sekot atstarpes.\n"
"(!) Izvērstākai pamācībai atveriet RediģēšanasPalīdzība vai "

#, python-format
msgid "Expected \"%(wanted)s\" after \"%(key)s\", got \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Nepieciešams \"%(wanted)s\" pēc \"%(key)s\", nevis \"%(token)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected an integer \"%(key)s\" before \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Nepieciešams skaitlis \"%(key)s\" pirms \"%(token)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected an integer \"%(arg)s\" after \"%(key)s\""
msgstr "Nepieciešams skaitlis \"%(arg)s\" pēc \"%(key)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected a color value \"%(arg)s\" after \"%(key)s\""
msgstr "Nepieciešams krāsas kods \"%(arg)s\" pēc \"%(key)s\""

msgid "Password is too short."
msgstr "Parole ir pārāk īsa."

msgid "Password has not enough different characters."
msgstr "Parolē ir parmaz atšķirīgu zīmju."

msgid ""
"Password is too easy (password contains name or name contains password)."
msgstr "Parole ir pārak vienkārša (parole satur vārdu vai vārds satur paroli)."

msgid "Password is too easy (keyboard sequence)."
msgstr "Parole ir pārāk vienkārša (secīgi spiesti taustiņi)."

msgid "Diffs"
msgstr "Atšķirības"

msgid "Info"
msgstr "Informācija"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Labot"

msgid "UnSubscribe"
msgstr "Atrakstīties"

msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Parakstīties"

msgid "Raw"
msgstr "Nepārstrādāts"

msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"

msgid "Print"
msgstr "Drukāt"

msgid "View"
msgstr "Skats"

msgid "Up"
msgstr "Augšup"

msgid "Publish my email (not my wiki homepage) in author info"
msgstr ""
"Publiskot manu e-pasta adresi (bez manas viki mājas lapas) autora informācijā"

msgid "Open editor on double click"
msgstr "Labot ar dubultklikšķi"

msgid "After login, jump to last visited page"
msgstr "Pēc pieslēgšanās pāriet uz pēdējo apmeklēto lapu"

msgid "Show comment sections"
msgstr "Parādīt komentāru sadaļas"

msgid "Show question mark for non-existing pagelinks"
msgstr "Rādīt jautājuma zīmi neeksistējošu lapu saitēm"

msgid "Show page trail"
msgstr "Rādīt caurskatīto lapu sarakstu"

msgid "Show icon toolbar"
msgstr "Rādīt ikonu rindu"

msgid "Show top/bottom links in headings"
msgstr "Rādīt augšā/lejā saites virsrakstos"

msgid "Show fancy diffs"
msgstr "Rādīt stilizētas atšķirības"

msgid "Add spaces to displayed wiki names"
msgstr "Atdalīt viki vārdus ar atstarpēm"

msgid "Remember login information"
msgstr "Atcerēties ieejas informāciju"

msgid "Disable this account forever"
msgstr "Aizmirst par mani uz visiem laikiem"

msgid "(Use FirstnameLastname)"
msgstr "(Izmantojiet VārduUzvārdu)"

msgid "Alias-Name"
msgstr "Aliass-Vārds"

msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-pasts"

msgid "Jabber ID"
msgstr "Jabber Identifikators"

msgid "User CSS URL"
msgstr "Lietotāja CSS URL"

msgid "(Leave it empty for disabling user CSS)"
msgstr "(Atstāt tukšu, lai varētu lietot CSS)"

msgid "Editor size"
msgstr "Labošanas loga izmērs"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] %(trivial)sUpdate of \"%(pagename)s\" by %(username)s"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] %(trivial)sAtjaunoja \"%(pagename)s\" %(username)s"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on \"%(sitename)s\" for "
"change notification.\n"
"The \"%(pagename)s\" page has been changed by %(editor)s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Godājamais Viki lietotāj,\n"
"Jūs esat parakstījies(-usies) viki lapas vai kategorijas izmaiņām vietnē "
"Lapu %(pagename)s ir mainījis(-usi) %(editor)s:\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(sitename)s\" for change "
"The page \"%(pagename)s\" has been deleted by %(editor)s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Godājamais Viki lietotāj,\n"
"Jūs esat parakstījies(-usies) viki lapasizmaiņām vietnē \"%(sitename)s\".\n"
"Lapu %(pagename)s ir izdzēsis lietotājs %(editor)s:\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(sitename)s\" for change "
"The page \"%(pagename)s\" has been renamed from \"%(oldname)s\" by "
msgstr ""
"Godājamais Viki lietotāj,\n"
"Jūs esat parakstījies(-usies) viki lapas izmaiņām vietnē \"%(sitename)s\".\n"
"Lapu \"%(oldname)s\" ir pārdēvējis par \"%(pagename)s\" lietotājs "

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] New attachment added to page %(pagename)s"
msgstr "Jauna piesaiste piesaistīta lapai %(pagename)s uz %(sitename)s"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(page_name)s\" for change "
"notification. An attachment has been added to that page by %(editor)s. "
"Following detailed information is available:\n"
"Attachment name: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Attachment size: %(attach_size)s\n"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] Removed attachment from page %(pagename)s"
msgstr "Jauna piesaiste piesaistīta lapai %(pagename)s uz %(sitename)s"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(page_name)s\" for change "
"notification. An attachment has been removed from that page by %(editor)s. "
"Following detailed information is available:\n"
"Attachment name: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Attachment size: %(attach_size)s\n"
msgstr ""
"Godājamais Viki lietotāj,\n"
"Jūs esat parakstījies(-usies) viki lapas izmaiņām vietnē \"%(sitename)s\".\n"
"Lapu \"%(oldname)s\" ir pārdēvējis par \"%(pagename)s\" lietotājs "

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] New user account created"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] Jūsu viki konta dati"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Superuser, a new user has just been created on \"%(sitename)s\". "
"Details follow:\n"
"    User name: %(username)s\n"
"    Email address: %(useremail)s"
msgstr ""
"Godājamais \"Superlietotāj\", tikko vietnē %(sitename)s tika izveidots jauns "
"    Lietotāja vārds: %(username)s\n"
"    E-pasta adrese: %(useremail)s"

msgid "anonymous"
msgstr "anonīms"

msgid "Line"
msgstr "Rinda"

msgid "No differences found!"
msgstr "Atšķirības nav atrastas!"

msgid "Deletions are marked like this."
msgstr "Dzēstie atzīmēti šādi."

msgid "Additions are marked like this."
msgstr "Pievienotie atzīmēti šādi"

msgid "DeleteCache"
msgstr "DzēstKešatmiņu"

#, python-format
msgid "(cached %s)"
msgstr "(saglabāts %s)"

msgid "Or try one of these actions:"
msgstr "Vai mēģināt kādu no darbībām:"

msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Atrakstīties"

msgid "Home"
msgstr "Māja"

msgid "[RSS]"
msgstr "[RSS]"

msgid "[DELETED]"
msgstr "[DZĒSTS]"

msgid "[UPDATED]"
msgstr "[ATJAUNINĀTS]"

msgid "[RENAMED]"
msgstr "[PĀRDĒVĒTS]"

msgid "[CONFLICT]"
msgstr "[KONFLIKTS]"

msgid "[NEW]"
msgstr "[JAUNS]"

msgid "[DIFF]"
msgstr "[ATŠĶIRĪBAS]"

msgid "[BOTTOM]"
msgstr "[APAKŠA]"

msgid "[TOP]"
msgstr "[AUGŠA]"

msgid "Click to do a full-text search for this title"
msgstr "Nospiediet šeit, lai sāktu šī virsraksta meklēšanu visā tekstā"

msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Iestatījumi"

msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Iziet"

msgid "Login"
msgstr "Ieiet"

msgid "Clear message"
msgstr "Notīrīt ziņojumu"

#, python-format
msgid "last edited %(time)s by %(editor)s"
msgstr "pēdējais labojums %(time)s %(editor)s"

#, python-format
msgid "last modified %(time)s"
msgstr "pēdējā modifikācija %(time)s"

msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Meklēt:"

msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekstā"

msgid "Titles"
msgstr "Virsrakstos"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Meklēt"

msgid "More Actions:"
msgstr "Citas darbības:"

msgid "------------------------"
msgstr "------------------------"

msgid "Raw Text"
msgstr "Rādīt jēltekstu"

msgid "Print View"
msgstr "Drukāšanai"

msgid "Delete Cache"
msgstr "Dzēst kešatmiņu"

msgid "Rename Page"
msgstr "Pārdēvēt lapu"

msgid "Copy Page"
msgstr "Kopēt lapu"

msgid "Delete Page"
msgstr "Dzēst lapu"

msgid "Like Pages"
msgstr "Līdzīgas lapas"

msgid "Local Site Map"
msgstr "Lokālā vietnes karte"

msgid "My Pages"
msgstr "Manas lapas"

msgid "Subscribe User"
msgstr "Parakstīt lietotāju"

msgid "Remove Spam"
msgstr "Atsārņot"

msgid "Revert to this revision"
msgstr "Atgriezties pie šīs versijas"

msgid "Package Pages"
msgstr "Iesaiņot Lapas"

msgid "Render as Docbook"
msgstr "Eksportēt Docbook formātā"

msgid "Sync Pages"
msgstr "Sinhronizēt lapas"

msgid "Do"
msgstr "Veikt"

msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Komentārs"

msgid "Edit (Text)"
msgstr "Labot tekstu"

msgid "Edit (GUI)"
msgstr "Labot grafiski"

msgid "Immutable Page"
msgstr "Nemaināma lapa"

msgid "Remove Link"
msgstr "Dzēst saiti"

msgid "Add Link"
msgstr "Pievienot saiti"

#, python-format
msgid "Show %s days."
msgstr "Rādīt %s dienas."

msgid "Wiki Markup"
msgstr "Viki marķējums"

msgid "Wiki"
msgstr "Viki"

msgid "Page"
msgstr "Lapa"

msgid "User"
msgstr "Lietotājs"

msgid "[ATTACH]"
msgstr ""

msgid "Options --pages and --search are mutually exclusive!"
msgstr "Opcijas ''--pages'' an ''--search'' ir savstarpēji izslēdzošas!"

msgid "You must specify an output file!"
msgstr "Jums jānorāda izvaddatne!"

