Įkelti puslapio turinį

Galite įkelti turinį žemiau esančiam puslapiui. Jei keičiate puslapio pavadinimą, taip pat galite įkelti turinį kitam puslapiui. Jei puslapio pavadinimas tuščias, jis bus pavadintas pagal failo pavadinimą.

Failas, iš kurio įkelti puslapio turinį
Page name
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In your UserPreferences you can define your own CSS (any URL) in case the default one is not OK for you.

  • WikiWiki, Hawaii dilinde 'hızlı' demektir.

  • Kullanıcı ismi olarak bir WikiAdı kullanmalısınız (AdSoyad)

  • KullanıcıAyarları'ndan dil ayarınızı "Türkçe" seçerseni e-postalarınız da Türkçe olur.

  • KullanıcıAyarları'ndan hızlı erişim bağlantıları tanımlayabilirsiniz.

  • Click on UserPreferences to create a user account and to activate other functions.

  • On UserPreferences you can use regular expressions for bookmarked pages; with ".*" you can bookmark all pages.

  • Images will be added automatically when you insert an URL (or an attachment) to an image.
  • Write the WikiName ALWAYS in singular. Otherwise several pages to one topic will be created!

  • The use of a Category helps to organize the information.

  • By setting a bookmark on RecentChanges you can see easily what has changed since your last visit.

  • Email-addresses and avoiding Spam: <<MailTo(Firstname DOT Lastname AT example DOT net)>>.

  • A WikiName is a word composed from one or several words beginning with an upper case character.

  • WantedPages shows WikiNames where currently no page exists.

  • Set in the browser or in the UserPreferences the language to "English" when the Wiki menus and Help will be in English!

  • In your UserPreferences you can define your own CSS (any URL) in case the default one is not OK for you.

  • In UserPreferences you can set the size of the editor window.

  • In the Wiki do not use http-URLs, but WikiNames.

  • Do not create very small pages for sub topics in case you can describe it sufficiently on a fitting and existing page.
  • Click on the page title: You will get a list of all pages that are linked to it via their WikiName.

  • You can use Umlauts (öäüÖÄÜ) on Wiki pages and in the page name.
  • You can set other pages than the FrontPage as your personal start page, e.g. RecentChanges or your own homepage.

  • With ! you can avoid that a following WikiName will become a link if you don't want that.

  • With attachment:myfile.txt you can create a link to an attachment (and use the link to upload the attachment).

  • With "Patikrinti rašybą" you can initiate a spellcheck. Important: Only add unknown words when you are 100% sure that they are spelled correctly.

  • With "Įtraukti nuorodą" you can add the current page to your list of quick links.

  • With "Informacija" you can look at the revision history of the current page.

  • With "Užsiprenumeruoti" you can be informed about changes on the current page via Email.

  • "@SIG@ yazarak bir yazıyı imzalayabilirsiniz. (Önizleme de görünmez)

  • With CategoryCategory you get an overview of the available categories.

  • Be brave and add content to the Wiki - you can't destroy something, because from all pages a backup is automatically created!
  • OrphanedPages shows pages which are not referenced by a WikiName from any page.

  • Simply add a web address (http://www.example.net). The Wiki will create automatically a link that you can click.

  • Wikis are great - especially when you have read the help pages (see HelpContents). ;-)

  • Hint: you can search for multiple words, just like Google. See also HelpOnSearching.

  • Edit the FortuneCookies page to display randomly selected wisdom on a page where the <<RandomQuote()>> macro is included.