msgid "No pages specified using --pages or --search, assuming full package."
msgstr ""
"Nav norādītas lapas ar ''--pages'' vai ''--search''. Izvēlēts pilns sainis."

msgid "All attachments included into the package."
msgstr "Visas piesaistes iekļautas sainī."

msgid "Output file already exists! Cowardly refusing to continue!"
msgstr "Izvaddatne jau eksistē!"

msgid "Attachment link"
msgstr "Piesaistes saite"

msgid "Page link"
msgstr "Lapas saite"

msgid "Changed page"
msgstr "Mainīta lapa"

msgid "Page changed"
msgstr "Mainītā lapa"

msgid "Page has been modified"
msgstr ""

msgid "Page has been modified in a trivial fashion"
msgstr ""

msgid "Page has been renamed"
msgstr "Lapa ir pārdēvēta"

msgid "Page has been deleted"
msgstr "Lapa ir dzēsta"

msgid "Page has been copied"
msgstr "Lapa ir bijusi pārkopēta"

msgid "A new attachment has been added"
msgstr "Jauna piesaiste ir bijusi pievienota"

#, fuzzy
msgid "An attachment has been removed"
msgstr "Jauna piesaiste ir bijusi pievienota"

msgid "A page has been reverted to a previous state"
msgstr "Lapa ir atgriezta uz iepriekšēju stāvokli"

msgid "A user has subscribed to a page"
msgstr "Lietotājs ir parakstījies uz lapu."

msgid "A new account has been created"
msgstr "Jauns konts ir bijis izveidots"

msgid "Trivial "
msgstr "Maznozīmīgs "

msgid "New page:\n"
msgstr "Jauna lapa:\n"

msgid "No differences found!\n"
msgstr "Izmaiņas nav atrastas!\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment link: %(attach)s\n"
"Page link: %(page)s\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "[all]"
msgstr "[visi]"

msgid "[not empty]"
msgstr "[netukši]"

msgid "[empty]"
msgstr "[tukši]"

msgid "filter"
msgstr "fitrēt"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Results %(bs)s%(hitsFrom)d - %(hitsTo)d%(be)s of %(aboutHits)s %(bs)s%(hits)d"
"%(be)s results out of about %(pages)d pages."
msgstr ""
"Rezultāti %(bs)s%(hitsFrom)d - %(hitsTo)d%(be)s no %(aboutHits)s %(bs)s"
"%(hits)d%(be)s rezultātiem no apmēram %(pages)d lapām."

msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekundes"

msgid "Previous"
msgstr "iepriekšējā"

msgid "Next"
msgstr "nākamā"

msgid "rev"
msgstr "rev."

msgid "current"
msgstr "pašreizējā"

#, python-format
msgid "last modified: %s"
msgstr "pēdējā modifikācija: %s"

msgid "match"
msgstr "saskaņa"

msgid "matches"
msgstr "saskaņas"

msgid "about"
msgstr "par"

msgid "This page is already deleted or was never created!"
msgstr "Šāda lapa jau ir izdzēsta vai nekad nav eksistējusi!"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid filename \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Nepareizs faila nosaukums \"%s\"!"

msgid "Include all attachments?"
msgstr "Iekļaut visas piesaistes?"

msgid "Package pages"
msgstr "Iesaiņot lapas"

msgid "Package name"
msgstr "Saiņa nosaukums"

msgid "List of page names - separated by a comma"
msgstr "Lapu saraksts, atdalīts ar komatiem"

#, python-format
msgid "No pages like \"%s\"!"
msgstr "\"%s\" līdzīgu lapu nav!"

#, python-format
msgid "Rolled back changes to the page %s."
msgstr "Atrite maina uz lapu %s."

msgid "Exception while calling rollback function:"
msgstr "Kļūda veicot atrites funkciju:"

msgid ""
"Please enter your password of your account at the remote wiki below. "
"<<BR>> /!\\ You should trust both wikis because the password could be read "
"by the particular administrators."
msgstr ""
"Lūdzu, zemāk ievadiet sava konta paroli uz attālā viki servera.<<BR>> /!\\ "
"Abiem viki serveriem jābūt uzticamiem. Jūsu paroli potenciāli varēs nolasīt "

msgid "Operation was canceled."
msgstr "Operācija tika atsaukta."

#, python-format
msgid "Please use the interactive user interface to use action %(actionname)s!"
msgstr "Darbību %(actionname)s, lūdzu, izmantojiet interaktīvi!"

msgid "The only supported directions are BOTH and DOWN."
msgstr "Iespējami tikai virzieni: ABOS un LEJUP"

msgid ""
"Please set an interwikiname in your wikiconfig (see HelpOnConfiguration) to "
"be able to use this action."
msgstr ""
"Lūdzu specificējiet starpviki vārdu (''interwikiname'') savā konfigurācijā "
"''wikiconfig'' (skat. HelpOnConfiguration), lai verētu izmantot šo darbību."

msgid ""
"Incorrect parameters. Please supply at least the ''remoteWiki'' parameter. "
"Refer to HelpOnSynchronisation for help."
msgstr ""
"Nepareizs parametrs. Lūdzu, izmantojiet vismaz parametru "
"''remoteWiki'' (skat. HelpOnSynchronisation)."

msgid "The ''remoteWiki'' is unknown."
msgstr "''remoteWiki'' ir nezināms."

msgid "A severe error occurred:"
msgstr "Notikusi servera kļūda:"

msgid "Synchronisation finished. Look below for the status messages."
msgstr "Sinhronizēšana pabeigta. Statusa ziņojumi redzami zemāk."

msgid "Synchronisation started -"
msgstr "Sinhronizēšana sākusies -"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Got a list of %s local and %s remote pages. This results in %s pages to "
msgstr ""
"Igūts saraksts no %s lokālām un %s attālām lapām, kas veido %s atšķirīgas "

#, python-format
msgid "After filtering: %s pages"
msgstr "Pēc filtrēšanas: %s lapas"

#, python-format
msgid "Skipped page %s because of no write access to local page."
msgstr "Izlaistas %s, ja nav lokālo lapu rakstīšanas tiesību."

#, python-format
msgid "Deleted page %s locally."
msgstr "Lapa %s dezēsta lokāli."

#, python-format
msgid "Error while deleting page %s locally:"
msgstr "Kļūda dzēšot lapu %s lokāli:"

#, python-format
msgid "Deleted page %s remotely."
msgstr "Lapa %s dzēsta attāli."

#, python-format
msgid "Error while deleting page %s remotely:"
msgstr "Kļūda dzēšat lapu %s attāli:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s cannot be merged automatically but was changed in both wikis. "
"Please delete it in one of both wikis and try again."
msgstr ""
"Nevar automātiski apvienot %s, bet izmaiņas ir abos viki serveros. Lūdzu, "
"izdzēsiet to vienā no viki serveriem un mēģiniet vēlreiz."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s has different mime types in both wikis and cannot be merged. "
"Please delete it in one of both wikis or unify the mime type, and try again."
msgstr ""
"Viki serverso %s ir at atšķirīgu MIME tipu un nevar būt apvienots. Lūdzu, "
"izdzēsiet to vienā no viki serveriem un mēģiniet vēlreiz."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s was renamed locally. This is not implemented yet. Therefore the "
"full synchronisation history is lost for this page."
msgstr ""
"%s ir lokāli pārdēvēts. Tas vēl nav implementēts. Pilnā sinhronizācijas "
"vēsture ir zaudēta."

#, python-format
msgid "Synchronising page %s with remote page %s ..."
msgstr "Lapas %s sinhronizēšana ar attālu lapu %s ..."

#, python-format
msgid "The page %s was deleted remotely but changed locally."
msgstr "Attāli Lapa %s ir izdzēsta, bet mainīta lokāli."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The page %s could not be synced. The remote page was renamed. This is not "
"supported yet. You may want to delete one of the pages to get it synced."
msgstr ""
"%s nevar tikt sinhronizēta. Attālā lapa ir pārdēvēta. Pašlaik tas vēl netiek "
"atbalstīts. Lai lapas sasinhronizētu, būtu jāizdzēs viena no tām."

#, python-format
msgid "Skipped page %s because of a locally or remotely unresolved conflict."
msgstr "Izlaista lapa %s neatrisināta lokāla vai attāla konflikta rezultātā."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This is the first synchronisation between the local and the remote wiki for "
"the page %s."
msgstr "Šī ir pirmā lapas %s lokālā un attālā viki sinhronizācija."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The page %s could not be merged because you are not allowed to modify the "
"page in the remote wiki."
msgstr ""
"Lapa %s nevar tikt apvienota, jo Jums nav tiesības to modificēt uz attālā "

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s successfully merged."
msgstr "Lapa %s veiksmīgi sapludināta."

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s contains conflicts that were introduced on the remote side."
msgstr "Lapa %s satur konfliktus, kas radušies uz attālā viki."

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s merged with conflicts."
msgstr "Lapas %s sapludināšanā bija konflikti."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment location"
msgstr "Piesaistes saite"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Page name"
msgstr "Lapas nosaukums"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachment name"
msgstr "Jaunais piesaistes nosaukums"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Refresh attachment list"
msgstr "Piesaistes saite"

#, fuzzy
msgid "List of attachments"
msgstr "piesaiste"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Available attachments for page"
msgstr "Lapas \"%(pagename)s\" piesaistes"

#, python-format
msgid "Exactly one page like \"%s\" found, redirecting to page."
msgstr "Atrasta tieši viena \"%s\" līdzīga lapa; pāradresēju uz to."

#, python-format
msgid "Pages like \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" līdzīgas lapas"

#, python-format
msgid "%(matchcount)d %(matches)s for \"%(title)s\""
msgstr "%(matchcount)d %(matches)s for \"%(title)s\""

msgid "You must login to remove a quicklink."
msgstr "Lai dzēstu ātrsaiti, Jums jāpieslēdzas."

msgid "Your quicklink to this page has been removed."
msgstr "Jūsu ātrsaite uz šo lapu ir dzēsta."

msgid "Your quicklink to this page could not be removed."
msgstr "Nevar izdzēst Jūsu ātrsaiti uz šo lapu."

msgid "You need to have a quicklink to this page to remove it."
msgstr "Nepieciešama ātrsaite uz šo lapu, lai to varētu izdzēst."

msgid "Please choose:"
msgstr "Lūdzu izvēlieties:"

#, python-format
msgid "You must login to use this action: %(action)s."
msgstr "Lai izmanototu darbību \"%(action)s.\", Jums jāpieslēdzas."

msgid "Only superuser is allowed to use this action."
msgstr "Tikai superlietotājs drīkst lietot šo kontu."

msgid "You are not allowed to subscribe to a page you can't read."
msgstr "Jūs nedrīkstat parakstīties uz lapu, kuru Jums nav tiesību lasīt."

msgid "This wiki is not enabled for mail/Jabber processing."
msgstr "Šajā viki e-pasta/\"Jabber\" apstrāde nav iespējota."

msgid "You must log in to use subscriptions."
msgstr "Lai izmanototu parasktīšanos, Jums jāpieslēdzas."

msgid ""
"Add your email address or Jabber ID in your user settings to use "
msgstr ""
"Lai izmantotu parakstīšanos, uzrādiet savu e-pasta adresi vai \"Jabber\" "

msgid "You are already subscribed to this page."
msgstr "Jūs jau esat parakstījies(-usies) uz šo lapu."

msgid "You have been subscribed to this page."
msgstr "Tagad Jūs esat parakstījies(-usies) uz šo lapu."

msgid "You could not get subscribed to this page."
msgstr "Jūs nevarat parakstīties izmaiņām šajā lapā."

#, python-format
msgid "Upload of attachment '%(filename)s'."
msgstr "Piesaistes '%(filename)s' augšupielāde."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' deleted."
msgstr "Piesaiste '%(filename)s' izdzēsta."

#, python-format
msgid "Drawing '%(filename)s' saved."
msgstr "Attēls '%(filename)s' saglabāts."

#, python-format
msgid "Revert to revision %(rev)d."
msgstr "Versijas %(rev)d atgriešana."

#, python-format
msgid "Renamed from '%(oldpagename)s'."
msgstr "Pārdēvēta no '%(oldpagename)s'."

#, python-format
msgid "[%d attachments]"
msgstr "[%d piesaistes]"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"There are <a href=\"%(link)s\">%(count)s attachment(s)</a> stored for this "
msgstr "Šai lapai ir <a href=\"%(link)s\">%(count)s piesaistes</a>. "

msgid "Filename of attachment not specified!"
msgstr "Nav norādīts piesaistes faila vārds!"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' does not exist!"
msgstr "Piesaiste '%(filename)s' neeksistē!"

msgid ""
"To refer to attachments on a page, use '''{{{attachment:filename}}}''', \n"
"as shown below in the list of files. \n"
"Do '''NOT''' use the URL of the {{{[get]}}} link, \n"
"since this is subject to change and can break easily."
msgstr ""
"Atsaucei uz piesaisti, rakstiet lapas tekstā '''{{{piesaiste:faila "
"nosaukums}}}''', \n"
"kā redzams zemāk sarakstā. \n"
"'''NEIZMANTOJIET''' saites {{{[get]}}} URL. \n"
"Tas var tikt mainīts."

msgid "del"
msgstr "dzēst"

msgid "move"
msgstr "pārvietot"

msgid "get"
msgstr "dabūt"

msgid "edit"
msgstr "labot"

msgid "view"
msgstr "skats"

msgid "unzip"
msgstr "atspiest"

msgid "install"
msgstr "instalēt"

msgid "All files"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Files:"
msgstr "Piesaistītie faili"

#, fuzzy
msgid "delete"
msgstr "Dzēst"

#, fuzzy
msgid "move to page"
msgstr "Lapu skaits"

msgid "Do it."
msgstr "Dari to."

#, python-format
msgid "No attachments stored for %(pagename)s"
msgstr "Lapai %(pagename)s nav piesaistes"

msgid "You are not allowed to delete attachments on this page."
msgstr "Jūs nedrīkstat dzēst šīs lapas piesaistes."

msgid "You are not allowed to move attachments from this page."
msgstr "Jūs nav tiesību pārvietot piesaistes no šīs lapas."

msgid "You are not allowed to attach a file to this page."
msgstr "Jūs nedrīkstat veidot piesaistes šai lapai."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(pagename)s/%(filename)s' moved to '%(new_pagename)s/"
msgstr ""
"Piesaiste '%(pagename)s/%(filename)s' pārvietota uz '%(new_pagename)s/"

msgid "New Attachment"
msgstr "Jauna Piesaiste"

msgid "File to upload"
msgstr "Augšupielādējamais fails"

msgid "Rename to"
msgstr "Pārdēvēt par"

msgid "Overwrite existing attachment of same name"
msgstr "Pārrakstīt piesaisti ar šādu nosaukumu"

msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Ielādēt"

msgid "Attached Files"
msgstr "Piesaistītie faili"

#, python-format
msgid "Unsupported AttachFile sub-action: %s"
msgstr "Neatbalstīta AttachFile apakšdarbība: %s"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachments for \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Lapas \"%(pagename)s\" piesaistes"

msgid "TextCha: Wrong answer! Go back and try again..."
msgstr "TextCha tests: nepareiza atbilde! Atgriezieties un mēginiet vēlreiz..."

msgid ""
"No file content. Delete non ASCII characters from the file name and try "
msgstr ""
"Tukšs faila saturs. Nodzēsiet visus NE ASCII simbolus un mēģiniet vēlreiz."

msgid "You are not allowed to overwrite a file attachment of this page."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību pārrasktīt šai lapai piesaistītās datnes."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(target)s' (remote name '%(filename)s') with %(bytes)d bytes "
msgstr ""
"Piesaiste '%(target)s' (no faila '%(filename)s') ar izmēru %(bytes)d baiti "

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(target)s' (remote name '%(filename)s') already exists."
msgstr "Piesaite '%(target)s' (veidota no faila '%(filename)s') jau eksistē."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(new_pagename)s/%(new_filename)s' already exists."
msgstr "Piesaiste '%(new_pagename)s/%(new_filename)s' jau pastāv."

msgid "Nothing changed"
msgstr "Bez izmaiņām"

#, python-format
msgid "Page '%(new_pagename)s' does not exist or you don't have enough rights."
msgstr "Lapa '%(new_pagename)s' neeksistē vai arī Jums nav tiesību."

msgid "Move aborted!"
msgstr "Pārvietošana pārtraukta!"

msgid "Move aborted because new page name is empty."
msgstr "Pārvietošana pārtraukta dēļ tukšā lapas nosaukuma."

#, python-format
msgid "Please use a valid filename for attachment '%(filename)s'."
msgstr "Lūdzu, piesaistei izmantojiet pieļaujamu nosaukumu: '%(filename)s'."

msgid "Move aborted because new attachment name is empty."
msgstr "Piesaistes vārds ir tukšs - pārvietošana pārtraukta."

msgid "Move"
msgstr "Pārvietot"

msgid "New page name"
msgstr "Jaunais lapas nosaukums"

msgid "New attachment name"
msgstr "Jaunais piesaistes nosaukums"

msgid "You are not allowed to get attachments from this page."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību saņemt šīs lapas piesaistes."

msgid "You are not allowed to install files."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību instalēt failus."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' installed."
msgstr "Piesaiste '%(filename)s' ir uzinstalēta."

msgid "You are not allowed to unzip attachments of this page."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību atspiest šīs lapas piesaistes."

#, python-format
msgid "The file %(filename)s is not a .zip file."
msgstr "Fails %(filename)s nav .zip fails."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because some files in the zip are "
"either not in the same directory or exceeded the single file size limit "
"(%(maxsize_file)d kB)."
msgstr ""
"Piesaiste '%(filename)s' nav atpakota, jo daži faili nav taipat direktorijā "
"vai pārsniedz datnes maksimālo pieļaujamo izmēru (%(maxsize_file)d kB)."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because it would have exceeded the "
"per page attachment storage size limit (%(size)d kB)."
msgstr ""
"Nevar atpakot piesaisti '%(filename)s' - rezultējošie faili var būt pārāk "
"lieli (pietrūkst %(space)d kB)."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because it would have exceeded the "
"per page attachment count limit (%(count)d)."
msgstr ""
"Nevar atpakot piesaisti '%(filename)s' - rezultējošo failu būs pārāk daudz "
"(pietrūkst %(count)d)."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' partially unzipped (did not overwrite: "
msgstr "Piesaiste '%(filename)s' atspiesta."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' unzipped."
msgstr "Piesaiste '%(filename)s' atspiesta."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s'"
msgstr "Piesaiste '%(filename)s'"

msgid "Download"
msgstr "Lejuplādēt"

msgid "Package script:"
msgstr "Saiņa skripts:"

msgid "File Name"
msgstr "Faila nosaukums"

msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Modificēts"

msgid "Size"
msgstr "Izmērs"

msgid "Unknown file type, cannot display this attachment inline."
msgstr "Nezināms faila tips, nevar attēlot iestarpināto piesaisti."

msgid "You are not allowed to view attachments of this page."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību skatīt šīs lapas piesaistes."

#, python-format
msgid "attachment:%(filename)s of %(pagename)s"
msgstr "piesaiste:%(filename)s lapai %(pagename)s"

msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Vispārēja informācija"

#, python-format
msgid "Page size: %d"
msgstr "Lapas izmērs: %d"

msgid "SHA digest of this page's content is:"
msgstr "Lapas satura SHA īssavilkums:"

msgid "The following users subscribed to this page:"
msgstr "Sekojoši lietotāji ir parakstījušies uz šo lapu:"

msgid "This page links to the following pages:"
msgstr "Šajā lapā ir saites uz sekojošām lapām:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Showing page edit history entries from '''%(start_offset)d''' to "
"'''%(end_offset)d''' out of '''%(total_count)d''' entries total."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Newer"
msgstr "Jauns nosaukums"

msgid "Older"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "%s items per page"
msgstr ""

msgid "Diff"
msgstr "Atšķirība"

msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Redaktors"

msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentārs"

msgid "Action"
msgstr "Darbība"

msgid "to previous"
msgstr "uz iepriekšējo"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Nav pieejams"

msgid "Revision History"
msgstr "Versiju vēsture"

msgid "No log entries found."
msgstr "Ieraksti par labojumiem netika atrasti."

#, python-format
msgid "Info for \"%s\""
msgstr "Informācija par \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Show \"%(title)s\""
msgstr "Rādīt \"%(title)s\""

msgid "General Page Infos"
msgstr "Vispārēja lapas informācija"

msgid "Page hits and edits"
msgstr "Apmeklējumi un labojumi"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Dzēst"

msgid "Delete all /subpages too?"
msgstr "Vai dzēst arī visas /apakšlapas?"

msgid "Optional reason for the deletion"
msgstr "Ja vēlaties, norādiet lapas dzēšanas iemeslu"

msgid "Really delete this page?"
msgstr "Jūs tiešām vēlaties dzēst šo lapu?"

msgid "Please first create a homepage before creating additional pages."
msgstr "Lūdzu, pirms veidot papildus lapas, izveidojiet mājas lapu."

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid ""
"You can add some additional sub pages to your already existing homepage "
"You can choose how open to other readers or writers those pages shall be,\n"
"access is controlled by group membership of the corresponding group page.\n"
"Just enter the sub page's name and click on the button to create a new "
"Before creating access protected pages, make sure the corresponding group "
"exists and has the appropriate members in it. Use HomepageGroupsTemplate for "
"the group pages.\n"
"||'''Add a new personal page:'''||'''Related access control list "
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadWritePageTemplate,read-write page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadPageTemplate,read-only page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepagePrivatePageTemplate,private page,%(username)s)>>||"
"%(username)s only||\n"
msgstr ""
"Šeit Jūs varat pievienot apakšlapas Jūsu esksistējošai mājas lapai. \n"
"Jūs varat noteikt šo lapu pieejamību citem lietotājiem,\n"
"pieeju kontrolē atbilstošās grupas lapas grupas piederība.\n"
"Lai izveidotu apakšlapu, evadiet apakšlapas nosaukumu un nospiediet pogu.\n"
"Pirms veidot aizsargātas pieejas lapas, pārliecinieties, ka atbilstošas "
"grupas lapa eksistē \n"
"un tajā ir atbilstoši lietotāji. Izmantojiet MājaslapasGrupasVeidne, "
"veidojot grupas lapas2.\n"
"||'''Pievienot jaunu personisku lapu:'''||'''Sastīta pieejas kontroles "
"saraksta grupa:'''||\n"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadWritePageTemplate,lasāma-rakstāma lapa,"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadPageTemplate,tikai-lasāma lapa,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepagePrivatePageTemplate,privāta lapa,%(username)s)>>||Tikai "

msgid "MyPages management"
msgstr "MyPages pārvaldīšana"

#, python-format
msgid "(including %(localwords)d %(pagelink)s)"
msgstr "(including %(localwords)d %(pagelink)s)"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following %(badwords)d words could not be found in the dictionary of "
"%(totalwords)d words%(localwords)s and are highlighted below:"
msgstr ""
"%(badwords)d vārdi netika atrasti %(totalwords)d %(localwords)s vārdnīcā un "
"ir izcelti šeit:"

msgid "Add checked words to dictionary"
msgstr "Pievienot atzīmētos vārdus vārdnīcai"

msgid "No spelling errors found!"
msgstr "Pareizrakstības kļūdas nav atrastas!"

msgid "You can't save spelling words."
msgstr "Jūs nevarat saglabāt pareizrakstības vārdus."

msgid "You can't check spelling on a page you can't read."
msgstr "Jūs nevarat pārbaudīt pareizrakstību lapā, kuru nedrīkstat lasīt."

msgid "You are not allowed to use this action."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību lietot šo darbību."

msgid "If this account exists an email was sent."
msgstr "Ja šāds konts pastāv, e-pasta ziņojumums ir nosūtīts."

msgid ""
"This wiki is not enabled for mail processing.\n"
"Contact the owner of the wiki, who can enable email."
msgstr ""
"Šajā viki pasta sūtīšana ir aizliegta.\n"
"Sazinieties ar viki īpašnieku, lai viņš piešķir jums tiesības lietot e-pastu."

msgid "Please provide a valid email address or a username!"
msgstr "Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu e-pasta adresi vai lietotāja vārdu!"

msgid "Username"
msgstr "Lietotājvārds"

msgid "Mail me my account data"
msgstr "Atsūtīt mana sistēmas konta datus"

msgid "Recovery token"
msgstr "Atjaunošanas \"marķieris\""

msgid "New password"
msgstr "Jaunā parole"

msgid "New password (repeat)"
msgstr "Jaunā parole (atkārtoti)"

msgid "Reset my password"
msgstr "Atstatīt paroli"

msgid "Passwords don't match!"
msgstr "Paroles nesakrīt!"

#, python-format
msgid "Password not acceptable: %s"
msgstr "Parole nav akceptējama: %s"

msgid "Your password has been changed, you can log in now."
msgstr "Jūsu parole ir nomainīta. Mēģiniet pieslēgties."

msgid "Your token is invalid!"
msgstr "Jūsu \"marķieris\" ir nederīgs!"

msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "Paroles atstatījums"

msgid ""
"== Password reset ==\n"
"Enter a new password below."
msgstr ""
"== Paroles atstatīšana ==\n"
"Zemāk ievadiet jauno paroli."

msgid "Lost password"
msgstr "Nozaudētā parole"

msgid ""
"== Recovering a lost password ==\n"
"If you have forgotten your password, provide your email address or\n"
"username and click on '''Mail me my account data'''.\n"
"You will receive an email containing a recovery token that can be\n"
"used to change your password. The email will also contain further\n"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"=== Password reset ===\n"
"If you already have received the email with the recovery token, enter your\n"
"username, the recovery token and a new password (twice) below."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You need to manually go to your OpenID provider wiki\n"
"and log in before you can use your OpenID. MoinMoin will\n"
"never allow you to enter your password here.\n"
"Once you have logged in, simply reload this page."
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenID Trust verification"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "The site %s has asked for your identity."
msgstr "Vietne %s ir pieprasījusi Jūsu identitāti."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you approve, the site represented by the trust root below will be\n"
"told that you control the identity URL %s. (If you are using a delegated\n"
"identity, the site will take care of reversing the\n"
"delegation on its own.)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Trust root"
msgstr ""

msgid "Identity URL"
msgstr "Identitātes URL"

msgid "Remember decision"
msgstr "Atcerēties lēmumu"

msgid "Remember this trust decision and don't ask again"
msgstr "Atcerēties šo uzticības lēmumu un vair nejautāt"

msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Apstiprināt"

msgid "Don't approve"
msgstr "Neapstiprināt"

msgid "OpenID not served"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Unfortunately you have not created your homepage yet. Therefore,\n"
"we cannot serve an OpenID for you. Please create your homepage first\n"
"and then reload this page or click the button below to cancel this\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Subscribe users to the page %s"
msgstr "Parakstīt lietotājus lapas %s izmaiņām"

msgid "Enter user names (comma separated):"
msgstr "Ievadiet lietotāja vārdu (atdalītu ar komatiem)"

#, python-format
msgid "Subscribed for %s:"
msgstr "Lapas %s izmaiņām parakstījušies:"

msgid "Not a user:"
msgstr "Nav lietotājs:"

msgid "You are not allowed to perform this action."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību veikt šo darbību."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Print slide show"
msgstr "Labot slīdrāde"

msgid "Edit slide show"
msgstr "Labot slīdrāde"

msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Iziet"

msgid "Quit slide show"
msgstr "Pārtraukt izrādi"

msgid "Show first slide (up arrow)"
msgstr "Rādīt pimo slīdu (bulttaustiņš uz leju)"

msgid "Show last slide (down arrow)"
msgstr "Rādīt pimo slīdu (bulttaustiņš uz augšu)"

msgid "Show previous slide (left arrow)"
msgstr "Rādīt iepriekšējo slīdu (bulttaustiņš pa kreisi)"

msgid "Show next slide (right arrow)"
msgstr "Rādīt nākamo slīdu (bulttaustiņš pa labi)"

msgid "Charts are not available!"
msgstr "Diagramma nav pieejama!"

msgid "You need to provide a chart type!"
msgstr "Norādiet diagrammas tipu!"

#, python-format
msgid "Bad chart type \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Slikts diagrammas tips \"%s\"!"

msgid "Load"
msgstr "Ielādēt"

msgid "Pagename not specified!"
msgstr "Lapas nosaukums nav norādīts!"

msgid "Upload page content"
msgstr "Ielādēt lapas saturu"

msgid ""
"You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page "
"name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is "
"empty, we derive the page name from the file name."
msgstr ""

msgid "File to load page content from"
msgstr "Lapas satura ielādes datne"

#, python-format
msgid "(!) Only pages changed since '''%s''' are being displayed!"
msgstr "(!) Tiek rādītas tikai tās lapas, kas mainītas kopš '''%s''' !"

msgid ""
"/!\\ The modification date you entered was not recognized and is therefore "
"not considered for the search results!"
msgstr ""
"/!\\ Labošanas datums, kuru Jūs norādījāt, nav atpazīts. Ievadītā vērtība "
"netiks izmantota meklēšanā!"

#, python-format
msgid "Please use a more selective search term instead of {{{\"%s\"}}}"
msgstr "Lūdzu, norādiet konkrētāku meklējamo terminu {{{\"%s\"}}} vietā"

#, python-format
msgid "Title Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "Meklēt virsrakstus: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Advanced Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "Izvērsta meklēšana: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Full Text Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "Pilnteksta meklēšana: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your search query {{{\"%s\"}}} is invalid. Please refer to HelpOnSearching "
"for more information."
msgstr ""
"Vaicājums {{{\"%s\"}}} ir nederīgs. Informācija par meklēšanu atrodama lapā "

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your search query {{{\"%s\"}}} didn't return any results. Please change some "
"terms and refer to HelpOnSearching for more information.%s"
msgstr ""
"Vaicājums {{{\"%s\"}}} neko nav atgriezis. Lūdzu, pamainiet vaicājumu. "
"Informācija par meklēšanu atrodama lapā MeklēšanasPalīdzība.%s"

msgid "(!) Consider performing a"
msgstr "(!) Apsveriet "

msgid "full-text search with your search terms"
msgstr "pilna teksta meklēšana ar Jūsu parametriem"

msgid ""
"(!) You're performing a title search that might not include all related "
"results of your search query in this wiki. <<BR>>"
msgstr ""
"(!) Jūs veicat virsrakstu meklēšanu. Rezultāts var nesaturēt visas lapas, "
"kas atbilst meklēšanas kritērijiem.<<BR>>"

msgid "Click here to perform a full-text search with your search terms!"
msgstr ""
"Nospiediet šeit, lai sāktu pilnteksta meklēšanu ar norādītajiem terminiem!"

msgid ""
"Cannot create a new page without a page name.  Please specify a page name."
msgstr "Nevaru izveidot lapu bez nosaukuma. Lūdzu, norādiet lapas nosaukumu."

msgid "Your subscription to this page has been removed."
msgstr "Jūs vairs neesat parakstījies(-usies) uz šo lapu."

msgid "Can't remove regular expression subscription!"
msgstr "Regulāras izteiksmes pierakstu izdzēst nevar!"

msgid "Edit the subscription regular expressions in your settings."
msgstr "Labojiet parasktīšanās regulāras izteiksmes savos iestatījumos."

msgid "You need to be subscribed to unsubscribe."
msgstr "Lai atrakstītos, jums nepieciešams būt parakstījušam(-šai) uz šo lapu."

#, fuzzy
msgid "TextCha: Wrong answer! Try again below..."
msgstr "TextCha tests: nepareiza atbilde! Atgriezieties un mēginiet vēlreiz..."

msgid ""
"Supplying a comment is mandatory. Write a comment below and try again..."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Create new drawing \"%(filename)s (opens in new window)\""
msgstr "Izveidot jaunu attēlu \"%(filename)s (atvērs jaunā logā)\""

#, python-format
msgid "Edit drawing %(filename)s (opens in new window)"
msgstr "Labot attēlu %(filename)s (atvērs jaunā logā)"

#, python-format
msgid "Clickable drawing: %(filename)s"
msgstr "Klikšķināms attēls %(filename)s"

msgid "You are not allowed to save a drawing on this page."
msgstr "Šajā lapā Jūs nedrīkstat veidot attēlus."

msgid "Empty target name given."
msgstr ""

msgid "Edit drawing"
msgstr "Labot attēlu"

#, python-format
msgid "Execute action %(actionname)s?"
msgstr "Vai veikt darbību %(actionname)s?"

#, python-format
msgid "Action %(actionname)s is excluded in this wiki!"
msgstr "Darbība %(actionname)s ir veikta šajā Viki!"

#, python-format
msgid "You are not allowed to use action %(actionname)s on this page!"
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību izmantot darbību %(actionname)s šajā lapā."

msgid "You are not allowed to create the supplementation page."
msgstr "Jums nav tiesību veidot pielikuma lapu."

msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Lapas"

msgid "Select Author"
msgstr "Izvēlēties Autoru"

msgid "Revert all!"
msgstr "Atgriezt visu!"

msgid "Copy all /subpages too?"
msgstr "Kopēt ar apakšlapām?"

msgid "New name"
msgstr "Jauns nosaukums"

msgid "Optional reason for the copying"
msgstr "Kopēšanas iemesls (neobligāts)"

msgid "Really copy this page?"
msgstr "Jūs tiešām vēlaties kopēt šo lapu?"

msgid "You are now logged out."
msgstr "Jūs esat atslēgts(-a)."

msgid "No page packages found."
msgstr "Lapušu pakotne nav atrasta."

msgid "page package"
msgstr "lapas pakotne"

msgid "Choose:"
msgstr "Izvēle:"

#, python-format
msgid "Install language packs for '%s'"
msgstr "Uzstādīt valodas pakotni priekš '%s'"

#, python-format
msgid "Local Site Map for \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" vietnes karte"

msgid "No older revisions available!"
msgstr "Vecākas versijas nav!"

#, python-format
msgid "Diff for \"%s\""
msgstr "Salīdzināt pēc \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Differences between revisions %d and %d"
msgstr "Atšķirības starp %d un versiju %d"

#, python-format
msgid "(spanning %d versions)"
msgstr "(pēc %d versijām)"

msgid "Previous change"
msgstr "Iepriekšējais labojums"

msgid "Next change"
msgstr "Nākamais labojums"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Diff with oldest revision in left pane"
msgstr "Vecākas versijas nav!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "No older revision available for diff"
msgstr "Vecākas versijas nav!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Diff with older revision in left pane"
msgstr "Vecākas versijas nav!"

msgid "Diff with newer revision in left pane"
msgstr ""

msgid "Can't change to revision newer than in right pane"
msgstr ""

msgid "Diff with older revision in right pane"
msgstr ""

msgid "Can't change to revision older than revision in left pane"
msgstr ""

msgid "Diff with newer revision in right pane"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "No newer revision available for diff"
msgstr "Vecākas versijas nav!"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Diff with newest revision in right pane"
msgstr "Vecākas versijas nav!"

#, python-format
msgid "The page was saved %(count)d times, though!"
msgstr "Lapa saglabāta %(count)d reizes!"

msgid "(ignoring whitespace)"
msgstr "(Atstarpes(probeli) ignorētas)"

msgid "Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace"
msgstr "Ignorēt atstarpju(probelu) starpību"

msgid "Empty user name. Please enter a user name."
msgstr "Trūkst lietotāja vārda. Lūdzu, ievadiet lietotāja vārdu."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid user name {{{'%s'}}}.\n"
"Name may contain any Unicode alpha numeric character, with optional one\n"
"space between words. Group page name is not allowed."
msgstr ""
"Kļūdains lietotāja vārds {{{'%s'}}}.\n"
"Lietotāja vārds drīkst saturēt ''Unicode'' burtzīmes un ciparus un, ja "
"nepieciešams, vienu atstarpi starp vārdiem.\n"
"Grupas lapas vārds nav atļauts."

msgid "This user name already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "Tāds lietotāja vārds jau kādam pieder."

msgid "Please specify a password!"
msgstr "Lūdzu, norādiet paroli!"

msgid ""
"Please provide your email address. If you lose your login information, you "
"can get it by email."
msgstr ""
"Lūdzu, norādiet savu e-pasta adresi. Ja aizmirsīsiet savu ieejas "
"informāciju, to varēs izsutīt uz norādīto e-pasta adresi."

msgid "This email already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "Šāda e-pasta adrese jau kādam pieder."

msgid "User account created! You can use this account to login now..."
msgstr ""
"Lietotāja konts ir izveidots! Tagad Jūs varat pieslēgties ar šo kontu..."

msgid "Password repeat"
msgstr "Atkārtot paroli"

msgid "TextCha (required)"
msgstr "TextCha tests (nepieciešams)"

msgid "Create Profile"
msgstr "Izveidot profilu"

msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Izveidot kontu"

#, python-format
msgid "Full Link List for \"%s\""
msgstr "Visu saišu saraksts \"%s\""

msgid "You must login to add a quicklink."
msgstr "Lai izveidotu ātrsaiti, Jums jāpieslēdzas."

msgid "A quicklink to this page has been added for you."
msgstr "Ātrsaite uz šo lapu ir izveidota."

msgid "A quicklink to this page could not be added for you."
msgstr "Nevar izveidot ātrsaiti uz šo lapu."

msgid "You already have a quicklink to this page."
msgstr "Jums jau ir ātrsaite uz šo lapu!"

msgid "Create redirect for renamed page(s)?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rename all /subpages too?"
msgstr "Vai pārdēvēt arī visas apakšlapas?"

msgid "Create redirect for renamed page?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Really rename this page?"
msgstr "Jūs tiešām vēlaties pārdēvēt šo lapu?"

msgid "Optional reason for the renaming"
msgstr "Pārdēvēšanas iemesls (neobligāts)"

msgid "Wiki Backup"
msgstr "Viki Dublējums"

msgid ""
"= Downloading a backup =\n"
"Please note:\n"
" * Store backups in a safe and secure place - they contain sensitive "
" * Make sure your wiki configuration backup_* values are correct and "
" * Make sure the backup file you get contains everything you need in case of "
" * Make sure it is downloaded without problems.\n"
"To get a backup, just click here:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Dublēt"

msgid "You are not allowed to do remote backup."
msgstr "Jūs nedrīkstat veikt attālinātu dublēšanu."

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown backup subaction: %s."
msgstr "Nezināma dublēšanas apakšdarbība: %s."

msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Atgriezt"

msgid "You are not allowed to revert this page!"
msgstr "Jūs nedrīkstat atjaunot no arhīva šo lapu!"

msgid ""
"You were viewing the current revision of this page when you called the "
"revert action. If you want to revert to an older revision, first view that "
"older revision and then call revert to this (older) revision again."
msgstr ""
"Veicot lapas versijas atgriešanu, Jūs aplūkojāt pašreizējo lapas versiju. Ja "
"Jūs vēlaties atgriezt iepriekšēju lapas versiju, sākumā atveriet aplūkošanai "
"lapas iepriekšējo versiju."

msgid "Optional reason for reverting this page"
msgstr "Šīs lapas atgriešanas iemesls (neobligāts)"

msgid "Really revert this page?"
msgstr "Jūs tiešām vēlaties atgriezt šo lapu?"

msgid "OpenID"
msgstr "OpendID"

msgid "Member of Groups"
msgstr "Grupas dalībnieks"

msgid "Jabber"
msgstr "Jabber"

msgid "Disable user"
msgstr "Atslēgt lietotāju"

msgid "Enable user"
msgstr "Aktivizēt lietotāju"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "atslēgts"

msgid "Mail account data"
msgstr "Sūtīt konta datus"

msgid "RecentChanges"
msgstr "PēdējāsIzmaiņas"

msgid "WikiTipOfTheDay"
msgstr ""

msgid "TitleIndex"
msgstr "VirsrakstuRādītājs"

msgid "WordIndex"
msgstr "PriekšmetuRādītājs"

msgid "FindPage"
msgstr "MeklētLapu"

msgid "MissingPage"
msgstr "LapasNav"

msgid "MissingHomePage"
msgstr "LietotājaLapasNav"

msgid "WikiHomePage"
msgstr "VikiMājasLapa"

msgid "WikiName"
msgstr "VikiVārds"

msgid "WikiWikiWeb"
msgstr "VikiVikiTīmeklis"

msgid "FrontPage"
msgstr "SlaiduVeidne"

msgid "WikiSandBox"
msgstr "VikiSmilšuKaste"

msgid "InterWiki"
msgstr "StarpViki"

msgid "AbandonedPages"
msgstr "PamestāsLapas"

msgid "OrphanedPages"
msgstr "BāreņLapas"

msgid "WantedPages"
msgstr "VajadzīgāsLapas"

msgid "EventStats"
msgstr "NotikumuStatistikas"

msgid "EventStats/HitCounts"
msgstr "NotikumuStatistikas/TrāpījumuSkaits"

msgid "EventStats/Languages"
msgstr "NotikumuStatistika/Valodas"

msgid "EventStats/UserAgents"
msgstr "NotikumuStatistikas/LietotājaAģenti"

msgid "PageSize"
msgstr "LapuIzmēri"

msgid "PageHits"
msgstr "LapuTrāpījumi"

msgid "RandomPage"
msgstr "JebkuraLapa"

msgid "XsltVersion"
msgstr "XsltVersija"

msgid "FortuneCookies"
msgstr "Laimītes"

msgid "WikiLicense"
msgstr "VikiLicence"

msgid "CategoryCategory"
msgstr "KategorijuKategorija"

msgid "CategoryHomepage"
msgstr "KategorijasMājasLapa"

msgid "CategoryTemplate"
msgstr "KategorijasVeidne"

msgid "HomepageTemplate"
msgstr "MājasLapasKategorija"

msgid "HelpTemplate"
msgstr "PalīdzībasVeidne"

msgid "HomepageReadWritePageTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "HomepageReadPageTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "HomepagePrivatePageTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "HomepageGroupsTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "SlideShowHandOutTemplate"
msgstr "SlīdrādesIzklājumaVeidne"

msgid "SlideShowTemplate"
msgstr "SlīdrādesVeidne"

msgid "SlideTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "SyncJobTemplate"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration"
msgstr "KonfigurēšanasPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnPackageInstaller"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnUpdatingPython"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnAdministration"
msgstr "AdministrēšanasPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnAuthentication"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMoinCommand"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnNotification"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnRobots"
msgstr "LīnijuPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnSessions"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnUserHandling"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnXapian"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnCreoleSyntax"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnFormatting"
msgstr "FormatēšanasPalīdzība"

msgid "MoinMoin"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpContents"
msgstr "PalīdzībasSaturaRādītājs"

msgid "HelpForBeginners"
msgstr "PalīdzībaIesācējiem"

msgid "HelpForUsers"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpIndex"
msgstr "PalīdzībasIndekss"

msgid "HelpOnAccessControlLists"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnActions"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnActions/AttachFile"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnAdmonitions"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnAutoAdmin"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnCategories"
msgstr "KategorijuPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnDictionaries"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnDrawings"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnEditLocks"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnEditing"
msgstr "RediģēšanasPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnEditing/SubPages"
msgstr "RediģēšanasPalīdzība/ApakšLapas"

msgid "HelpOnGraphicalEditor"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnGroups"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnHeadlines"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnImages"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnLanguages"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnLinking"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnLists"
msgstr "SarakstuPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnLogin"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMacros"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMacros/Include"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMacros/MailTo"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnNavigation"
msgstr "NavigēšanasPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnOpenIDProvider"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnPageCreation"
msgstr "LapuVeidošanasPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnPageDeletion"
msgstr "LapuDzēšanasPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnProcessingInstructions"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnRules"
msgstr "LīnijuPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnSearching"
msgstr "MeklēšanasPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSmileys"
msgstr "EmocijzīmjuPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnSpam"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSpellCheck"
msgstr "PareizrakstībasPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnSuperUser"
msgstr "SuperlietotājaPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnSynchronisation"
msgstr "SinhronizēšanasPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnTables"
msgstr "TabuluPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnTemplates"
msgstr "VeidņuPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnThemes"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnUserPreferences"
msgstr "LietotājaIestatījumuPalīdzība"

msgid "HelpOnVariables"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnXmlPages"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnComments"
msgstr ""

msgid "HelpOnSubscribing"
msgstr ""

msgid "CamelCase"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/02 Finding information"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/05 User preferences"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/07 The text editor"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/12 Headlines"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/13 Lists"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/14 Text styles"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/15 Tables"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/17 External links"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/18 Attachments"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/19 Symbols"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/21 Macros"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/22 Parsers"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/23 Actions"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/51 Applications"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki"
msgstr ""

msgid "WikiCourseHandOut"
msgstr ""

# Svētdiena
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Sv"

# Pirmdiena
msgid "Mon"
msgstr "Pr"

# Otrdiena
msgid "Tue"
msgstr "Ot"

# Trešdiena
msgid "Wed"
msgstr "Tr"

# Ceturtdiena
msgid "Thu"
msgstr "Ce"

# Piektdiena
msgid "Fri"
msgstr "Pk"

# Sestdiena
msgid "Sat"
msgstr "Se"

msgid "AttachFile"
msgstr "PievienotFailu"

msgid "DeletePage"
msgstr "DzēstLapu"

msgid "LikePages"
msgstr "LīdzīgasLapas"

msgid "LocalSiteMap"
msgstr "LokālāVietnesKarte"

msgid "RenamePage"
msgstr "PārdēvētLapu"

msgid "SpellCheck"
msgstr "Pareizrakstība"

msgid "Discussion"
msgstr "Diskusija"

msgid "User agent"
msgstr "Lietotāja aģents"

msgid "Others"
msgstr "Citi"

msgid "Distribution of User-Agent Types"
msgstr "Lietotāju aģentu sadale pa tipiem"

msgid "Page Size Distribution"
msgstr "Lapas izmēra sadale"

msgid "page size upper bound [bytes]"
msgstr "pieļaujamais lapas izmērs [baitos]"

msgid "# of pages of this size"
msgstr "# lapas ar šādu izmēru"

msgid "Views/day"
msgstr "Skatīta (dienā)"

msgid "Edits/day"
msgstr "Labota (dienā)"

#, python-format
msgid "%(chart_title)s for %(filterpage)s"
msgstr "%(chart_title)s no %(filterpage)s"

msgid ""
msgstr ""

msgid "date"
msgstr "datums"

msgid "# of hits"
msgstr "# apmeklējumi"

msgid "Language"
msgstr "Valoda"

msgid "<Browser setting>"
msgstr "<Pārlūkprogrammas iestatījumi>"

msgid "No orphaned pages in this wiki."
msgstr "Šajā viki nav nevienas bāreņlapas."

msgid "Include system pages"
msgstr "Iekļaut sistēmas lapas"

msgid "Exclude system pages"
msgstr "Aizvākt sistēmas lapas"

msgid "No wanted pages in this wiki."
msgstr "Šajā viki pieprasīto lapu nav."

msgid "Python Version"
msgstr "Python versija"

msgid "MoinMoin Version"
msgstr "MoinMoin versija"

#, python-format
msgid "Release %s [Revision %s]"
msgstr "Laidiens %s [Revīzija %s]"

msgid "4Suite Version"
msgstr "4Suite versija"

msgid "Number of pages"
msgstr "Lapu skaits"

msgid "Number of system pages"
msgstr "Sistēmas lapu skaits"

msgid "Accumulated page sizes"
msgstr "Visu lapu izmērs"

#, python-format
msgid "Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/pages/"
msgstr "%(data_dir)s/pages/ diskatmiņas patēriņš"

#, python-format
msgid "Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/"
msgstr "%(data_dir)s/ diskatmiņas patēriņš"

msgid "Entries in edit log"
msgstr "Ierakstīt izmaiņu protokolā"

msgid "NONE"
msgstr "NEKAS"

msgid "Global extension macros"
msgstr "Kopējie papildus makrosi"

msgid "Local extension macros"
msgstr "Lokālie papildus makrosi"

msgid "Global extension actions"
msgstr "Globālās papildus darbības"

msgid "Local extension actions"
msgstr "Lokālās papildus darbības"

msgid "Global parsers"
msgstr "Globālie parsētāji"

msgid "Local extension parsers"
msgstr "Lokālo paplašinājumu parsētāji"

msgid "Xapian and/or Python Xapian bindings not installed"
msgstr "''Xapian'' un/vai ''Python Xapian'' modulis nav instalēts"

msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Izslēgts"

msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Ieslēgts"

msgid "index unavailable"
msgstr "indekss nav pieejams"

msgid "index available"
msgstr "indekss pieejams"

msgid "Xapian search"
msgstr "''Xapian'' meklēšana"

msgid "Stemming for Xapian"
msgstr "Vārdu dalīšana priekš ''Xapian''"

msgid "Active threads"
msgstr "Aktīvie pavedieni"

msgid "Search for items"
msgstr "Meklēt vienības"

msgid "containing all the following terms"
msgstr "saturošs visus sekojošos terminus"

msgid "containing one or more of the following terms"
msgstr "saturošs vienu vai vairākus no sekojošajiem terminiem"

msgid "not containing the following terms"
msgstr "nesaturošu sekojošus terminus"

msgid "last modified since (e.g. 2 weeks before)"
msgstr "pēdējo reizi modificēta kopš (piemēram, pirms 2 nedēļām)"

msgid "any category"
msgstr "jebkura kategorija"

msgid "any language"
msgstr "jebjura valoda"

msgid "any mimetype"
msgstr "jebkurš MIME tips"

msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorijas"

msgid "File Type"
msgstr "Faila veids"

msgid "Search only in titles"
msgstr "Meklēt tikai virsrakstus"

msgid "Case-sensitive search"
msgstr "Rakstzīmju jūtīga meklēšana"

msgid "Exclude underlay"
msgstr "Izslēgt standarta lapas"

msgid "No system items"
msgstr "Nevienas sistēmas lapas"

msgid "Search in all page revisions"
msgstr "Meklēt visās lapas versijās"

msgid "Go get it!"
msgstr "Satver!"

#, python-format
msgid "No quotes on %(pagename)s."
msgstr "Lapā %(pagename)s citātu nav."

msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Satura rādītājs"

msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "Mainīgā nosaukums"

msgid "Default"
msgstr "Noklusējums"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "Apraksts"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Lexer description"
msgstr "Apraksts"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Lexer names"
msgstr "Lietotājvārds"

#, fuzzy
msgid "File patterns"
msgstr "Faila veids"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Mimetypes"
msgstr "jebkurš MIME tips"

#, python-format
msgid "Unsupported navigation scheme '%(scheme)s'!"
msgstr "Navigācijas shēma '%(scheme)s' nav pieejama!"

msgid "No parent page found!"
msgstr "Virslapa nav atrasta!"

msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr "Slīdrāde"

msgid "Start"
msgstr "Starts"

#, python-format
msgid "Slide %(pos)d of %(size)d"
msgstr "%(pos)d slaids no %(size)d"

msgid "File attachment browser"
msgstr "Datnes piesaistes pārlūks"

msgid "User account browser"
msgstr "Lietotāju kontu pārlūks"

msgid "Search Titles"
msgstr "Meklēt virsrakstus"

msgid "Display context of search results"
msgstr "Attēlot meklēšanas rezultātu kontekstu"

msgid "Case-sensitive searching"
msgstr "Rakstzīmju jūtīga meklēšana"

msgid "Search Text"
msgstr "Meklēt tekstā"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Unknown macro parameter: %s."
msgstr "Nezināma dublēšanas apakšdarbība: %s."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"More than one needle with search_macro_parse_args config option enabled "
"('%(needle)s' found already, '%(arg)s' occurred)"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "<<%(macro_name)s: invalid macro name>>"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "<<%(macro_name)s: execution failed [%(error_msg)s] (see also the log)>>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Go To Page"
msgstr "Iet uz lapu"

msgid "Wiki configuration"
msgstr "Viki konfigurācija"

msgid ""
"This table shows all settings in this wiki that do not have default values. "
"Settings that the configuration system doesn't know about are shown in "
"''italic'', those may be due to third-party extensions needing configuration "
"or settings that were removed from Moin."
msgstr ""

msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Iestatījums"

#, python-format
msgid "%(mins)dm ago"
msgstr "Pirms %(mins)d min"

msgid "(no bookmark set)"
msgstr "(nav grāmatzīmes)"

#, python-format
msgid "(currently set to %s)"
msgstr "(pašlaik %s)"

msgid "Delete bookmark"
msgstr "Dzēst grāmatzīmi"

msgid "Set bookmark"
msgstr "Ielikt grāmatzīmi"

msgid "[Bookmark reached]"
msgstr "[Šeit ielikta grāmatzīme]"

msgid "Markup"
msgstr "Iezīmēt"

msgid "Display"
msgstr "Caurskats"

#, python-format
msgid "Upload new attachment \"%(filename)s\""
msgstr "Augšuplādēt jaunu piesaisti \"%(filename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Required argument %(argument_name)s "
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Invalid %(argument_name)s="
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Current configuration does not allow embedding of the file %(file)s because "
"of its mimetype %(mimetype)s."
msgstr ""

msgid "Embedded"
msgstr "Iekļauts"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid include arguments \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Nepareizs iekļaušanas arguments \"%s\"!"

#, python-format
msgid "Nothing found for \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Neko neatradu no \"%s\"!"

msgid "Switch user"
msgstr "Nomainīt lietotāju"

msgid "No user selected"
msgstr "Lietotājs nav izvēlēts"

msgid ""
"You can now change the settings of the selected user account; log out to get "
"back to your account."
msgstr ""

msgid "You are the only user."
msgstr "Jūs esat vienīgais lietotājs."

msgid ""
"As a superuser, you can temporarily assume the identity of another user."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select User"
msgstr "Izvēlēties lietotāju"

msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Iestatījumi"

msgid "This jabber id already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "Šis jabber identifikators jau kādam pieder."

#, python-format
msgid "The theme '%(theme_name)s' could not be loaded!"
msgstr "Nevar ielādēt tēmu '%(theme_name)s'!"

msgid "User preferences saved!"
msgstr "Lietotāja uzstādījumi saglabāti!"

msgid "the one preferred"
msgstr "viens vēlamais"

msgid "free choice"
msgstr "brīva izvēle"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "Saglabāt"

msgid "Preferred theme"
msgstr "Vēlamā tēma"

msgid "Editor Preference"
msgstr "Redaktora iestatījumi"

msgid "Editor shown on UI"
msgstr "Lietotāja saskarnē redzamais redaktors"

msgid "Time zone"
msgstr "Laika josla"

msgid "Your time is"
msgstr "Jūsu laiks ir"

msgid "Server time is"
msgstr "Servera laiks ir"

msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Datuma formāts"

msgid "Preferred language"
msgstr "Vēlamā valoda"

msgid "General options"
msgstr "Vispārējas opcijas"

msgid "Quick links"
msgstr "Ātrsaites"

msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Nomainīt paroli"

msgid "Your password has been changed."
msgstr "Jūsu parole ir nomainīta."

msgid "To change your password, enter a new password twice."
msgstr "Lai nomainītu paroli, veco paroli ievadiet divas reizes."

msgid "OpenID settings"
msgstr "OpenID iestatījumi"

msgid "Cannot remove all OpenIDs."
msgstr "Nevar izdzēst visus OpenID identifikatorus."

msgid "The selected OpenIDs have been removed."
msgstr "Norādītie OpenID identifikatori ir dzēsti."

msgid "No OpenID given."
msgstr "OpenID identifikators nav norādīts."

msgid "OpenID is already present."
msgstr "Šāds OpenID identifikators jau ir norādīts."

msgid "This OpenID is already used for another account."
msgstr "Šāds OpenID identifikators jau tiek lietots ar citu kontu."

msgid "OpenID added successfully."
msgstr "OpenID identifikators pievienots veiksmīgi."

msgid "Current OpenIDs"
msgstr "Pašreizējais OpenID identifikators."

msgid "Remove selected"
msgstr "Dzēst atzīmēto"

msgid "Add OpenID"
msgstr "Pievienot OpenID identifikatoru"

msgid "Notification"
msgstr "Notifikācija"

msgid "Notification settings saved!"
msgstr "Notifikāciju iestatījumi saglabāti!"

msgid "'''Email'''"
msgstr "'''E-pasts'''"

msgid "'''Jabber'''"
msgstr "'''Jabber'''"

msgid "'''Event type'''"
msgstr "'''Notikuma veids'''"

msgid "Select the events you want to be notified about."
msgstr "Atzīmējiet notikumus, par kuriem vēlaties saņemt notifikācijas."

msgid ""
"Before you can be notified, you need to provide a way to contact you in the "
"general preferences."
msgstr ""
"Pirms notifikāciju saņemšanas Jums vispārējos iestatījumos jānorāda veidu, "
"kā Jūs sava kontakt informācija"

msgid "Subscribed events"
msgstr "Parakstītie notikumi"

msgid "Subscribed wiki pages<<BR>>(one regex per line)"
msgstr "Parakstītās Viki lapas<<BR>>(pa vienai regulārai izteiksmei rindā)"

msgid "OpenID server"
msgstr "OpenID serveris"

msgid "The selected websites have been removed."
msgstr "Norādītā vietne ir dzēsta."

msgid "Trusted websites"
msgstr "Uzticamas vietnes"

#, python-format
msgid "Inlined image: %(url)s"
msgstr "Iekļautais attēls: %(url)s"

msgid "Toggle line numbers"
msgstr "Pārslēgt rindu numerāciju"

#~ msgid "View the related videos on YouTube."
#~ msgstr "Skatīties saistītos YouTube video klipus."

#~ msgid "View the video on YouTube."
#~ msgstr "Skatīties YouTube video klipu."

#~ msgid "New user account created on %(sitename)s"
#~ msgstr "Jauns lietotāja konts izveidots vietnē %(sitename)s"

#~ msgid "Please use the interactive user interface to move attachments!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lūdzu, piesaistīto datņu pārvietošanai izmantojiet interaktīvo lietotāja "
#~ "saskarni!"

#~ msgid "Page Name"
#~ msgstr "Lapas nosaukums"

#~ msgid "InstallDocs"
#~ msgstr "InstalētDokumentāciju"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Installing theme files is only supported for standalone type servers."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tēmu failu instalēšana ir atbalstīta tikai savrupiem (\"standalone\") "
#~ "serveriem."

#~ msgid "Created the package %s containing the pages %s."
#~ msgstr "Izveidots sainis %s, kas satur lapas %s."

#~ msgid "You need to log in."
#~ msgstr "Nepieciešams pieslēgties."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Restored Backup: %(filename)s to target dir: %(targetdir)s.\n"
#~ "Files: %(filecount)d, Directories: %(dircount)d"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dublējums %(filename)s atjaunots direktorijā %(targetdir)s.\n"
#~ "Atjaunoti %(filecount)d faili un %(dircount)d direktorijas."

#~ msgid "Restoring backup: %(filename)s to target dir: %(targetdir)s failed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kļūda veicot dublējuma %(filename)s atjaunošanu direktorijā %(targetdir)s."

#~ msgid "Wiki Backup / Restore"
#~ msgstr "Viki dublēšana / atjaunošana"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Some hints:\n"
#~ " * To restore a backup:\n"
#~ "  * Restoring a backup will overwrite existing data, so be careful.\n"
#~ "  * Rename it to <siteid>.tar.<compression> (remove the --date--time--UTC "
#~ "stuff).\n"
#~ "  * Put the backup file into the backup_storage_dir (use scp, ftp, ...).\n"
#~ "  * Hit the <<GetText(Restore)>> button below.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ " * To make a backup, just hit the <<GetText(Backup)>> button and save the "
#~ "file\n"
#~ "   you get to a secure place.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please make sure your wiki configuration backup_* values are correct and "
#~ "complete.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Daži padomi:\n"
#~ " * Lai atjaunotu dublējumu:\n"
#~ "  * Dublējuma atjaunošana dzēsīs esošos datus. Esiet piesardzīgi.\n"
#~ "  * Pārdēvējiet to par <siteid>.tar.<compression> (nodzēsiet --date--"
#~ "time--UTC daļu).\n"
#~ "  * Ievietojiet dublējuma failu direktorijā "
#~ "''backup_storage_dir'' (izmantojot ''scp'', ''ftp'', ...).\n"
#~ "  * Nospiediet pogu <<GetText(Restore)>>, zemāk.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ " * Lai izveidotu dublējumu, nospiediet pogu <<GetText(Backup)>> un "
#~ "saglabājiet drošā vietā failu,    kuru Jūs iegūsiet.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Lūdzu pārliecinieties, ka Jūsus Viki konfigurācijas ''backup_*'' vērtības "
#~ "ir korektas.\n"
#~ "\n"

#~ msgid "Restore"
#~ msgstr "Atjaunot"

#~ msgid "Xapian Version"
#~ msgstr "''Xapian'' versija"

#~ msgid "PyStemmer not installed"
#~ msgstr "PyStemmer nav uzinstalēts"

#~ msgid "PyStemmer Version"
#~ msgstr "PyStemmer versija"

#~ msgid "PyStemmer stems"
#~ msgstr "''PyStemmer'' celmi"

#~ msgid "New Page or New Attachment"
#~ msgstr "Jauna lapa vai jauna piesaiste"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You can upload a file to a new page or choose to upload a file as "
#~ "attachment for the current page"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Jūs varat augšuplādēt datni jaunā lapā vai izvēlēties augšuplādēt datni "
#~ "kā piesaisti pašreizējai lapai"

#~ msgid "New Name"
#~ msgstr "Jauns nosaukums"

#~ msgid "Attachment '%(target)s' already exists."
#~ msgstr "Piesaiste '%(target)s' jau eksistē."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "An upload will never overwrite an existing file. If there is a name\n"
#~ "conflict, you have to rename the file that you want to upload.\n"
#~ "Otherwise, if \"Rename to\" is left blank, the original filename will be "
#~ "used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ja lapai jau ir piesaistes fails ar šādu nosaukumu, ievadlaukā \"Pārdēvēt"
#~ "\" norādiet citu piesaistes faila nosaukumu."

#~ msgid "overwrite"
#~ msgstr "pārrakstīt"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Somebody has requested to submit your account data to this email "
#~ "address.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "If you lost your password, please use the data below and just enter the\n"
#~ "password AS SHOWN into the wiki's password form field (use copy and "
#~ "paste\n"
#~ "for that).\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "After successfully logging in, it is of course a good idea to set a new "
#~ "and known password.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kāds pieprasīja izsūtīt savus konta datus uz šo e-pasta adresi.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Ja Jūs esat aizmirsis paroli, lūdzu ievadiet šos datus un paroli KĀ "
#~ " (izmantojiet kopēt/ielīmēt(copy/paste), lai dati būtu precīzi).\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Pēc veiksmīgas ieiešanas sistēmā vēlams nomainītu veco paroli un izveidot "
#~ "jaunu.\n"

#~ msgid "Found no account matching the given email address '%(email)s'!"
#~ msgstr "Lietotājs ar šādu e-pasta adresi '%(email)s' nav atrasts!"

#~ msgid "File attachments are not allowed in this wiki!"
#~ msgstr "Šajā Viki lapu piesaistes ir aizliegti!"

#~ msgid "SendMyPassword"
#~ msgstr "AtsūtītManuParoli"

#~ msgid "Use UserPreferences to change your settings or create an account."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lai mainītu savus iestatījumus vai izveidotu lietotāja kontu, izmantojiet "
#~ "LietotājaIestatījumi"

#~ msgid "Use UserPreferences to change settings of the selected user account"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lai mainītu lietotāja iestatījumus vai izveidotu lietotāja kontu, "
#~ "izmantojiet LietotājaIestatījumi"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This list does not work, unless you have entered a valid email address!"
#~ msgstr "Šis saraksts strādā tikai ar pareizu e-pasta adresi!"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "To create an account, see the %(userprefslink)s page. To recover a lost "
#~ "password, go to %(sendmypasswordlink)s."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lai izveidotu lietotāja kontu, atveriet %(userprefslink)s page. Lai "
#~ "atjaunotu nozaudētu paroli, atveriet %(sendmypasswordlink)s."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "'''A page with the name {{{'%s'}}} already exists.'''\n"
#~ "Try a different name."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'''Lapa ar nosaukumu {{{'%s'}}} jau eksistē.'''\n"
#~ "Pamēģiniet citu nosaukumu."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The comment on the change is:\n"
#~ "%(comment)s\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Komentārs par izmaiņām:\n"
#~ "%(comment)s\n"
#~ "\n"

#~ msgid "Status of sending notification mails:"
#~ msgstr "Notifikāciju e-pasta ziņojumu sūtīšanas statuss:"

#~ msgid "[%(lang)s] %(recipients)s: %(status)s"
#~ msgstr "[%(lang)s] %(recipients)s: %(status)s"

#~ msgid "Subscribe to trivial changes"
#~ msgstr "Parakstīties uz maznozīmīgām izmaiņām"

#~ msgid "(Only for password change or new account)"
#~ msgstr "(Paroles maiņai vai jaunam lietotāja kontam)"

#~ msgid "Check your argument %s"
#~ msgstr "Pārbaudiet argumentu %s"

#~ msgid "ERROR in regex '%s'"
#~ msgstr "KĻŪDA meklēšanas paraugā '%s'"

#~ msgid "Bad timestamp '%s'"
#~ msgstr "Slikta laika atzīme '%s'"

#~ msgid "Not supported mimetype of file: %s"
#~ msgstr "Neatbalstīta MIME tipa fails: %s"

#~ msgid "Embedding of object by chosen formatter not possible"
#~ msgstr "Norādītā formāta objekta iekļaušana nav iespējama"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Not enough arguments given to EmbedObject macro! Try "
#~ "<<EmbedObject(attachment [,width=width] [,height=height] [,alt=alternate "
#~ "Text])>>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nepietiekami arbumeti makrsa EmbedObject izsaukumā! Mēģiniet "
#~ "<<EmbedObject(piesaiste [,width=platums] [,height=augstums] [,"
#~ "alt=alternatīvs Teksts])>>"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Not enough arguments given to EmbedObject macro! Try <<EmbedObject(url, "
#~ "url_mimetype [,width=width] [,height=height] [,alt=alternate Text])>>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nepietiekami argumenti makrosa EmbedObject izsaukumā! Mēģiniet "
#~ "<<EmbedObject(vietrādis, MIME tips [,width=platums] [,height=augstums] [,"
#~ "alt=alternatīvs Teksts])>>"

#~ msgid "Invalid MonthCalendar calparms \"%s\"!"
#~ msgstr "Nepareizi MonthCalendar calparms parametri \"%s\"!"

#~ msgid "Invalid MonthCalendar arguments \"%s\"!"
#~ msgstr "Nepareizi MonthCalendar argumenti \"%s\"!"

#~ msgid "Sorry, login failed."
#~ msgstr "Atvainojiet, neizdevās pieslēgties."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The remote version of MoinMoin is too old, version 1.6 is required at "
#~ "least."
#~ msgstr "Attālā viki versija ir parāk veca, nepieciešama vismaz versija 1.6."

#~ msgid "belonging to one of the following categories"
#~ msgstr "piederošu kādai no sekojošām kategorijām"

#~ msgid "Xapian stemming"
#~ msgstr "''Xapian'' celms"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "~-If you submit this form, the submitted values will be displayed.\n"
#~ "To use this form on other pages, insert a\n"
#~ "<<BR>><<BR>>'''{{{    <<Form(\"%(pagename)s\")>>}}}'''<<BR>><<BR>>\n"
#~ "macro call.-~\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "~-Nosūtot (''submit'') šo formu, tiks attēlotas sūtītās vērtības.\n"
#~ "Lai izmantotu šo formu citās lapās, pievienojiet makro izsaukumu \n"
#~ "<<BR>><<BR>>'''{{{    <<Form(\"%(pagename)s\")>>}}}'''<<BR>><<BR>>\n"
#~ "-~\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Unknown user name: {{{\"%s\"}}}. Please enter user name and password."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nezināms lietotāja vārds: {{{\"%s\"}}}. Lūdzu, ievadiet vārdu un paroli."

#~ msgid "raw"
#~ msgstr "jēlteksts"

#~ msgid "print"
#~ msgstr "izdruka"

#~ msgid "## backup of page \"%(pagename)s\" submitted %(date)s"
#~ msgstr "## lapas dublējums \"%(pagename)s\" arhivēts %(date)s"

#~ msgid "A backup of your changes is [%(backup_url)s here]."
#~ msgstr "Jūsu labojumu dublējums atrodas [%(backup_url)s šeit]."

#~ msgid "Show chart \"%(title)s\""
#~ msgstr "Rādīt diagramu \"%(title)s\""

#~ msgid "set bookmark"
#~ msgstr "ielikt grāmatzīmi"

#~ msgid "You are not allowed to do %s on this page."
#~ msgstr "Jūs nedrīkstat veikt %s ar šo lapu."

#~ msgid "%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages."
#~ msgstr "Atrasti %(hits)d trāpījumi no apmēram %(pages)d lapām."

#~ msgid "Required attribute \"%(attrname)s\" missing"
#~ msgstr "Trūkst \"%(attrname)s\" atribūta"

#~ msgid "Submitted form data:"
#~ msgstr "Nosūtītie dati:"

#~ msgid "Plain title index"
#~ msgstr "Rādīt kā tekstu"

#~ msgid "XML title index"
#~ msgstr "Rādīt kā XML"

#~ msgid "Installed processors (DEPRECATED -- use Parsers instead)"
#~ msgstr "Ievietotie procesori (NOVECOJA -- to vietā jāizmanto \"Parser\")"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Sorry, someone else saved the page while you edited it.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please do the following: Use the back button of your browser, and "
#~ "cut&paste\n"
#~ "your changes from there. Then go forward to here, and click EditText "
#~ "again.\n"
#~ "Now re-add your changes to the current page contents.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "''Do not just replace\n"
#~ "the content editbox with your version of the page, because that would\n"
#~ "delete the changes of the other person, which is excessively rude!''\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Piedodiet, bet kāds cits jau saglabāja lapu, kamēr Jūs to labojāt.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Lūdzu, izdariet sekojošo: Pārlūkprogrammā nospiediet pogu atpakaļ(back) "
#~ "un izgrieziet un ielīmējiet (cut&paste)\n"
#~ "Jūsu veiktās izmaiņas. Tad atgriezieties šeit un nospiediet Labot tekstu "
#~ "(EditText) vēlreiz.\n"
#~ "Tagad atkārtoti veiciet izmaiņas jaunajā lapā.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "''Nemainiet visu tekstu pilnībā, jo tas izdzēsīs cita cilvēka labojumus.\n"
#~ "Tas būtu ļoti nekrietni no Jūsu puses!''\n"

#~ msgid "Jump to last visited page instead of frontpage"
#~ msgstr "Pāriet uz pēdējo apmeklēto lapu SākumLapas vietā"

#~ msgid "(Only when changing passwords)"
#~ msgstr "(Tikai mainot paroli)"